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Summer's POV:
There was a lot of talk about the drugs they gave us last week. It was the wrong one. And Maddox passed away. He died in his sleep. Nobody knows how or why. But Freddy obviously killed him, which meant Freddy was continuing to target us. There's no way he could get all of us. Right? We all have a certain dream power, so we can fight him. But he's basically indestructible; in the dream world. Nancy and Neil called all of us down to group. "As you all know Maddox passed away, I'd like to try something with you all. It's group hypnosis. We'll all stare at the pendulum here and fall asleep." Neil said. Taryn furrowed her eyebrows and said "how can we do that?" Nancy said "Kristen and Summer are the key. They have the ability to pull people into their dreams. They'll get us to the dream world. Take us there guys." I looked at Kristen who nodded towards me. Neil began to move the pendulum.

"Everyone focus on the pendulum. Watch the movements. Clear your heads. Relax. Starting with your toes, relax everything. All that matters, is the pendulum. When I countdown and get to one we'll be in the dream world.






As Neil was talking I looked across the room at everyone. Gunner looked exhausted. Joey's head hung low as he fell asleep. Kincaid has his head leaned back and Taryn had her head propped up by her elbow. Before I knew it sleep took over me. Everyone began to stir and I realized we were still in group. I frowned and Kristen said "sorry." "It's fine. We'll try again." Nancy said. Neil sighed and said "everybody take five." I stood up and stretched and Justin ran a hand through his hair. Joey walked over to the water machine and grabbed some water. It was a few minutes of silence and Neil said "I don't get how we didn't get there. We did it right." "We'll just try again. It's fine." Nancy said. Neil played the pendulum and the balls began floating around the room. Neil said "what?" "Were in the dream." Kristen said as she stared up at the balls. Neil shook his head and said "well no we're not. We're still here in group." Will stood up out of his wheelchair and said "in my dreams, I can walk." Octavia stared at him with her mouth agape and Will said "in my dreams. I am the wizard master." He grabbed one of the balls and turned them into a butterfly. Nancy smiled as the butterfly flew around the room.

I giggled and Nancy looked at Kristen and said "Kristen what can you do in your dreams?" Kirsten moved two chairs out of the way and she began doing flips and somersaults. Nancy cheered and Neil watched in amazement. Will imitated a crowd and Kincaid grabbed a chair and began bending the legs in different directions. He was strong in the dream world. Neil winced at the screeching noise and said "Kincaid please. That's bed unnerving." Kincaid looked up from the chair and said "hey! Check out Taryn." Everyone looked at the dark haired girl, who's hair was a Mohawk and she said "in my dreams I'm beautiful. And bad!"

She had two switchblades in her hands and Kincaid stared at her. She caught him a small blush was on her face. Her outfit was entirely made out of leather and Nancy said "Summer what can you do?" I smiled and held my hand out in front of me, crushing a chair. Justin's eyes widened and Nova clapped for me. Violet wielded fire in her hands and J.D held a gun.

Sonya had ice shoot out of her hands and she gasped. J.D smirked at her and she was in disbelief. Octavia's hair changed and she looked like a warrior. I'm sure her fighting skills were amazing here in the dream world.

Bellamy watched Violet wield fire in her hands. Greta didn't have power sadly, neither did Alex. Justin was strong like Kincaid and Nova acquired Klaus' powers. Bellamy was able to use guns as well. Everyone was using their powers and having a good time. I realized someone was missing. Joey. "Guys! Where's Joey?" I asked. Kristen looked around and Neil said "where'd he go?" I walked out of the room and walked down the hall. "Joey!" I called. I sighed and began looking through windows in the rooms. I looked through one and saw him making out with a nurse. "What?" I asked. All of a sudden their tongues became one. I covered my mouth and she had tied him to the bed. With four tongues.

I went to grab the door handle and it caught on fire. I held my hand out in front of me and began to crush the door. "Summer!" Justin said. I walked into the room and the nurse laughed as Joey stared at her in shock. She turned into Freddy and he said "what's wrong, Joey? Feeling tongue tied?" Joey looked at him with his mouth open in disbelief. The mattress that Joey laid on fell, into a pit with fire at the bottom. I went to use my powers on Freddy and he swung at me. I quickly dodged him and I turned around and he had disappeared. I took this chance. I went to walk over to the bed to get Joey and there was force field. "What?" I said. I pressed my hand against it and Joey panted. "Shit." I said. Justin ran in and said "save him and let's go!" "I can't. Freddy blocked me. I have to find a way!" I said as I tried to use my powers on it. Freddy's laughter echoed and I banged on the force field. "Joey." I said. Joey looked at me and tried to get free. Justin picked me up and said "we gotta go!" "No! I have to save Joey!" I said as I thrashed in his arms. Joey tried to scream but nothing came out. "Joey!" I screamed as Justin pulled me out of the room. Joey was now going to be trapped in the dream world. And there was nothing I could do about it.

Justin and I made back into the room with everyone else. The walls began to move toward us and we couldn't stop the walls. The room was catching on fire and everyone was screaming. "Stop the walls!" Alex said. I tried to use my powers but it did no good. We all got in a circle in the middle of the room. "This isn't real!" Kirsten screamed. The door handle began jiggling and Neil said "the door!" Then we were back in the real world. I sat up and gasped. Joey laid on the floor and I got down onto the floor. "Joey?" I asked. He laid unconscious. I shook him and said "Joey. Wake up." Justin store and Kristen gasped. Elizabeth walked into the room and said "what's he doing on the floor?" I looked up at her and she knelt down. "Joey?" She asked as she shook him. I panted and Elizabeth said "code blue." Neil stood up and said "oh my god." I shuddered and said "what's code blue?" "He's in a coma." Elizabeth replied. I gasped and covered my mouth. Justin hugged me and they took Joey out of the room. Nova said "is he gonna be ok?" Gunner shook his head and said "Joey looks dead. Why does he look like that?" I said "I couldn't save him." Justin rubbed my back and said "that's not your fault." "Freddy set us up. That was his whole plan. I should've been watching him." I replied. Nancy sighed and said "Summer, there was nothing you could've done." I huffed and walked out of the room, Nova hot on my tail behind me. Tears blurred my vision and Nova grabbed me. I stopped and she said "I'm here." She hugged me and I broke down. "I could've saved him." I sobbed. Nova rubbed my back and Kincaid said "Summer, we'll save him." I sniffled and said "you think so?" "I know so." Gunner said as he half smiled.

"Thanks guys. It means a lot." I said. Justin walked over and said "we'll help you. But you couldn't save him then. He would've killed you. And I can't lose you Summer." My heart fluttered and I said "do you mean that?" "With all my heart." Justin replied. I stood up and kissed him passionately. Today turned out bad. What would tomorrow bring?

I should have an update up later today! This book is about to get crazy! And then onto the third and final book in this series😫

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