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Summer's POV:
After everyone's parents came we went back to our rooms. That took up our entire day. I didn't even see that many parents. Which was sad. You're kid is in an institution and you can't even come visit them? It's ridiculous. Today we were outside. I picked at the grass blades and Justin sighed. He wrapped his arm around around me and said "you doing ok?" I shrugged and said "don't know." Nova sat across from me and she said "lighten up. The party is tonight." Riley smirked and Sonya said "how are we even going to do that?" "We just get Lisa to let us use the pool." Justin said. Maddox said "who's closest with her?" Everyone looked around at one another and Justin said "I'll do it." Alex nodded and Greta said "so we should spread the word." "Nova and I will do it." I said. I stood up and Nova followed me. We walked over to J.D who sat by himself. He blew smoke out of his mouth and said "what can I do for you?" "Party tonight." I said. J.D smirked and nodded. Nova looked over at Gunner and I said "staring much?" Nova shoved me playfully and I laughed. "You're the one who's in love with him." I said. "Yeah well, he likes me too." She replied. I stopped her and said "shut up." "Yes. He confessed the other night." She said. I couldn't believe what she was telling me. We approached Bellamy and Octavia, telling them about tonight. We did the same to Kristen, Kincaid, Will, Violet, and Taryn. Everyone else was sitting with us under the tree. Gunner was the last one. Nova and I walked over. "Gunner?" I asked. He looked up and said "yeah?" I nudged Nova and she said "you have the pool key right?" He nodded and she said "well um I was thinking that you could do the music. And the lighting. Since you're so good at that stuff?" Gunner nodded and said "anything for you." Nova's cheeks turned red and Gunner smirked. "See ya later." He said. We made our way back to our tree and Justin wrapped his arms around me. I leaned on his chest and kissed his lips. Nova said "Gunner is going to set everything up. He'll take care of the music. So he'll let us know when it's ready. Justin has to let Lisa know that we won't be in our rooms so she can cover us." Joey laid his head in my lap and I played with his hair. "It's going to be weird that Phillip and Jennifer won't be there." Sonya said. Everyone got silent for a minute. They died in within a night of each other, something that is terrifying. Because he could do the same to any of us. "I'll go tell Lisa about tonight. It's 4:30. She'll be there right?" Justin asked. I nodded and said "she gets here earlier now." Justin walked over and grabbed Gunner, taking him inside. I leaned against he tree and held Joey in my lap.

Justin's POV:
Gunner and I walked back into the hospital. "Come on." I said. Gunner was silent the whole time. As we approached Lisa's desk, Neil was coming down the hall. I grabbed Gunner by the shirt and we both hid behind the corner. "What the fuck?" Gunner hissed. "Shh! Neil is there." I replied. Gunner nodded and we waited for him to leave. Once he was gone we went to her desk. "Lisa?" I asked. She looked up at me and said "hi Justin." "Do you think you could cover us tonight?" I said. Lisa furrowed her eyebrows and said "cover you? For what?" "We want to use the indoor pool. None of us have been happy and we need something to take our minds off Phillip and Jennifer's death. It would mean a lot. But you'd have to let Gunner up there now, because he needs to set up music and lights. We want it to be special." I said to her. Gunner shifted his weight from foot to foot while avoiding eye contact. Lisa stood up and walked around from her desk. She said "I know someone took the keys. Phillip did didn't he?" Gunner looked up at her and he nodded. "So I see. Gunner, why don't you go grab the keys and I'll take you up there. Ok? I'll give you an alternate route so you can take your stuff up there. And Justin you need to go back with the other kids. Understand?" Lisa asked. We both nodded and Gunner quickly walked away. I put my hands in my pocket and sighed. "Are your dreams ok?" Lisa said to me. I looked at her and said "um.....how do you know about my dreams?" She quickly shook her head and said "I've heard you guys talking to Nancy. I figured you guys would talk to me." I shrugged and said "they're ok. I guess." Lisa went to say something but Gunner walked up. "Come on." She took us through the main hallway and then into a door that led into another one. It was long with a set of stairs. "The pool will be up to your right. And have Will take the elevator. Understand?" Lisa said. Gunner nodded and the both of us walked up the stairs. I stared at the blue water and said "it's been so long since I've been in a pool." Gunner rolled his eyes and began examining the place. I watched his eyes flicker at the sides of the room, the ceiling and the floor. "Are you deciding where you're going to put things?" I asked, trying to make conversation. Gunner nodded, once again not saying anything. He walked to the other side of the pool and saw an outlet. "Will you be able to get all your things here by yourself?" I asked him. Gunner nodded and said "you can go Justin. I need to be alone. I don't mean to be rude but I'm calmer that way. We're not close. You're not my friend. I had two friends in this place and now I have one. She's the only one I can trust; so I'd appreciate it if you left me alone. I probably come off as a dick but I'm not. I'm not in my right mind. I don't even know why I'm telling you all this. You're just going to tell everyone else right?" I shook my head and said "no. I wouldn't say anything. I'm just going to go back. And you can come get us all. What time do you think you'll be done." "7:00. That's my estimated time. I should be done by then." Gunner replied. I nodded and walked out of the room, leaving him to do his magic. I walked towards the outside recreational area but they had moved everyone inside. Summer walked over and said "so is everything set?" I nodded and said "it's good. I promise." She half smiled and nodded.


