G R O U P (4)

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Summer's POV:
We all just had a great time. It was amazing. And then Freddy killed Riley. He took advantage of our party. Lisa said that Maddox carried her into the hall, before passing out. We all sat in group once again. Lisa didn't tell Neil about the party. Nobody did. "Anybody wanna tell me what went down last night?" Neil asked. J.D stiffened and Sonya looked down. Joey pulled his knees to his chest and Kristen said "can we talk to Nancy? Please?" Nancy looked up and said "Neil can't leave guys." "Then we tell him." Alex said. Greta shook her head and Octavia said "can we trust him?" Violet huffed and Nova said "we have to talk about it. We don't even know how she died." "How'd she die?" Gunner asked. Everyone snapped their head in his direction. He hadn't said anything to anyone in a while. Almost a whole week. He only talks to Nova. Neil sighed and said "she suffocated. Her airways were blocked by something. Nobody can figure out what did it." Nancy looked down and Neil said "now am I gonna find out what went down last or what?" Bellamy sat up and said "we threw a party. Maddox was very adamant about having this party. He wanted to do the day after Phillip died, but Summer said no. We all needed to grieve. Then Jennifer died. So we pushed it. And our parents came and you kept sending us outside. Which is nice, we all enjoy being in the fresh air. And then he kept asking. So everyone got fed up with it. Summer and Nova asked Gunner if he had the key to the pool. He did. Phillip had taken it days ago. Lisa let us in there. She gave us the alcohol. She said that we deserve to have fun and that you're pumping us with medication. Nobody can think like that. But it's not Lisa's fault. She cares about us and wanted us to have a good time. After the party, everyone went back to their rooms. Mostly everyone. Riley went to Maddox's room and stayed there. Which caused me to leave and stay in my sister's room. I slept on the floor. Next thing you know, Maddox comes out of his room holding her. She was dead. And nobody saw it but him. He saw Freddy kill her himself. So if you want to know what really happened ask him. Don't blame Lisa. Don't blame Maddox because we all partied last night. Not all of us got drunk but we all wanted to have a good time. So don't take it out on Lisa or us. We don't deserve it. We just need some help." Nancy sighed and said "thanks for explaining. I'm going to help you all. I've already told you. I've dealt with Freddy before. I can help you. He's not that hard to beat. Summer, you should know that." I looked at her and said "what's that supposed to mean?" "You defeated him right? You're friends were incapacitated or in shock. You're the one who sent him back to hell yes?" Nancy asked me. I didn't know what to say. Nova said "Justin was hurt. Look at his chest. He has the scars. And me, my boyfriend had just been killed in front of me. My ex. I loved him so much and Freddy used one of the thing he loved most against him. Guns. Freddy Kruger shot my ex in the neck with a sniper rifle. Just like Freddy used Phillips marionettes against him and Jennifer's love for tv against her. Don't say that we didn't help her. Because we wanted too. Summer could've given up and we wouldn't even be here right now." Gunner patted Nova's shoulder and she sighed. "Thank you Bellamy for that vivid explanation." Neil said. The dark haired boy looked up from the ground and didn't say anything. He just stared.

