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Summer's POV:
We came back inside from the fall weather and it was a lot warmer. As night drew closer I was slightly afraid of sleeping. "I don't want to sleep Justin." I said to him. He kissed the top of my head and said "I'm here ok. And if you get scared just come and find me ok? Pull me into your dream." He whispered the last part. "Girls! Time to shower." Elizabeth said. Riley grabbed a towel and her change of clothes and headed to the bathroom. Elizabeth began going to each door and notifying everyone that we had to shower. I sighed since I didn't want to shower with other females but I grabbed my things and followed everyone else. The boys' bathroom was at the end of the hall and ours was at the beginning of it. Sonya stood next to me and she sighed, brushing her orange hair out of her face. "You ok?" I asked her. She nodded and said "yeah. Thanks." "You know....whenever I get nervous I talk to someone. And you could talk to me. We need to be here for one another. Us against the adults." I said to her. Sonya smiled at that and she said "that's true. J.D apologized to me today. He never does that to anyone. He constantly picks on me about my anxiety. It really bothers me that he could do such a thing. But then he apologized. He would never apologize to Gunner. Or to Octavia." "Maybe he likes you." I said with a shrug. Sonya scoffed and said "no. No way. He's nuts."

She looked at me with a 'are you serious' look. "You never know Sonya. Maybe something will happen between you." I said. Riley turned around and said "did I hear what I think I just heard?" "It's a thought." I said. Sonya rolled her eyes and said "he doesn't like me. I'm too jumpy or something." "You're beautiful Sonya." Riley said. Sonya smiled and said "thanks. But what about you and Maddox?" Riley shrugged and said "nothing yet. We're just friends." "No way. He hugs all over you. He practically draped his arm over you earlier." I said to her. She giggled and said "I think he's cute. But there's nothing between us. Yet." A smirk formed on her lip and she giggled. She walked in ahead of Sonya and I, going to a shower. I picked a shower that was far away from everyone and Nova did the same. "So what's up?" She said. "Nothing much. Just wondering on how people survive in this place." I replied. Nova rinsed her hair and said "maybe all the boys keep the girls alive. They're not all ugly you know." "Yeah but I'm with Justin. And I'm not attracted to any of these other guys." I said to her. Nova said "Gunner is really cute. Actually he's hot." I laughed at her comment and I said "yeah I'll agree with you there." "What about Phillip?" Nova asked me. I wiped my eyes and said "what about him?" "I think he likes you." She replied. I rolled my eyes and said "no. I've seen the way he looks at Jennifer." Nova shrugged and I finished in the shower, quickly getting dressed. Most of the girls had gone. It was Riley, Nova, Sonya, Greta and I in the bathroom. Maddox walked into the doorway of the guy's bathroom and we were all dressed thank god. Their bathroom was across from ours. He looked at Riley and she smiled at him. He leaned over to Alex and said something in his ear. Alex said something back to him and Maddox began to laugh. Greta said "what're they talking about?" Riley said "me hopefully." Nova rolled her eyes and J.D pushed them out of his way. He blew smoke out of his mouth and looked at Sonya. J.D half smiled at her and walked back to his room. Sonya grabbed her phone and walked out of the room. Riley looked Maddox up and down. He was currently shirtless and Alex was saying something to him. Greta slipped her sweater on and went to walk out of the bathroom when Alex did at the same time. "Hi Alex." She said. "Hey Greta." Alex said as he walked away from her, not stopping to even look at her. Greta sighed and headed back to her room. Riley and Maddox flirted in the doorways of the bathrooms and Nova said "ask him out." Riley shook her head and said "no way. He'd never go out with me." Maddox stared at her while he put his shirt on and Justin stood next to him. My lips curled into a smile as my boyfriend came into view.

Gunner was in a long sleeve shirt with no beanie on his head. "Move." He said to Maddox. Maddox turned around and didn't move. Gunner looked down and Nova stood next to me. "Move." Gunner said a little bit louder this time. Justin moved out of his way and Gunner huffed and quickly walked back to his room. Nova said "I'll see you tomorrow." I nodded and she walked away. Justin's hair was slightly wet and I smiled at him. He looked me up and down and a smirk was plastered on his lips. He grabbed his sweatshirt and went to pull it over his head. He quickly looked at me again and smirked to himself.

Riley and Maddox walked away, talking about something. I wasn't listening. Justin walked out of the bathroom and I met him in the hallway. He pressed his forehead to mine and said "I don't wanna leave you." I closed my eyes and said "me neither." We stood in the hallway for a few minutes, not wanting to leave one another. He pressed his lips to mine and kissed me passionately. I pulled away and our foreheads were resting on one another again. "Pull me into your dream." He said. I looked at him and said "are you sure you want me to do that?" Justin nodded and said "only if you get scared." I hadn't pulled Justin into many of my dreams. Only about two and it was accidental. The first time was when I first dreamt about Freddy, once we had destroyed him.