Summer's POV:
Justin had told everyone 7:00. That's when they usually started locking everything up. Neil was going home early tonight and Nancy wasn't here today. Elizabeth barely comes in so we normally don't have to worry about her. Everyone met up in the hall and Justin said "Will has to use the elevator. Can someone go with him?" J.D inhaled on his cigarette and Octavia said "I'll do it." Will looked at her and said "really?" She nodded and they made their way to the elevator. Justin said "alright. Everyone else come on." As we walked down the main hall, we went into a door that you'd think would lead to a room, but it lead to another hallway. Then there was a staircase. Music boomed and Riley said "holy shit. I can't believe we're doing this." Justin said "is everyone ready?" We all nodded and he opened the door. I gasped at the purple water. Gunner had replaced the normal pool lights with purple ones, making the water a beautiful purple color.

Lights went from one end to the room to the other. Gunner was in the far corner, with all his gear set up. Nova stared up at all the lights. Lights outlined the walls and they flickered.

Riley smiled really big and Greta said "wow." Justin's lips parted as he looked at everything in the room. Octavia and Will came in from another entrance since they had to take the elevator. Joey stood next to me and a small smile appeared on his face. Maddox walked in from behind us and said "yo!"

Riley giggled at his comment and he looked around at the room. Octavia didn't look how she always did. She looked a lot prettier than normal. "Who's going in first?" Alex asked. Maddox peeled off his shirt and Justin did the same. "Whoo!" Maddox said before doing a flip into the pool. He came up and said "holy shit it's warm! It's heated! Come on!" Steam came up from the water and Justin jumped into the water. Octavia cheered and J.D clapped.

Octavia pushed Will away from the door and began peeling her jeans off. Everyone's mouths dropped and she smirked as she looked at us. "Come on guys." Octavia said as she dove into the purple water.

Everyone else began changing into swimwear and got into the water. I jumped in next to Justin and Gunner said "Lisa also got me some alcohol so it's over there." He pointed to a table and Maddox immediately went to get some. Justin kissed my lips and I smiled into the kiss. We were all able to let go for a short while.

Sonya's POV:
I stood in the shallow end of the pool. I covered my body with my arms and I heard someone sit on the edge. "You don't have to do that you know." J.D said. I turned to look at him and said "what insults are you throwing at me today?" He shook his head and said "dreadful etiquette. I apologize." I chuckled and a small smirk appeared on his lips.

"Nobody really likes me here. And I understand why. But I don't want you to hate me too. I'm sorry for the things I've said to you. It's only because....." He didn't finish. I walked closer to him and said "because what?" J.D shrugged and said "it's nothing. Honestly." "You can tell me. I don't have any friends here. People are nice to me but I don't count them as friends." I replied. J.D sat in full clothing on the edge of the pool. He put his cigarette out and said "trust me. You wouldn't like it." I nodded and looked over at Alex who sat on the edge next to Greta. "Promise me you'll tell me one day." I said to him. J.D nodded and said "of course."

Alex's POV:
"So are you having fun?" I asked Greta. She nodded as she finished her drink. "I haven't had this much fun in a long time." She said. I nodded and said "I don't really do parties. They're not my thing. Bad things usually happen at them. Which is why I don't like to attend them but I do because if I don't....people will wonder why. And bombard me with questions that I'll have to answer." Greta looked at me and said "well at least you're hanging out with me instead of the rowdy bunch." Bellamy, Maddox and Justin wrestled in the pool while Summer and Nova watched. "Yeah. I guess you're right." I said to her. Greta nodded and said "you're literally like my best friend here Alex." "Really?" I asked. She nodded again. She smiled at me and said "is that weird?" Water dripped from her wet hair and I said "no. Why would that be weird?"

She shrugged and laughed. "I don't know. I just figured it would be." She said. I wrapped my arm around her and said "it's not weird." Greta's lips parted and I leaned in to kiss her. She was taken aback but she kissed me back. "What was that for?" Greta asked me. I looked down and said "I've liked you a while. So I just went for it." "Well I like you too." She said while smiling.

Octavia's POV:
I swam over to Will. Who was sitting on the stairs in the pool. "I wish you could swim." I said to him. Will sighed and said "yeah it sucks." I splashed some water at him and he said "Octavia! My glasses." I giggled and swam towards him. "What's wrong with a little water?" I asked. Will shrugged and said "nothing. But why do you talk to me so much?" "Because I can't stand the other guys here. I put up with my brother but guys like Justin and Maddox are douche bags. My boyfriend was a spirited soul and did anything to help people out. But my brother and I were tricked into hanging with the wrong crowd. Which caused me to lose Lincoln. And caused Bellamy to lose Clarke." I said to him. Will said "wow. I'm sorry." I nodded and leaned in to kiss him. "Octavia! Come here!" Bellamy said. I quickly pulled away and said "I'll see ya." I ignored that I was just about to kiss him. I giggled at him as I swam to my brothers voice. Will stared at me and I quickly got away from the awkward moment that had just arose.

