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Summer's POV:
We were all put outside for recreational purposes. It was chilly and frankly nobody wanted to be out there. Well except Octavia. She liked it a lot and I guess it helped her clear her mind. I sat under a tree next to Justin. He sighed and I said "it's too cold out here." Justin handed me his sweater and I took it, putting it on quickly. Nova walked outside and sat down next to us. "Where'd you go?" I asked her. Nova said "I was following Gunner." "Why?" Justin asked. Nova said "dude he looks and sounds just like Porter Robinson." "So you caught on." I said. Nova said "you knew?" "I knew when I first saw him yesterday. He looks a lot like him. I haven't heard him talk much though." I replied. Justin said "y'all need to stay out of people's lives." Alex said "you guys talking about Gunner?" I nodded and Justin rolled his eyes. "What if he hears us?" He asked. Alex pointed to Gunner who had headphones on, music blasting from them. Joey walked over and sat down next to me. "Hi Joey." I said. He smiled and Justin stared at him. "I can't take this place." Justin said. I nudged him and said "we haven't even been here that long. Plus at least there's some nice kids here." "Not him." Justin said while pointing at J.D. My eyes adverted to J.D who smirked. "I'm not mean by the way. I'm crazy remember?" J.D said. Sonya looked up and said "nobody cares." She began to walk away but J.D opened up his mouth. "Actually they did since they were talking about me. Aren't you super nervous all the time?" Sonya turned around and said "stupid. It's called anxiety. Why don't you go research something for once in your life?"

Octavia looked over and Riley said "break it up. If they see us fighting you know what'll happen." "What? They can't throw us all in the quiet room." Kincaid said. Kristen stepped in and said "fight. See if they won't do something to all of us." J.D said "sorry Sonya." He walked away towards the far end of the compound. Riley said "woah." "What?" Justin asked. Joey looked up at Sonya who was in shock. "He never apologizes. Ever." Phillip said. Everyone's eyes adverted towards him and Joey shrugged. "Joey thinks J.D might change his ways. Maybe become a little nicer." Jennifer said. Sonya huffed and said "that'll never happen." She walked away and Riley sighed, sitting down with out group. Alex rolled his eyes and Riley ignored him. Phillip trudged away along with Kincaid. Kristen sat a few feet away from us in the grass and Octavia made her way over to us. "Hi." She said. Joey waved at her and she waved back. Alex said "what brings you over for social interaction?" "I just wanted to talk to people. It's not healthy not to talk to anyone." Octavia said. Justin said "well you're welcome to sit here." "It's perfect out today isn't it?" Riley asked earning a wtf look from Justin. "No. It's cold as shit." He replied.

Maddox walked over and sat down next to Riley, putting his arm around her. She leaned into him and Alex said "are you guys a thing?" "No. But she's been my best friend since I got put in here." Maddox replied. Alex nodded while looking down. Joey picked at the blades of grass we were sitting on and Nova said "why is he always alone?" "Who?" Jennifer asked. "Gunner." She said. Octavia said "he always wants to be alone. When someone gives him the slightest attention or says something to him he immediately stops the conversation." "Really?" Nova asked. Octavia nodded and said "I tried being friends with him because everyone needs a friend. Turns out we both don't have any." "We'll be your friends Octavia." I said to her. Justin nodded in agreement and Octavia smiled really big. "Wow. That means a lot." She said.

Nova said "well you can't get through life without a friend." Octavia nodded and Greta sat next to her. "It seems nicer over here." She said. "Well we all need to be here for each other." I said to her. Greta nodded with a smile and Alex stared at the ground. "You ok Alex?" Greta asked him. His eyes darted to her face and he said "yeah. I'm good." She nodded and Justin said "how much longer do we have to stay out here?" "Until they want us inside. Most of the time we have to stay out here for two hours. Just because they don't want us in there." Maddox said. I sighed and said "that's ridiculous." "Fresh air is good for us though." Greta replied. "This is bullshit. It's freezing." Justin said angrily. Nova said "there's nothing to do inside. We might as well stay out here." Riley nodded in agreement and Maddox said "we need to steal the keys to the pool. It's heated and we should all use it one night." Justin smirked and said "let's do it." "We'll need someone to get the keys. Someone who can be easily undetected." Maddox said. Riley looked around and said "Phillip. He sleepwalks and he could totally fake it." "Someone needs to ask him." Greta said. Everyone instantly looked down and Justin said "Summer go ask him. He seems to like you." I huffed and stood up, pulling Justin's sweater over my hands making sweater paws. "Phillip?" I asked him as I approached him. He looked up and said "what's up?" "You know how you sleepwalk and stuff?" I said. Phillip shrugged and said "what about it?" "Well could you steal the keys to the pool? Maddox wants us all to be able to use it one night. We'll sneak in and have some fun for once." I said, hoping he'd say yes. Phillip said "the pool keys?" I nodded and he said "do you even know where the pool is?" I shook my head and he said "it's a few floors down from where we all stay. We'd have to use some secret passageway." "What about the crawl spaces? The ones Gunner uses. Don't they lead to the pool?" I asked him. Phillip said "I'd have to ask him. I'll talk to him tonight ok? Keep this under wraps. Someone could easily blurt something out. I'll get the keys but I have to make sure we have a way to get there." I smiled and said "thanks Phillip." He smiled up at me and I walked back to the tree with the group of kids. "He said he'll do it. And he'll let us know when he has them." I said. Maddox said "sweet. We're actually going to have some fun in this place." This would be a dangerous mission but if it meant we were going to have fun, I was all for it. We all needed it.

Here's the update! Hope you guys like this so far!!!

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