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Summer's POV:
Riley fell asleep eventually. I couldn't sleep. I wasn't comfortable here and I wanted to leave. That's all I wanted to do. But there was no way out. I stood up and opened the door. I needed to go to the bathroom. I stepped out into the hall that was slightly dark. The bathroom was around the corner? I didn't know. There was a counter with a nurse sitting at it. "Excuse me where is the bathroom?" I asked her. She looked up and said "it's right down that hall there. And around the corner." "Thank you." I said. She smiled and said "no problem. I'm Lisa. I'm here every night. So if you ever need anything I'm here. And your name is Summer right?" I nodded and she said "ok. Well go ahead and use the restroom. I just wanted you to know that someone is here watching over you guys." I half smiled and said "thanks." She nodded and looked back down at whatever she was doing before. I walked down the hall that was darker than the last one. I turned the corner and quickly used the restroom, trying to get out of there as quickly as I could. I stuck my head out of the bathroom and saw that nobody was around. It was weird. No nurses or doctors. I didn't want to go back to my room yet. I went farther down the hall and saw someone walking down it. "Hello?" I asked. The person just kept walking. I decided to follow this person, I don't even know what as going through my head but I wanted to see who this person was. They turned around at the end of the hallway since it was a dead end. I could see who it was in the low light. "Phillip?" I asked. He continued to walk towards me and he was sleepwalking. I tapped on his shoulder and he continued to walk. "Phillip." I said as I tried to wake him up. This boy was much taller than me and he had to be a little bit taller than Justin. He opened his eyes and looked around. "Aw shit." He said. "You ok?" I asked him. He looked over at me and said "oh yeah. I didn't tell you earlier. I sleepwalk. Constantly. Everyone calls me "The Walker." He put air quotes around the name they gave him. I said "you scared me." He chuckled and said "sorry. I fall asleep and then end up walking around the hospital. They just let me do it cause the medicine they give me doesn't seem to work. And it's easier to just let me walk the halls than trying to contain it. I'll grow out of it." I nodded and said "I can't sleep." Phillip frowned and said "yeah this place'll do that. I know a place that's kinda cool. Wanna go?" I shrugged and said "why not?" He smiled and I didn't really want to go back to my room. Riley seemed ok but she was sleeping. I didn't want to be awake in the room with her and possibly wake her up. Alex said that she had a wrath. So I don't want to see it yet. Phillip took my hand and we began walking back down the hall. Lisa sat at her desk and Phillip said "we just gotta get past her." "Doesn't she let you do whatever?" I asked. He nodded and said "yeah but if she see that I'm bringing you with me. You're a newbie. And we'll both get in trouble." I nodded and he said "it's just through those double doors." The doors were literally right next to Lisa's desk. "Ok I got an idea. I'm gonna turn the lights off and act like I'm sleepwalking. And you go through the double doors. I do it to her all the time. She usually sends me down the hall anyway cause I creep her out." He said. I nodded and he turned the lights off and Lisa gasped. I quickly went through the doors and I looked out of the window. "Phillip? Is that you?" She asked. He turned the lights back on and said "sorry. I'm sleeping." Lisa sighed and headed to the doors. She quickly shoved him through the double doors and went back to sit down. Phillip said "we did it. Now come on." He grabbed my hand and led me to a small crawl space. He went through and said "come on." I followed him and we were in a room with lights all in it. "This room is right next to Gunner's. He plays his music really late at night. They have him on this end because he's so loud." Phillip said. His music sounded exactly like Porter Robinson's. "He must be a fan of Porter." I said. Phillip said "I don't care what it is. He just plays it all night long. And he says he made the music himself. He's got like a whole studio in there." I looked around at the room that had pretty lights dancing on the walls. "Gunner made this room. He did all this himself. He somehow got out of the hospital and found all these lights. This room is locked on the outside. You can only get in from his room or from the crawl space in the hallway. He only told a few people about it. This is usually where I end up when I'm sleepwalking. Gunner led me in here one night and that was the end of it. Now I'm in here almost every night. His music is really amazing. Kinda keeps me happy." Phillip said as he stared at the lights. There were neon lights on the wall with shag carpet underneath us.

I laid down on the carpet and Phillip said "why are you in here?" "The hospital?" I asked. He nodded and said "I'll tell you why I'm in here if you tell me why you're in here." I sighed and said "it's going to sound ridiculous." "Can't be more ridiculous than mine." Phillip replied. I shrugged and Gunner's muffled music sounded into the room. "I'm here because of my dreams. This guy went into our dreams and killed a bunch of my friends. He almost killed me. I don't really sleep because of it. I'm afraid to sleep. I'm not crazy. But my parents thought I was so they admitted me." I said. Phillip said "you're dreams?" I nodded and said "what about you?" Phillip sighed and said "well I tried to kill myself because of my dreams. I figured that if I did that I would be at peace. But my parents put me in here. Because of my suicidal thoughts. And it's all because of my dreams." My eyes widened and I said "you dream about him too?" He nodded and I sat up. "No way." I said. He nodded again and said "he scares the hell out of me and I think one night he's going to get me." "Phillip don't say that. Please don't say that." I said. I can't afford to lose anyone else to Freddy. That'll drive me to insanity. Phillip said "I hate to say that but I think he's going to get me." I quickly hugged him and pulled away. Phillip stared at me and I said "sorry. You're the first one that I've talked to here that dreams about Freddy." "I know Joey does. That's why he doesn't speak. Kristen does too. Kincaid does but he'll never admit it." He said. "Phillip promise me that you'll try to stay alive." I said to him. He nodded and said "I'll try." I sighed and said "we should get back. Lisa never saw me go back to my room." "She never looks up from her phone. She could've easily missed you." Phillip said. I shrugged and said "I'd like to try to sleep. Are you going to go back into your room?" He nodded and we crawled back through the crawl space. I made my way through the double doors and acted like I was coming back from the bathroom. Lisa didn't look up and Phillip followed me. "I'll see you?" He asked me. I nodded and went into my room, closing the door. Riley laid asleep on her bed. Passed out. I laid on my bed and tried to forget I was in this place. I remembered the music Gunner was playing. It was Porter Robinson. So the kid was obsessed with EDM. And he kinda looked like him. I can't believe Nova didn't catch on. She'd freak out. My eyes grew heavy and I ended up falling asleep.

Here's the first official chapter.

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