Octavia said "do we have to sit here and talk about this? You know what went down." "Who has the power to pull people in their dreams? Raise your hand." Nancy said. Kristen and I raised our hands. She looked at me and I looked at her, both of us shocked that someone could do it. "Summer who have you pulled in your dreams?" Nancy asked as she got out a notebook. "Justin." I replied. Nancy said "and why do you pull him in your dreams?" "Because he's my boyfriend. I love him and I know he'll protect me. I hate doing it because of the pain it causes him." I said. Nancy said "it causes Justin pain? What kind of pain?" "Migraines." Justin answered. Nancy looked at him and said "anything else? Nausea? Dizziness? Anything at all?" Justin shook his head and said "nothing." "Well Kristen pulled me into her dream last night and Freddy almost devoured her. So that's probably when he went after Riley." Nancy said. "Where's Maddox?" Sonya asked. "Maddox has been sedated. The pain of Riley's death is too much for him right now. He'll be back with you all soon." Neil replied. Elizabeth came into the room and everyone looked at her. We hadn't seen her since Phillip's death. "Hello Elizabeth." Neil said. She sighed and looked at us all. "I want you all to shower. It's already 7:00 and you've all had dinner. So please shower. This group is over." She said and walked out of the room and everyone began piling out. Nancy said "we'll have another group tomorrow." Groans came from everyone's mouthes and Nancy looked at Neil and said "I want to prescribe hypnocil. It's a drug that keeps the kids from dreaming. It suppresses the dreams. Could you try to get it in please?" Neil nodded and said "I'll have to go behind Elizabeth's back but I'll do it. Will it save the kids?" "It'll give us a chance to save them, yes." Nancy replied. Neil nodded and Justin took my hand and we walked out. Everyone grabbed their stuff and headed to the showers. Since I was alone in my room I sighed. I waited for the other girls to be finished. Once I saw half of them had finished I headed to the showers. I met Justin at the hallway. "Hey." He said. I half smiled and said "hey." He looked in the guys bathroom and said "wanna shower with me? There's no one in here." I looked at the girls bathroom which had females in it. "Yeah I'll come with you." I said. He nodded and we walked into the bathroom. He turned on the shower which had cold water coming out of it. I shoved him under it and he got wet. He rolled his eyes and began to peel his shirt off. "Your turn." He said. I shook my head and said "that water is freezing." "Come on!" He said as he tried to pull me under. I giggled and said "no!"

I saw steam rise from the water and I put my towel on the rack and stepped under. I pulled the curtain and I heard Justin's undressing. "You gonna let me in?" He asked. "Come on." I replied. I had already began washing my hair and he stepped under the shower head. "Do you have that coconut stuff? It smells really good on you." He said as he grabbed some soap. I nodded and said "I was lucky they let me take it. It's to keep my hair from getting frizzy." He smiled and said "I love it on you." I rolled my eyes and rinsed the shampoo out of my hair. Justin did the same and he stepped towards me. "What're you doing?" I asked as my back hit the shower wall. His finger trailed down my body, making goosebumps arise on my skin. I looked into his eyes and he kissed me passionately. Our lips moved in sync and I felt his member poking the inside of my thigh. His lips attacked my neck, leaving hickeys all over. Justin spread my legs a little and I inhaled sharply. "We won't if you don't want too." Justin said. I looked up at him and said "I want too. You'll be my first." Justin nodded and said "I wanted to be your first." "We don't have a condom." I whispered, slightly nervous. Justin shook his head and said "I don't want to be with anyone else but you." "Really?" I asked him. He nodded and brushed a piece of wet hair out of my face. I bit my lip as he positioned himself at my entrance. "Ready?" He asked. I nodded quickly and I felt his member inside me. I took a deep breath and adjusted to the pain. Justin began to thrust slowly and I felt pain but the pleasure subsided it. Justin was going at a normal pace. Moans escaped our lips and the feeling felt amazing. Justin's face was buried into the crook of my neck, he wrapped my leg around his waist so he could get better access. Now that he did that, he was hitting my weak spot. I moaned out in pleasure and I could feel myself getting close. Justin's thrusts began to get sloppy and he groaned. I felt my walls tighten and I came. Moans left my mouth and Justin came directly after me. Profanities and my name slipped from his mouth, his fingernails dug into my sides. The both of us panted and quickly finished up in the shower. He came back to my room with me. We laid down on my bed. "Was it good?" He asked. I nodded and quickly blushed. "Yes it was." I replied. Justin smirked and said "you were fucking amazing." I shoved him and he laughed. He pulled me on his chest and I buried my face into the crook of his neck. "I love you." He said while smiling.

"I love you too." I replied. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. I'd go crazy if I didn't have Justin.

Yes that smut sucked. I'll make up for it in another chapter. I'm sorry that was such trash. It wasn't supposed to be just them having sex, it's vital to the story lmao. I apologize for my shitty writing. I'll have another update up soon and it'll be better. I promise.

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