G R O U P (3)

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Summer's POV:
I woke up screaming at the top of my lungs. Riley quickly moved away from me. She stared at me like I was from another planet. I couldn't calm down. Phillip appeared in the corner. I gasped and his blood covered the floor. I began hysterically screaming. I didn't know what to do. I sung Freddy's nursery rhyme.

One two, Freddy's coming for you
Three four, better lock your door
Five six, grab your crucifix
Seven eight, gonna stay up late
Nine ten....

"Never sleep again." Nancy said from the doorway. Neil and Max held me down on my bed and she walked into the room.

I whimpered and she stood in front of me. "Where did you hear that song?" She asked. I sniffled and said "in my dreams. He was over there." "Freddy?" She said. I shook my head and said "no. Phillip was." Nancy frowned and quickly hugged me. I clung to her and Neil said "Riley why don't we go in here." He led her out of the room and Max said "you got her?" Nancy nodded and said "she's fine." Max walked out and Nancy said "you dream about Freddy?" I nodded and said "we all do. Ask anyone." "You saw Phillip? He was bleeding?" She asked. I looked at her and said "how do you know that?" "Because I saw my best friend Tina the same way. She haunted my dreams. She was always in a body bag. Is Phillip in a body bag?" Nancy asked me, trying to calm me down a little. I shook my head quickly and said "no. He was just himself. His veins...." I couldn't finish because I was so freaked out. Nancy said "I'm going to have you all come to group today. And we'll talk about your dreams. Do you think that'll help any of you?" "It'll prove that someone might be able to help us. We also think nobody believes us." I said. "I believe you." Nancy replied. She ushered me out of the room and told Neil to have everyone come to group. Everyone piled in and Nancy said "I assume you all heard about Jennifer." Kincaid huffed and said "why are we here?" "Because I know about Freddy." Nancy replied. Everyone in the room got tense and Joey shrugged at her. "How do I know?" She asked. Joey nodded and Nancy sighed. "I went through what you guys are going through six years ago. It was horrible. He killed my best friend, her boyfriend and my boyfriend. I defeated him and he went away. Well from me I guess." She said. "Who is he?" I asked. Justin put his arm around me and I half smiled at him. "His name is Fred Kruger. He had killed 20 kids. He was taken to court and not charged with murder. All the parents; not satisfied with the court, chased him into a building and burned him alive. And no one ever knew about it. Except the parents who did it." Nancy said. Will furrowed his eyebrows and said "my parents never mentioned that." "Oh that's the kind of thing parents tell their kids. Goodnight darlings, say your prayers, oh and by the way your father and I torched some maniac last night." Taryn said sarcastically. Will rolled his eyes and Gunner said "why is he after us?" "Yeah. What did we do?" Taryn asked. Nancy shook her head and said "it's not you. It's our parents fault. We're paying for their sins." Sonya shuddered and J.D said "so you're telling me, that my father and mother burned some dude?" Nancy nodded and J.D smirked. "That's the coolest thing they've ever done!" He said while clapping his hands. Octavia rolled her eyes at him and Alex said "great. I have another thing to thank my father for." Nova said "so that's why Freddy killed everyone." "Everyone?" Nancy asked. Nova sighed and said "he killed all of our friends. Justin, Summer and I. He killed my boyfriend and everyone we hung out with." Nancy said "I'm sorry. I know what loss you had to go through. And it looks like you're going through it again." I tried to push her words into the back of my head. I didn't want to think of Phillip being dead. I hated it. I hated that I had to watch him die and that I was completely helpless. Nancy said "you all can go outside. Clear your heads. It'll make you feel better." We all stood up and went outside. The air felt nice. And Nancy was right. Being outside did clear your head. Once we were moved back inside it was time for us to go to sleep. Something I wasn't ready to do.

