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Summer's POV
Today was the same. But we were given more medication. It was ridiculous. Everyone had already been taking so much, now they were giving us more to take. And they wouldn't even tell us what it was for, just that we had to take it. Neil knocked on my door and handed me a cup of pills. "Here. Is Justin with you?" He asked. I nodded and motioned for Justin to come to the door. Justin yawned and stood next to me. Neil looked at Justin's appearance and said "take your pills. You look like you just rolled out of bed." Justin scoffed and said "I just did." Neil handed me a cup of water and I took the pills. Justin took all the pills in one gulp. Neil stared at him and Justin said "we done here?" Neil nodded and walked away. I sighed and said "come on. We're outside again." He nodded and we walked outside. Mostly everyone was outside. We sat under our tree and Joey sat next to me. "Hey." I said to him. He half smiled and I said "did you take your pills today?" Joey shook his head and held his stomach. "They make you sick?" I asked. Joey nodded and looked down. I patted his back and he leaned into my touch. Justin chewed on a toothpick and he said "fuck I'm going through withdrawal." "From?" I asked. "Weed. I can't do it. I just need a little. It's making me sick." He said as he leaned against the tree. Alex rolled his eyes and said "at least you guys don't have anti depressants." Greta huffed and said "I have them." Everyone sat with us under the tree how. We had to stick together. "I have meds to keep me from snapping. Do you guys think I'll snap?" J.D asked. Sonya looked at him and said "I hope not." She patted J.D's shoulder and he half smiled. Gunner said "y'all are complaining about anti depressants and I have to go through electroshock therapy. So my second personality will be killed." Nova shuddered at that and Kincaid said "well none of us are being treated right here. The fuckers don't believe that we're all gonna die." Joey shook his head at him and Taryn said "it's ok. Don't freak out." Kristen said "we all need to work together." Violet spoke up and said "I'm scared. I usually don't care about most thing but this has me terrified." Bellamy put his arm around her and said "you'll be ok." She nodded and Will said "we got each other." Joey tapped me and pointed to a bandage on his leg. "What happened Joey?" I asked him. Will said "Freddy got him the other night. The night Riley died. Joey had a nightmare and when he woke up....he was bleeding. Lisa wrapped it up for
him. I'm sure it needs to be changed." "I'll change it when we go inside." I said to Will. Violet sighed and said "I'm sad." Small tears left her eyes and Sonya said "what's wrong?"

"It's my meds. They make me more emotional than usual." Violet replied. My medication made me lightheaded. Joey leaned his head on my shoulder and I put my arm around him. Justin held his head and said "these pills." "This pills are making me see things." I said as I stared at my hallucination.

Justin looked at me and said "are you ok?" I shook my head and said "no." Taryn sighed and said "the effects will wear off. If they don't wear off soon....try to throw up." I nodded and Joey rubbed his eyes. "Let's go re wrap this." I said to him. Joey nodded and stood up. We walked back into the hospital and looked for a first aid kit. We went to his room and I closed the door. I took off the bandage and Joey grimaced when he looked at it. It was a scratch across his leg. The wound was closed but it looked grisly. I put some disinfectant on it and began to wrap it back up. "Better?" I asked him. Joey nodded and put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I looked up at him and he did the same to my left side. I quickly stood up and said "come on. Before Neil finds out where we went." Joey nodded and we walked back outside, where everyone was staring into space. "Joey?" I asked him. He shrugged and we walked towards the tree. Justin held his head and I said "Justin?" He looked up and said "I keep seeing shit. I want this to stop." "We're not taking those pills next time. Nobody take them." I said. Kristen nodded and Maddox walked over. It was the first time anyone had seen him in days. "Maddox?" Sonya asked. Maddox stared at the ground and he had fresh cuts on his arm. J.D exhaled and shuddered. Bellamy said "Maddox? Are you ok?" Maddox didn't answer once again. Neil made us come back inside before any of us could talk to Maddox. I was worried about him. He looked unstable, like he'd snap at any time. Nova ran a hand through her hair and said "these pills are fucking ridiculous." I nodded in agreement and said "I feel sick." Justin said "do you guys see that?" He pointed to the floor and I said "what do you see?" "A glowing orb." He replied. I shook my head and said "I see something different." "What do you see? I see really weird visuals. Pill visuals." Nova said as she looked at the floor.

"What do you see?" Justin asked me. I scoffed and said "Casper the ghost." Justin began to laugh and J.D said "holy shit I can't believe you're seeing Casper right now." Kincaid was beyond annoyed. I chuckled softy and said "I can't either!" J.D shook his head while smirking. Sonya said "I'm not seeing anything." "Well you're missing out." Justin said while laughing.

Gunner said "is it bad that I'm seeing the Worlds logo?" Nova looked at him and said "I wish I was seeing something that beautiful." Kristen giggled and Taryn said "y'all are ridiculous." Octavia said "is it just me or is there blue butterflies flying around?" Will sighed and said "I think that's just you." Octavia sighed and Bellamy blinked rapidly.

The medication they gave us made us see things. I don't know what the purpose of the pills were but they weren't doing their job, if anything they were making us worse.

Maddox's POV:
When Neil ushered everyone inside, I went to my room. I grabbed a lighter and a candle. I lit the candle and watched the wick ignite.

I held my hand over the flame, trying to decide if I wanted to go through with this or not. I put my hand on the flame, my hand instantly started burning and I pulled my hand back really quick. My hand throbbed with pain and I held my arm out over the flame. I watched as a red spot appeared on my arm, burning it. Tears ran down my face, all I could see in my head was Riley being killed in front of me. I could've saved her. But I let myself get knocked out. Why would I do that? She died, screaming my name to come and help her. And now she's gone.

Nova's POV:
Gunner motioned for me to follow him back to his room. I gladly obliged. "What is it?" I asked him. He kissed me and our lips moved in sync. He moved to my neck and I knew what he was getting at. "Is this you or the meds?" I said. He looked at me and said "me. The meds don't make me like this." I giggled and said "sorry." He rolled his eyes and continued to leave hickeys on my neck that I wasn't going to stop him from doing. He led me to his bed and he took his shirt off. He tugged at my pants, quickly throwing them across the room. I looked up at him. His hair was curlier than usual and I said "come on." I took my shirt off and I was in my bra and panties. I stared at his body and said "you're hot as fuck Porter." He rolled his eyes and took off his jeans, leaving him in his boxers. I sat up and kissed his jaw while he unclasped my bra. He stared at my chest and I blushed. He stood up and took off his boxers and I quickly took my panties off. Porter smirked as he spread my legs and got in between them. He positioned himself and I nodded, wincing as he entered me. I adjusted and he began to thrust slowly. "Too slow." I said. Porter chuckled and smirked down at me. "Too slow?" He said. I nodded and Porter began to thrust faster. I inhaled sharply and grunts left his mouth. Pleasure was all I felt. I was able to forget about everything for a short while. To be honest we both didn't last long. I felt myself getting close and I came around his member. Porter hadn't come yet. His thrusts were fast but sloppy. Porter then came inside me. I felt him spill inside me while my name left his mouth. He collapsed on top of me and we both panted. He pulled out and I stroked his wet curly hair. "I think the sex was better since we were high off meds." He said. I giggled and laughed while burying his face into the crook of my neck. "I love you." I said to him. He looked at me lazily and said "I love you too."

Idk where I was going with this chapter but the next chapter should involve some craziness.

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