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warning: light smut down below (yea it's been a while). if you're not comfortable reading it, just skip that part.


"is there any food?" jooheon came running to the door as seol removed her shoes, handing him the plastic bag with the container inside. 

he quickly opened it and jumped on his feet, making a silly victory dance. "we have italian today." he said looking for his chopsticks. 

"homemade." she added looking for a glass of water on the fridge. she turned to look at jooheon shoving the pasta into his mouth. she looked at him with disgusted eyes and shook her head.

"aish - he said after he swallowed the food - did he cook this?" seol just nodded. 

he closed his eyes and sighed, looking away. "i really really want to hate him... but he's making my job difficult right now." he said taking another mouthful of pasta, staining the corner of his lips with a deep red. 

seol just chuckled at the same time as her phone beeped. she excused herself and walked to her room. she unlocked the phone and opened the text.

president yoo: did jooheon like the food? 

she smiled warmly at the cute text. 

seol: he is devouring it as we speak

president yoo: does he still hate me? 

seol: i think so

seol: but definitely less than yesterday

seol: which is a progress my love

president yoo: alright... i'll take that

president yoo: i wanted to ask you something... 

seol: what is it? 

president yoo: are you free for a date tomorrow? 

seol frowned as she remembered tomorrow was hyungwon's birthday dinner party. 

seol: isn't tomorrow hyungwon's bday dinner party? 

president yoo: sure, but are you free in the morning? 

she stared at the text as she bite her lip. 

why was the ceo inviting her to a date in a saturday morning? 

seol: a saturday morning? of course i am free

seol: where are we going?

president yoo: well... 

president yoo: we're tasting wine at the vineyard outside the city

president yoo: i'll pick you up at 8, alright?

president yoo: goodnight babe x

seol answered the text as she locked the phone again, leaning on her mattress and thinking about why he'd invite her to a date tasting wine. 

she wasn't exactly an expert drinker but she'd drink wine whenever kihyun opened a bottle at his pent. 

knowing the ceo he probably loved those type of events since it seemed he was a wine enthusiast, so she thought she could do this for him. 

the next morning was chaotic for seol. she didn't know what to wear to a wine tasting event. that'd be the first time she'd ever attend one.

jooheon was sitting on her bed with a box of cereal between his arms as he ate the colored rings, watching seol collapse as she tried to look for the best outfit. 

"i have nothing to wear." she cursed under her breath as she looked around her wardrobe.

"hmm - he said carelessly - doesn't seem true... i see plenty clothes around."

"oh my god don't start lee jooheon."

"what? it's true... look at all those clothes. just pick one."

"i can't just pick one... i've never been to a place like this, i don't know what to wear... plus it's a morning event..." she disappeared into the bathroom. 

jooheon only rolled his eyes and kept eating the cereal straight from the box. he looked around and noticed a few items that could work out for the date.

he stopped on his tracks. "oh no... what i am doing?" he said throwing again the clothes on the bed. he looked shocked.

"am i picking clothes for her to date the ceo? no... no, no, no. i can't." he said at the same time as seol walked inside.

"oh that's actually cute." she said coming closer to the bed, eyeing the peach short dress that he had picked but threw away a few seconds ago.

"aniya... it's ugly." he said with a frown.

seol looked at him as if he had grew three heads but quickly returned her eyes to the dress. "no, this is perfect. thanks" she said flashing a smile and disappearing inside the bathroom. jooheon rolled his eyes and groaned in frustration. 

"he's here." he exclaimed from her bedroom as he noticed her phone lighting on the bed. a few minutes passed and seol was finishing her make up. he glanced over  the phone to read the text and it said he was downstairs. 

seol rushed from the bathroom and quickly grabbed her phone to text something back. jooheon stared at her outfit and sighed. 

she looked beautiful as usual and he hated the idea that she was going out with the ceo. "isn't that dress too short? why don't you put some pants under it?"

he followed her towards the living room. seol picked her heels and sighed. "that'd be a crime... for the designer or whoever designed this dress, okay?" she said smiling and reaching for his cheek to place a kiss.