Nova's POV:
The hospital was quiet. Except for this booming music. It was a Porter Robinson song. I knew that. I couldn't tell which one though. I wandered out of my room and down the hall. Lisa wasn't at her desk yet. She wouldn't even know I was gone. Since she isn't there. I went through a set of double doors and the song got louder. But as I tried to open each door, they were all locked. I sighed knowing I wouldn't be finding out where the music was coming from. Sea of Voices. I loved that song. I saw a small space at the end of the hall. I stuck my head inside and the music was a lot louder. I crawled through and I reached shag carpeting. "What?" I said. There were neon lights strung around the room and I gasped softly. Another crawl space went to another room. I crawled over to it and crawled inside. I saw Gunner playing music inside. He looked over and saw me. He nearly jumped in the air. He shut everything down and pinned me against the wall. "How'd you get in here?" He asked. "There was a crawl space." I said. "Why are you here?" He said. "I heard Sea of Voices. I wanted to see where it was coming from. I had no clue you'd be the one playing it." I replied. Gunner let go of my arms and said "you really like the music huh?" I nodded and said "yeah. And that's a really cool set up you have in there." Gunner chuckled and said "thanks." "You're welcome." I replied. He walked back over to his large table which had all his DJing gear on it. He pushed a button and Sea of Voices began playing again. He crawled through the crawl space and I followed. He sat down on the shag carpeting and he said "we're both apart of that huh?" He pointed to a neon sign on the wall and I laughed.

"Yeah I guess we are." I said. "How long has it been since you slept really good?" He asked. I thought about it and said "I don't know. Two weeks maybe? How about you?" He sighed and said "two months." I gasped and he said "what?" "You haven't slept in two months? How do you do it?" I asked him. Gunner shrugged and said "I just don't sleep. Well I do. But it'll be like for an hour. Or two. If I'm lucky I'll get three. But most of the time I'm in here. Staring at these signs. Playing music. Trying to be happy. Phillip used to keep me company. Now he's gone. I'll be alone again." "I can always come and visit you. At night. So you're not alone." I said to him. Gunner looked at me and said "you'd do that?" I nodded and he chuckled. "Wow. That means a lot." He said. I smiled and said "of course. You said you had two friends. Phillip was one. Who's the other? If you don't mind me asking." Gunner said "no I don't mind. It's you. You're my other friend. You helped me when Elizabeth gave me my treatment and you're still sitting in here. You haven't left because I creep you out." "You're not creepy. If anyone is creepy it's J.D." He laughed softly and said "that's kinda funny." "Well if you ever need company you can just text me and I'll be here." I said. He was staring at the ground. He looked at me and gave me a smile. I smiled back while patting his back.

"I'm glad we're friends. Cause I think I'd go crazy if I didn't have anyone else." Gunner said. "Really?" I asked. He nodded and didn't say anything. "How'd you get all this stuff? The signs. The carpet. The lights. How'd you get it all?" I asked him. He said "its a funny story. I've gotten out of the hospital a few times. And uh I bring stuff back. Now mind you, these were all the times they didn't catch me. I've been caught plenty of times. Lisa usually lies and tells them I'm here when really I'm out stealing. She's the only other person who knows about this. And I think Summer knows because Phillip brought her here. I could see the way he looked at her. He liked her but she's with Justin. And he's always liked Jennifer but I could see how he looked at her. And how he talked to her. He really liked her. And I see the way Joey looks at her. He likes her. Joey's weakness is beautiful girls or beautiful women. It's a known fact. That gets him into trouble." "Summer's beautiful. She's my best friend and I had no clue that two guys were crushing on her. Lisa lies for you?" I asked him. He nodded and said "all the time. She'll lie for anyone." "That's crazy." I replied. I looked up at one of the signs and I saw Gunner staring at me in my peripheral. I tried to not pay attention to it but it made my heart race. Porter Robinson was staring at me. He looked at the sign I was looking at and he said "that's how I feel. Insane."

"You don't feel sane?" I said. He shook his head and said "no. I feel crazy. I feel alone. I feel like I'm going to die. And my brother would be alone." "How old is your brother?" I asked. Gunner chuckled and said "he's 22." "Gunner-" I began but he interrupted me. "Porter." He said. I sighed and said "Porter, don't feel alone. It's a horrible feeling. I'm here for you." He turned to me and he scooted closer to me. "Really?" He asked. I nodded and I moved closer to him. Our lips were inches away from one another. He leaned in and kissed my lips. Our lips moved in sync and he pulled away. He turned away from me and I said "what is it?" "Nothing. It's just....." He didn't finish. "What's wrong?" I asked him, trying to get him to give me an answer. "I kissed you and I've only known you for a few days. Why would I do that?" "We both needed that. We're desperate for some type of affection." I replied. Porter had a tear go down his cheek and he said "I like you." My heart began beating super fast. "You like me?" I asked. Porter nodded and wiped his tear. "I haven't loved a girl in a long time and I really like you. But if you don't feel the same way.....it won't hurt my feelings." "Porter.....I like you too."

Lmao Kass get rekt😂😂😂 enjoy this lovely chapter of feels. Sorry not sorry. Hope y'all liked this lmao kw-2187

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