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Nova's POV:
It's been a month since Greta, Bellamy, and Violet died. Octavia doesn't come out of her room and Will spends most of his time with her. Nobody came out of their rooms much either. I headed to bathroom to throw up because I felt sick. When I finished I walked up to Lisa's desk. "What's up?" She asked. I leaned over and said "I need to tell you something." She nodded and said "what is it?" "Do you have a pregnancy test?" I whispered. Lisa nodded and grabbed two out of the cabinet. "Here's two just in case one doesn't work." Lisa said. I nodded and went back to the bathroom. I went into a stall and closed the door. Someone came in right after me and I instantly got afraid. They got into a stall farther down from me. I opened up the test and peed on the stick. My eyes widened at the result.


I ran my hand through my hair and sighed. Porter would be happy. He said he would. I came out of the stall holding my test and Summer came out of the stall down the way, holding a test. "What's that?" She asked me. "What's that?" I repeated, gesturing to her test. "I'm pregnant." She whispered. I nodded and said "so am I." Summer walked to the sink and began to cry. "What's wrong?" I asked. She sniffled and said "Justin won't want the baby. I already know." I rubbed her back and said "sure he will." She shook her head and said "I should've had him wear a condom." "He'll want the baby." I said to her. Summer said "and why would he?" "Because he loves you so much. I've seen the way he looks at you. He admires you." I replied. Summer wiped her face and said "you think so?" I nodded and said "just talk to him." Summer half smiled and said "thanks." I hugged her and said "you're welcome." She pulled away and walked away. I walked back to Porter's room and he was in his crawl space. I crawled through and said "what're you doing?" "I want to be in here. It's too depressing out there." He replied as he laid back on the shag carpet. I laid next to him and said "I have something to tell you. And I think you're going to like it." He rolled over to face me and said "really?" "Yeah. It's a surprise though. So close your eyes and hold out your hands." I said. He did as he was told and he looked so cute. I handed the stick to him and he said "what is that? A pen?" I giggled and said "no. Open your eyes." He sat up and opened them. A smirk appeared on his face and he said "you're pregnant."

I nodded and he pulled me up. He kissed me passionately and I pulled away. "Oh my god. I can't believe this. Looks like my wish came true." Porter said. I smiled really big and said "I'm so glad you're happy." "Are you kidding me? I'm amazed. We're going to get out of this place and have a wonderful life. Trust me." I hugged him and he said "what're gonna name it?" I giggled and said "we don't even know the gender." He pulled away and said "doesn't matter. Let's pick a name for each gender and then it'll be set." "What do you want it to be?" I asked him. He thought about it and said "a girl. So she can be a princess." My heart fluttered and I smiled really big. "I want it to be a boy. So he can be my baby boy." I replied. Porter smiled and said "think of a girl name. And I'll think of a boy name." I nodded and it was silent for a few minutes. "Matthew." He said. I shook my head and said "too long. What about Maria?" Porter shrugged and said "reminds me of the book of life." I laughed and said "I really like that movie." It got silent again as we thought about names. "James." He said. I processed it and said "James Robinson." Porter smiled really big and I said "I like it." He held my hand and kissed it. A blush spread across my cheeks and I said "I have mine. Are you ready?" He nodded eagerly and I said "Holly." "Holly Robinson." He whispered. "You like it?" I asked. Porter smiled and I squealed. "I can't believe you're going to be the mother of my children." He said while putting his arm around me.

I smiled and leaned into his touch. He looked down at my stomach while smiling. I kissed his cheek and he said "no matter what the gender is, they'll be amazing."

We laid back down on the carpet and stared at the lights. "Will our kid's room be like this?" I asked. Porter shrugged and said "if you want too." I smiled and said "I love how ecstatic you are about this." "Why wouldn't I be?" He asked me. "I don't know. Some guys don't want kids at a young age. They just want to party and stuff." I replied. Porter rolled his eyes and said "I've been wanting kids for a while now but I needed to find the right girl. And that's you." I buried my face into the crook of his neck and he kissed my head. I pulled away and he looked at me. "Fuck." He said.

"What?" I said. He looked me up and down and said "I love you so much." I blushed again and giggled. Porter kissed me and our lips moved in sync. "We'll be out of here soon." He said. I nodded, knowing when we got out of this hellhole that I'd have him and he'd have me.

Summer's POV:
I left Nova in the bathroom and headed back to my room. Justin had been staying with me since Alex has been off his rocker. I walked in and closed the door. Justin looked over at me and noticed I had something in my hand. "What's that?" He asked. I sat down next to him and said "you're not going to like it." He went to take the test out of my hand and I pulled away from him. "Summer." Justin said. A sigh escaped my lips and I and handed it to him I walking away as he looked at it. I looked out the window, trying to not handle this situation. I felt his arms snake around my waist and I flinched. He kissed my neck and I tried to get out of his arms. He tightened his grip and said "I'm not upset. I'm happy babe." I turned to look at him and I said "liar." He shook his head and said "I'm happy. Amazed actually." "Amazed?" I questioned. "Amazed that we have a little us in there." He pointed to my stomach and tears left my eyes. "Don't cry. I'm happy." He said while smiling. "That's why I'm crying." I replied. "Awe." He said as he hugged me. I clung to him and he pulled away to kiss my lips. I smiled into the kiss and he pulled away. He wiped my tears and said "don't cry baby. I'm happy." He smiled really big and I did the same.

He led me to the bed and we sat down. "I'll take care of us when we get out of here. We have only a year of high school left. I'll go back and you raise the baby." He said. "Really? What're you going to do? Like after you graduate?" I asked him. Justin shrugged and said "I'm good at basketball. I'll do that. I'll get a scholarship in that and we'll move away. And then I can play basketball wherever we move. And then the draft me." I nodded and said "what about me?" "You raise the baby until they're at least three and then try to get a job. What do you want to do?" He said. I shrugged and said "I think I want to be an actress. You think I could do it?" He nodded and said "for sure. I'll be famous by then and could get you an audition." I chuckled and said "really?" He nodded while kissing my cheek. "We'll be good. I promise." He replied while smiling.

I hugged him and didn't want to let go. He rubbed my back and said "we'll be fine baby. I promise." I laid on his chest, as he laid down on the bed. "Let's keep this between us ok?" I asked. Justin nodded and said "of course."

Here's the update! Kinda long lmao. I've literally been working on it all day

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