"i'll see you tonight at his house?" even though jooheon hated the idea of going to the ceo's house, it wasn't compared to how he hated the fact they were celebrating hyungwon's birthday with a dinner party. 

he still remembered how he tried to hurt seol and how he lied to everyone and he still hadn't move on from it because he and seol's father actually liked him in the past. 

"i don't know..." 

"yah!" seol exclaimed, opening the front door. "you promised you'd go." she added. 

jooheon rolled his eyes again and finally nodded. "arasseo... i'll be there." he flashed a reassuring nod as he stared at her going downstairs. 

"see you tonight." was the last thing he heard as her voice vanished from downstairs. 

seol rushed downstairs and out of the building. she noticed the ceo standing in front of a different yet new to her eyes, white convertible. 

"hey babe." he whispered, walking close to her, resting his hands on her waist. the ceo placed a soft kiss on her lips that made seol's heart race immediately. 

she noticed he wasn't wearing his usual fancy suits. this time he was wearing a pair of dark blue jeans that looked neat and how perfectly stick to his thighs with a light blue buttoned shirt, sleeves rolled up. a pair of sunglasses made perfect harmony with his loose silver hair that was definitely not styled as usual. he smelled like heaven as he used to all the time. 

"ready?" he asked, she only nodded as he led them both towards the convertible. 

she didn't notice mingyu around to which she sighed in relief. she liked it better when she was alone with the ceo, that way neither of them had to restrain whatever they wanted to say or do because of mingyu's presence.

he opened the door for her and complimented her cute dress and finally he walked to the driver's side to get inside. 

the whole trip was really fresh. the air that morning had a perfect temperature, the sky was clear and she just enjoyed being with him. 

eventually he'd glance at her and a smirk would appear on his lips, sending all kinds of shivers down to seol's spine. 

she always felt slightly intimidated when she went out with the ceo alone. he'd always look handsome, to the point she couldn't take her eyes off him. 

the way his hand closed tightly on the wheel and the lever, how his silver long hair danced with the win and how beautiful those sunglasses fit him just made her heart jump in all directions, quickly sending warm waves down her legs. 

it was fortunate that she was sitting, otherwise she'd probably have collapsed on the floor. 

the scenery started to change as they were increasingly away from the city. the green fields shined bright with the sun. she loved coming to the country side since it'd bring memories of her childhood back in busan. 

"are you enjoying the ride?" she heard his low voice next to her. she turned to meet the precious peachy lips, moving in slow motion, talking to her.

"uh- yes... it's beautiful."

"we're almost there." he said motioning for her to look up, down the valley could be seen a sowing of what appear to be grapes. 

he parked in the parking area and quickly opened seol's door for her. he grabbed her hand and made their way inside the estate.

seol's eyes marveled around as she noticed how pretty was inside the big mansion. it was all decorated fancily as the ceo used liked things.

soon a woman received them with the arms opened. "kihyunnie!" she spoke in a high pitched voice. she had black jet long hair and was tall, almost as tall as the ceo was.

once she approached, she noticed she wasn't really older, more likely to be around the ceo's age. "i didn't expect you'd come... i mean i emailed you the invitation but- she stopped and sighed with sparkling eyes - you're really here." 

"naeun-ah - he said smiling - i received it yesterday and got this morning free so yeah, thought i'd stop by." the woman chuckled and licked her lips as she stared with predator eyes to the ceo.

seol stared at the whole scene with fiery eyes. she felt her chest almost burning. the way the woman looked at the ceo and talked to him was surely annoying. 

but what was more annoying was how she ignored her completely. 

"it's always nice having you... i think i saw a few of our friends around, we should say hi- she was soon stopped by a soft voice, clearing her throat. 

"excuse me miss - seol started as she held onto kihyun's arm - i don't think we've been introduced." she said, finally extending her hand. 