Maddox's POV:
Octavia swam over and Bellamy playfully threw her into the water. She squealed and laughed at her older brother. Violet sat on the edge of the pool, inhaling on a cigarette. Gunner changed up the music to a song that had bass to it. It boomed in the room and Riley was dancing. Elastic Nightmare by BARELY ALIVE was blasting.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Riley moved her body to the beat. The song was very energetic and her body moved in all different kind of ways.

I smirked up at her and she did the same back. She walked over to the table to get a drink. She quickly chugged it and I stared at her bathing suit as she walked by.

She continued to dance on her own and Kristen stared at her in annoyance. Bellamy noticed her drawing attention to herself and he rolled his eyes. "Guys, I'll be back." I said as I got out of the water. Justin smirked and Bellamy said "go get her." I laughed to myself and grabbed a drink. Riley danced by herself and the song changed. Higher Ground started playing and Octavia got out of the water.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

She danced with Riley and they both laughed. I chugged another drink and watched the two girls giggle at one another. I walked over and got in between Riley and Octavia. I had my arms around Riley's waist as she swayed back and forth.

Riley laughed as we danced together. She was so cute. The music boomed and everyone seemed to be having a good time. Gunner changed the song to Pink Bubblegum.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

It was a chill song but still something you could dance to.

Bellamy's POV:
Violet sat on a chair far away from the pool. I stood up and walked over. "Hey why aren't you swimming?" I asked her. She shrugged and said "not really my thing." "Why?" I asked as I pulled her blanket off of her. She stood up and said "what the fuck?" "You want it back?" I asked her.

Violet stared at me. She was pissed. "Why the fuck do you have to bother me?" She asked. I smirked and said "isn't it obvious? I have a crush on you." She laughed and said "you're hilarious, Blake." "Am I, Harmon?" I said. Violet looked me in the eye and she shook her head. "I hate seeing you looking sad and depressed. A girl like you shouldn't feel that way. Ever." I said to her. Violet chuckled in disbelief. "Are you fucking with me? Seriously?" She said. I shook my head and said "why would I do that?" Violet smiled really big and took her blanket back from me. "Leave me alone, Bell." She said.

I smiled back and she sat back down. I walked over to her and kissed her cheek. She stared at me in shock and I dove back into the pool.

Nova's POV:
I stared up at Gunner as he was deejaying. Fresh Static Snow was playing. Lights illuminated his facial expressions and he was smiling. He was happy he was up there playing music and people were appreciating it. I think that was his Porter side. He looked so beautiful.

I sang along with the song and Summer did the same. I looked around at everyone in the room. We were all happy for once. I stood up and walked over to where Gunner was. He smiled at me and my heart was beating out of my chest. My heart was beating so loud that if there was no music playing, everyone would to be able to hear it. I stood next to Gunner and he removed his headphones and said "what's up?" I shrugged and said "I wanted to be over there with you. Not that I don't want to be with Summer but I wanted to be here with you." Gunner nodded and said "I missed you." "Well I kinda missed you too.....Porter." He looked at me with a shocked look on his face. Porter stepped towards me. The song lyrics blared into our ears and it was like everyone else in the room had gone quiet. The world was in slow motion. He pushed his hair out of his face and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked but kissed back.

You'd fit perfectly to me,
We'd end our loneliness,
Melt this curse away
Though I'll never know your name
I've cried for you the same

Our lips moved in sync as he kissed me passionately. He pulled away and stared at me. "What?" I asked him. He shook his head and said "wow. I can't believe you actually kissed me." Porter looked down while smiling. I covered my face as I blushed. He hugged me and said "you're so cute." I giggled and said "so are you." He rolled his eyes and pulled away. He pointed at me and said "you're my baby."

I covered my face while smiling. "You mean it?" I asked him. He nodded and said "I had the balls to kiss you. And now you're mine." I uncovered my face and he put his headphones back on.

Melt this curse away
Cry for you the same

You'd fit perfectly to me,
We'd end our loneliness,
Melt this curse away
Though I'll never know your name
I've cried for you the same

Here's the update!! I've literally been working on this for about two weeks. I've been super, super busy with family the last couple of weeks. So I've been putting this off because I've been exhausted. This chapter is also very long to make up for the last one. That one was shit and I apologize. It was literally a filler chapter. Kass I hope you enjoyed this chapter because it took me two hours to write. And it was in the middle of the night. I mean like 4:00am. So I hope everyone enjoys this!! Also Kass, Pink Bubblegum reminds me of my mans Billy👅

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