I was back in the same boiler room. "No." I whispered. I heard Freddy scraping his claw against the walls and I immediately got nervous. All I wanted was for Justin to be here with me. And that's exactly what happened. Justin appeared next to me and he panted. "Ow." He said while holding his head. "Justin?" I asked. "Where are we? Why am I here?" He said. I ran my fingers through my hair and said "holy shit." "What is it?" Justin asked. I shuddered and said "I pulled you in." "Into what?" He said, slightly freaking out. "My dream."

Flashback over:
I said "make sure you sleep ok." Justin nodded and said "I will. You look super cute." He rolled his eyes as I played with his curls. "You look hot." He replied with a smirk. I pushed him playfully and began to walk away. I turned around to look at him and he licked his lips as he watched me walk away.

He followed me and he wrapped his arm around me. I leaned into his touch while giggling. Elizabeth came around the corner and said "both of you go to your rooms. Now." "We're going." Justin said to her. She eyed him and he shielded me from her as we walked away. Lisa sat at her desk and we reached our hallway. "I'll see you tomorrow?" He asked me. I nodded and said "yes. Of course." He walked into his room and I walked down the hall to mine. Riley was fixing her hair that was currently drying. I closed the door behind me and said "it's up to Phillip to get the keys." Riley nodded and said "he'll get them." I sat down on my bed and said "I hope so."


Phillip's POV:
I woke up as I accidentally ran into a wall. "Fuck." I muttered under my breath. I looked around and saw that I was in my usual place. The end of the bathroom hall. The key office was a floor below. I pretended to sleep walk and walked to where Lisa was. "Oh Phillip." She said as she pushed me out of the room and through the double doors. When she sat back down I made my way to the stairs. I walked to the floor below and most of it was empty. It was very dark too. I walked into the key office and saw tons of them. I knew what they looked like and I quickly grabbed them. I shoved them in the pocket of my shorts and quickly made my way upstairs. I went through the crawl space and Gunner was inside, not playing music. He was staring up at the ceiling and I said "Gunner." He blinked a few times and looked over. "Phillip? Why are you here?" He asked me. I sighed and said "can I keep something here?" He turned to me and said "what is it?" I pulled the keys out of my pocket and said "these." "What do they go to?" He said. "The pool keys. Maddox wants to use the pool one night. And we need to keep them somewhere where Neil or Elizabeth won't find them." I replied. Gunner said "what about Nancy?" "What about her?" I asked. "You didn't say her name." He said. I rolled my eyes and said "she doesn't try to spoil our fun. I think she's actually trying to help us." Gunner looked back up at the ceiling and said "nobody can help us. He'll kill us all." I grabbed him by his shirt and said "don't say that! He can't kill us all!" Gunner looked at me in shock and he laughed a little bit. "What's up with you?" I asked him. "I'm myself." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and he removed my hands from his shirt. "Porter...." He said while smirking slightly. "That's your real name? Your actual name?" I asked. "Yes. Gunner is an alias. My second personality. Because of him." He replied. I didn't know what to do. There was a little bit of craziness in his eyes. Maybe I shouldn't of mentioned Freddy. "Porter?" I asked. He pushed his hair out of his face and said "yeah?" "Will you hide these in here?" He took the keys from me and hid them in a chest on the far side of the room. "They're safe." He said while admiring one of his new signs on the wall.

"Porter." I said. "Who's Porter?" He asked. "Gunner?" I questioned. "What?" He said with an annoyed tone. I sighed and said "you'll remember the keys are here?" "Yep. I won't tell anyone." He said. "I'm going to tell Summer. She'll be the only one to know. Ok?" I said. Gunner nodded and said "I just told you I won't tell anyone. And Summer knows about Freddy?" I nodded and he said "so that means Justin and Nova must know about him too. Right?" I shrugged and said "I don't know. Probably. Why don't you just ask Nova?" Gunner scoffed and pointed to the 'fuck off' sign.

"So you like Nova?" I asked. "I'm not saying anything." He replied. "Well you're not the only one who has a crush. I like Jennifer." I said. Gunner huffed and said "I don't like anybody. Don't accuse me of liking someone. It's not true. I think she's really pretty. But I don't like her." "Yet." I said. Gunner rolled his eyes and said "get the fuck out you're keys are safe." I crawled over to the crawl space and said "thanks Gunner." He nodded and I noticed another new sign. "When'd you get that?" I asked him. He looked over at it and said "last night. I snuck out and grabbed it. I don't know how I got out but I did. And I find all this stuff that people just throw away. So I take it. And now it's here where it'll be admired." The sign lit up in two different colors and Gunner laid on his back against the shag carpeting inside.

I stood up and closed the crawl space hole. I "sleepwalked" back towards my room and sat down on my bed. "Did you have a nice stroll?" Kincaid asked me. I huffed and he said "sounds like you did. Since I'm awake." "I'm so sorry that you got woken up by my presence." I replied. Kincaid said "fuck off and go to bed." "I'm going to. Don't worry." I replied while facing the opposite direction. "Please no nightmares tonight." I whispered.

Here's the update! Stuff is getting ready to go down soon! I know it's kind of boring rn but it'll get better. I promise!!

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