"my name is ha seol, i am kihyunnie's girlfriend." she finally said tilting her head to one side with her hand still extended. 

kihyun turned to look at seol and she noticed how his eyes shined with something similar to surprise and approval. he swallowed hard, biting softly his lip as he stared intensely at seol. 

the woman chuckled and looked at the ceo. "ah... - she said embarrassed once she noticed he was focused on the small one instead - sure ... seol-ssi - she finally extended her hand and shook it softly but seol instead, squeezed it hard. "it's a pleasure... miss?" seol asked with a mocking tone. 

the ceo felt his heart racing with pride as his body began to react over the situation. temples throbbing along with something else.

"oh, right... i am lee naeun." she said nodding with a diplomatic smile. 

"i am sorry, it's just- i've never really heard of you." seol noticed how the ceo's lips lifted in a smirk as he tried to look away, containing his desire to laugh. 

"oh... really? - naeun laughed nervously - well...- 

"it's nice that you two know each other now." the ceo quickly said, nodding and staring at naeun then at seol. 

"naeun-ah is a family friend, we practically grew up together. she's like... a sister to me." he said returning his eyes to naeun, flashing a reassuring nod.

she swallowed hard and looked away, clearly hurt over being sister-zoned. "right." she simply admitted.

"oh that's so nice - seol started as she caressed the ceo's arm, as if she was showing off he was hers - it's cool meeting kihyunnie's family. i hope we can be friends in the future unnie." she quickly implied that the woman was clearly older than her. 

kihyun restrained the urge to laugh as he quickly turned around, excusing himself and seol. "we'll see you around naeun-ssi." seol said waving as the ceo dragged her out of the scene. 

they walked around and he held her hand as they passed through the crowd. "what was that?" his velvety voice sending electric waves down seol's legs.

"what was what?" she asked looking innocent. soon a waiter appeared out of nowhere, offering wine. the ceo grabbed two glasses and handed one to seol.

"that... over there... with naeun. what were you trying to do?"

"nothing." she said shrugging, drinking a sip of the white wine on her glass. the ceo narrowed his eyes. clearly not convinced. 

"it didn't seem like it was nothing seol." 

"well... i was just meeting her for the first time." she said, walking around, moving her legs slowly as she looked at the ceo. 

he bit his lip and took a step towards her but soon two people called his name. he turned to look at them and excused himself with seol as he went to say hi. 

she gulped down the entire glass and grabbed another one from the nearest waiter. she glanced around, looking for naeun but the woman was nowhere to be found. she finally breathed in relief. 

her eyes were fixed on the ceo, who was talking with an older couple, who seemed at first sight to be friends of his parents.

a few seconds later he returned with two new glasses of wine. "this is 15 years old." he said handing the glass to her. "do you want to meet them? those are friends of my uncle." seol quickly shook her head as she tasted the wine.

"so what do you do at a wine tasting event?" she asked coming closer to him. somehow the air inside was a bit chilly and she suddenly felt the urge to be in his arms since she knew it was warmer. 

he shrugged. "not much really... just drink wine and socialize." 

she pouted. "i don't know much people here."

he gulped down the wine and smiled. "i can introduce you to everyone here if you want me to."

she shook her head. "aniyo." she grabbed his free hand and put it around her waist. "let's just walk around?" she asked with a sweet voice. the ceo smirked and finally agreed with a soft nod.

"so whose house is this?" they'd drink their glasses and change them for new and filled glasses with different wines. they all tasted the same for seol but it seemed the ceo could tell them apart with only the smell of them. 

"it's from a wealthy client."

"then who is naeun here?"

"she... is the organizer i guess?" he said finishing his glass and taking seol's empty too. "another?" she nodded eagerly. 

"so... you avoided my question baby." he finally said, stopping on his tracks, making seol stop too. they were close to a glassy door that had access to the backyard. 

from there, you could see all the rows of grapes, and the green fields. there was also a maze that had a beautiful entrance with lilies and roses. seol glanced at it from inside and approached the door.

