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Third person POV:
Elizabeth took Violet into a room and said "are you ok?" Violet shook her head and said "no." Elizabeth turned away from her and walked to a counter. Violet looked at the blood that covered her arms and chest. Tears welled up in her eyes and she began to cry. "Can I get this stuff off me? Please?" She asked. Elizabeth didn't answer. She grabbed a syringe and filled it with a fluid that sedates you. Violet looked at her hand that was shaking. Cries left her mouth and Elizabeth said "you'll be ok." She walked over to her and stuck her in the neck with the syringe. Violet yelped and ripped it out of her neck. She gasped and Elizabeth backed away from her. Violet held her neck and said "what did you do?" Elizabeth didn't answer and Violet's vision began to get blurry. "No. I can't." She muttered. Elizabeth said "this is what's best for you." "I'm dead!" Violet screamed. Elizabeth's eyes widened and tears fell from Violet's eyes.

Violet sighed and fell onto the floor, passing out. Elizabeth looked at her sleeping body and sighed. Violet was safe now. Or so she thought.


Violet was in the dream world. Fear washed over her body. "Is anyone here?" She asked. Orange hair appeared and Violet said "Sonya?" Sonya turned around and said "what're you doing here?" "Elizabeth put me to sleep." She replied. Sonya looked around and said "we need to go somewhere safe. Until you wake up." Violet nodded and the two of them walked through the dream world, looking for somewhere safe. Freddy had just finished killing Greta, which left a bloody mess everywhere. Violet looked around at the mess and shuddered. She feared that she'd be next.

Sonya pulled Violet along and they were going deeper, and deeper into the dream world. Laughter was heard and Sonya said "come on." She pulled Violet into a room and Freddy walked right by then. Violet covered her mouth and panted. It was silent for a moment and Violet let out a relieved breath. "Found you." Freddy said as he appeared next to her. Violet screamed and shot fire at him. Freddy stumbled back and Sonya gasped. Sonya backed to the corner of the room and Violet said "leave me alone." She shot some more fire at him and he yelled in pain. Violet panted and Sonya stared at him. Freddy stood up and began to walk towards Violet. "Go away." She said. Freddy continued to come towards her. She backed away and Sonya stayed in the corner she was in. "I'm saying go away." Violet said with tears going down her face.

Freddy stepped toward her and said "why don't I bring your boyfriend here to say goodbye." Bellamy appeared and Freddy disappeared. Violet wiped her eyes quickly and Bellamy said "where'd you go? Why are you asleep?" "Elizabeth. She put me to sleep." Violet replied. Bellamy grabbed her hands and said "you need to wake up." Violet shook her head and said "I can't. Bellamy you need to let me go." Bellamy's heart shattered and he said "no. I can't." Violet nodded while looking down.

Tears left Bellamy's eyes and he stared at her. He held her hands and looked down at them. "I need you. I can't lose you. Please wake up with me." He said. "Like I told you before. I can't Bellamy." She replied. He continued I stare at her, hurt in his eyes.

Sonya said "he'll be back. We have to get out of here." A furnace opened up in the wall and Violet gasped. Freddy appeared and said "the depressed boyfriend and girlfriend are here." Bellamy said "please let us go. You have Joey." Freddy looked at him shocked. "Joey? Joey is bait for Summer. Since she cares about him dearly. Just like Violet is bait for you." Freddy said. He went to stab Bellamy and Sonya shot ice at Freddy. Freddy looked down at his chest that was caked in ice. A chuckle left Freddy's mouth and he stabbed Bellamy. "No!" Violet screamed as she dropped to her knees. Tears left her eyes and her hair fell into her face as she cried. She pushed it out of her face and looked up at Bellamy who was gasping for air.

Sonya panted and didn't know what to do. Freddy lifted Bellamy into the air and said "looks like your done for." Bellamy pulled a gun and shot Freddy in the chest. Freddy disappeared and Bellamy fell to the ground. "Oh my god." Violet said as she crawled to him. She held Bellamy's stomach and said "hang on. It's ok." "Tell my sister, to protect herself. And that I love her. Please." Bellamy said. Violet nodded and said "we will." Sonya knelt down and said "I'm so sorry Bellamy." He nodded and Violet cauterize his wound, which made painful screams leave Bellamy's mouth. Sonya looked down and Bellamy passed out. "Is he alive?" Violet asked. "Yeah." Sonya replied. Freddy appeared and Violet ran at him. "Now no one sleeps." Freddy said as he threw Violet into the furnace that lit up. "No!" Violet said.

Sonya's eyes widened and she held onto Bellamy and woke up. Sonya and Bellamy were together in a room. She stood up and walked down the hallway. A scream erupted into the hospital and it was Elizabeth. She saw Violet's singed body. "Bellamy was stabbed." Sonya said. Hospital personnel ran to him and got him to a room where they could perform surgery. Elizabeth screamed for people to get Violet's body and Sonya walked down the hall. J.D saw her and ran over to her. "Are you ok?" He asked. Sonya said "Violet's dead." He hugged her and said "he could've killed you." She looked at him and he pressed his lips to hers. She was shocked but still kissed him back. He pulled away and said "I've been wanting to do that a while now." Sonya blushed and said "really?" "Really." J.D replied. She giggled and he hugged her again.

Here's the update! Hope y'all like it!

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