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Third person POV:
Everyone went to sleep that night as usual. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened. Yet. Lisa arrived and sat at her desk. She watched over the children as if they were all her own. She cared for each and every one of them. Phillip had been dreading to go to sleep. His nightmares were getting worse and he felt that if he fell asleep tonight he'd be next. The hospital was silent. Nothing made a sound. Phillip and Kincaid slept in their beds. All of Phillip's puppets hung on the wall next to his desk. Freddy thought about the perfect opportunity to kill him. Freddy took the form of one of the puppets and cut himself down.

Freddy hopped down onto the floor and approached Phillip's bed. He grew into normal size and Phillip opened his eyes to see Freddy standing at the foot of his bed.

A small scream left his mouth but Freddy shushed him. Freddy removed Phillip's blanket so he could get to his arms and legs. Freddy smirked as Phillip stared up at him in fear.

Freddy slashed Phillip's left arm. Then his right. He smashed them from the shoulder down. Phillip winced in pain and Freddy did the same to his legs. Phillip stared down at his bloody legs and Freddy pulled his veins out of his arms and legs.

Phillip was forced into a standing position and he was being manipulated out of the room. Kincaid sat up and saw that Phillip was walking out of the room. "Phillip. Phillip wake up." He said to the boy walking out of the room.

Kincaid huffed and said "have a nice stroll asshole." As Phillip was being walked into the hallway blood dripped onto the floor. Tears left the boy's eyes as he was forced to walk like a puppet. Freddy used his veins as strings and made him walk through the hospital.

Phillip cried as he was being forced to his death. He had to walk past everyone's room. He couldn't get anyone's attention, he couldn't break free, there was nothing he could do; except let Freddy lead him to his death. Phillip walked by Lisa's desk. She didn't see him walk by. No one could see that Phillip's veins were out of his body and that we was being forced. It looked like he was sleepwalking. Like he always did. Freddy forced him to walk to the top of the hospital which was a tower. Joey was awake in his room. He looked out the window and saw Phillip at the top of the tower. He gasped and woke up Will. He grabbed Will and set him in the chair by the window. "Joey! What're you-" He looked up and saw Phillip. "Get help! Get help! Phillip! Phillip!" Will screamed. Will grabbed the lamp in him and joeys room, breaking the glass on the window. "Phillip! No!" Will said, trying to wake him up. Phillip tried to keep himself from going over the edge but Freddy continued to force him. Joey ran out to Lisa's desk and she gasped. He pointed to the hall and couldn't make words come out of his mouth. "Joey! What's the matter?" Lisa asked. He grabbed a food tray off her desk, which flung food everywhere. He banged the tray on everyone's door in the hall, trying to wake them up. "Phillip! Don't do it! Phillip no!" Will screamed. Everyone piled out of their rooms and ran into Will and Joey's. "Phillip don't do it! God stop!" Will said. "Phillip! Phillip!" Kristen screamed. Summer pushed her way through the crowd of kids and said "Phillip!" She stood next to Joey who stared at the girl next to him. Taryn screamed at Phillip not to do it and Jennifer's eyes widened. Kincaid stood with his mouth covered, shocked that Phillip was at the top of the tower. Phillip looked down at the ground below and tried to back away, Freddy forcing him back to the edge. "Phillip!" Everyone was screaming his name at this point. Phillip looked at his veins and then looked up at Freddy. He was the only one that could see him. He screamed out in pain. Tears streamed down Phillip's face and Freddy smirked. Freddy cut his veins, that were connected to his fingers.

Phillip began to descend from the tower and Jennifer covered her mouth. Freddy laughed as he fell from the tower. "Phillip!" Summer screamed.

Alex backed out of the room and put into the hall. Sonya fainted from the sight and J.D caught her. Will screamed as he watched Phillip get closer to the ground. Summer had tears in her eyes and Phillip hit the pavement below.

He hit the ground with a thump and Taryn shuddered. Summer stared at his body that was on the ground. Joey wrapped his arms around her and she cried into his chest. Justin ran his fingers through his hair and went out into the hall. Gunner looked down and Nova said "oh my god." Jennifer began to hyperventilate and she screamed. Taryn stared at her and Kristen grabbed Jennifer and got her out of the room. All the hospital personnel was pulling the kids out of the room. Jennifer had to be taken to the infirmary and had to be sedated. Summer clung to Joey who tried to calm her down but couldn't. Joey tapped her and she looked up at him. He half smiled and a cry left her mouth. He wiped her tears and Will stared up at the two of them. Octavia looked out of the window and gasped as she saw Phillip's body. "You shouldn't of looked." Will said to her. Octavia said "is he dead?" Joey nodded and Bellamy looked down. He grabbed his sister and pulled her out of the room. Will watched her leave and Joey patted Summer's back. Neil walked in and said "Summer. Come on." Will said "she's not a problem." "She needs to be in her room. Not in here. And the two of you can't stay in here tonight. Just until they scrape his body off the road." Neil said. Joey made a face and Will huffed. "Scrape?" Summer asked. Neil nodded and Summer said "he deserved better. I promised him it'd get better. And now he's gone." Joey looked down at the girl in his arms and he hugged her tighter. She sighed against Joey's chest and Neil walked over and grabbed Summer. She yanked her arm from him and said "I'll walk myself thank you." She stormed out of the room and Will looked down ether street, where paramedics were. They were trying to get Phillip's body off the road as quick as they could. One man managed to lift him up and his veins dragged across the street. Will covered his mouth and puked in the trash can. Joey's lip quivered and he sniffled. Neil got the two boys out of the room and walked to the main hall. Lisa said "is Phillip really dead?" "How did you not see him?" Neil asked, ignoring her question. Lisa said "he didn't even walk by." "There's no way he could've gotten to the tower without walking past you." He said. Lisa had tears in her eyes and she said "I swear he didn't walk by. Even when he sleepwalks normally I saw him. And I'd just push him into the other hallway." "The hall which leads to all the empty rooms yes?" Neil asked her. Lisa covered her mouth and turned away from him. Tears left her eyes and she turned around. She removed her hand from her mouth. "I didn't see him walk by. I always took care of him and I'm guessing it's my fault right?" Lisa asked. Neil had never seen her so confrontational. "Lisa I'm sorry. I'm just upset." He said while looking down. Alex paced the hallway. He pulled at his hair, not believing what he just saw. Greta watched the blonde haired boy pace back and forth.

"Alex. You should sit down." She said softly. He stopped and looked at her. "Greta I appreciate that you're trying to help me but it's not going to work." He said. Greta sighed and said "you don't have to go through this alone." "Don't worry. I won't." He said as he walked away from her. Greta frowned and went into her room, closing the door. Neil apologized to Lisa for blaming her for Phillip. It's not her fault. There's nothing anyone could've done to save Phillip. Maybe the adults would see that the kids are right. Hopefully they'd listen to them. Trying to convince adults to listen to anything is hard in general. That's why all these kids are here. No one listens to them.

This was hard to write tbh. I've always loved Phillip. Growing up and watching the Nightmare on Elm Street series has been a big part of my life. I always felt bad for Phillip. His death truly freaked me out as a kid and I hated watching it. There's a lot of fictional characters that deserve better but in the horror movie world there's not that many. And I believe Phillip was one of them. If you've seen the movie you know he doesn't last long and is the first one to die. I tried to follow the movie best way I could and I think I did ok. If you haven't seen the movie I'm so sorry. Cause I just spoiled it with this chapter😂 sorry for the long message🙃

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