"can we see that?" she asked looking at it marveled. 

the ceo turned around and looked at her direction. "uh- sure..." he said opening the door and leading her outside. they went down the concrete stairs and the warm air hit seol's face. 

the smell of the grapes mixed with the roses and lilies was a perfect combo. they approached the entrance and she stopped a second to take in the amazing view. 

the ceo stared at her, standing close as he drank the last of his cup, leaving it in one of the two sculptures that were at each side of the entrance. "are you done?" he asked, pointing at her now empty glass, she just nodded. 

"wanna take a look inside?" he asked, leaving her cup next to his. 

her eyes widened with sparks on them. "can we?" 

he smiled. "sure." he extended his hand for her to take it, finally leading them inside the maze. 

it was obvious it was a space that had been well taken care off. there were other types of flowers inside and the shrubbery had a beautiful intense green. 

they walked, deep inside the maze. when the whole bustle from the people inside the house drifted away, seol stopped on her tracks and turned to look at the ceo. 

"i was making her notice me." she finally said. the ceo tilted his head, at first confused but then quickly understanding what she meant. 

"why?" he asked with soft voice, approaching her. the manly figure of the ceo, towering in front of her. 

seol just shrugged. "because i wanted her to know you're mine." 

kihyun's eyes widened in surprise but immediately the corner of his lips lifted in a sexy grin. seol's chest raced at the ceo's intense stare. 

"is it important to you?" his voice somehow became an octave lower, he walked towards her, making seol taking steps back slowly. 

"it is." 

"why?" he asked finally, licking his own lips. she stared at them, how perfectly shaped they were and the intense beautiful peach color was somehow hypnotizing.

"because i hated when she looked at you the way she did and i wanted her to stop." she finally admitted with a racing heart. 

the ceo licked his lips, taking a final step towards seol. she felt the shrubbery behind her and she knew she had hit the wall. 

"i must admit... that was such a turn on babe." he said, the predator eyes back as a smirk appeared intermittently on his lips. 

seol looked up at him with wide yet innocent eyes. "it was?" her soft voice sent warm shivers down his spine. he just nodded.

"the way you talked to her... the fire on your pretty eyes - he moved his head to one side - yeah... that was pretty hot."

seol stared at his lips and felt her lower area growing hotter each second. "i love it when you're confident like this." he added, lifting his finger, caressing her chin. 

she tried to stay still but couldn't hold long enough, especially not after his next words. 

"makes me wanna do things to you right here, right now..." 

his sexy voice was enough for her to take. she had been craving for it since weeks ago. 

quickly she wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him closer, her lips looking desperately for his. a passionate, sloppy, wet kiss in the bushes. 

she pulled softly yet steadily his silver locks as she felt his warm tongue battling hers. 

her lower area screamed for attention when she felt his hot body, rubbing against hers with a careless rhythm. her hands automatically traveled down his pants and with an expert move, she opened them sliding the zipper down. 

his lips focused on her neck now as she broke the kiss to desperate pull the hem of his underwear down. 

she felt his teeth sticking on the skin of her neck without care, especially once she put her hand inside his underwear, looking for it with need. 

between her hands, she felt it hard and throbbing, begging for her, but she desired him as much as he desired her. 

he pushed her against the wall violentely but always caring and finally kissed her, bringing his body closer and closer to her. "legs around me, now." he commanded with a bossy tone. 

the harsh words somehow racing seol's heart, making her wetter than before. she loved it. the fact that he bossed her around was a major turn on for her. she wouldn't doubt it, she immediately did what was told.

her legs now laid around his waist, providing him with a great position for him to be inside her. 

the feeling of him being in her was so intense and intimate. it was exactly what both needed. she could feel her heart as if it was to come out of her chest at any minute as drops of sweat traveled down her exposed back in slow motion, like in a movie.

his lips left a trail of sloppy yet sweet kisses as he mumbled playful words on her ears that surely threw her over the edge. 

even though the ceo really tried to honor the promise he made himself about waiting, he perfectly knew he was weak when it came down to seol. 

in that moment, he forgot about promises and everything. that was exactly what he wanted and needed. 


right there inside the walls of that maze, lost in some secret passage, they found each other, craving for one another. the exact thing they desired, being close and belong to each other. it was the perfect moment, the perfect time and the perfect place.   


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