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"congratulations sunbae!" seol exclaimed as she hugged  changkyun. he was still in shock, robotically packing on his small now-old cubicle. 

"thank you... i still can't believe it - he stopped for a second with widened eyes - did you know?" 

seol shook her head. "aniyo... it was a surprise for me too." she said helping him pack. "what about you? aren't you packing?"

"yeah... but i still don't know where my office will be." she shrugged as she closed one of changkyun's boxes. 

"jinjja... manager, i can't believe it. my mom is going to cry for like a whole month." he chuckled. 

the mention of the word mom stinging seol's chest. she laughed nervous. "i bet she'll be proud."

someone suddenly knocked on the door. they both turned around to find a pair of gentle dimples showing off. "eeeh... congratulations, i heard it." 

"thank you man." jooheon walked inside, hugging changkyun. "so now you're my boss?"

"technically not yet, you start working tomorrow." seol said, making jooheon's eyes roll. "you're my boss too?" she only shrugged.

"aish... i won't be using honorifics just that you know." he said with warning eyes. the three of them laughed. 

"we should celebrate, right?"

"sure, tonight." changkyun said, seol just nodded. "uh... can i bring someone?"

"you mean someone as your lover?" jooheon asked only to receive a head smack. "he's my boyfriend you know?"

jooheon and changkyun looked at each other with awkward eyes. "i mean... not to offend but- isn't it a bit weird to get drinks with the ceo? like... he's our boss after all."

"yeah... what if i say something disgusting about him and get fired before i start working?" 

seol rolled her eyes. "why are you guys like this... he's nice."

"who's nice?" the three of them turned around to find the ceo leaning against the door. he smiled at them with his arms crossed on his chest.

changkyun's eyes were to come out of their sockets. "s-sajangnim- i swear to god-

"gwenchana changkyun-ssi... i am just here for miss ha - he turned to look at seol - may i have a word with you, please?"

she glanced awkwardly at the two and finally nodded, making her way towards the door. the ceo stepped out and glanced at her. a sweet smile appeared on his lips and she finally could breathe again. "follow me." he said winking and walking ahead of her. 

they weren't official yet. the ceo was advised to announce their relationship a few weeks after seol's promotion, other wise it'd look forced. even though he was dying to let everyone know about their relationship, he agreed against his will. 

seol walked through the different halls, passing wonho's old office and arrivind a door that was across his. they both stopped there and the ceo turned to look at her. "open it." he said motioning towards the door.

she hesitated for a second as millions of thoughts rushed through her mind but finally gathering courage, she pushed the door open. 

inside was what it seemed to be a office, it looked different from the rest. still fancy but definitely cute. she slowly walked inside, soon followed by the ceo who closed the door behind them. 

"so? do you like it?" 

there wew light wooden furniture with golden finishes. there was a big wide window, as wide as the wall and the other three walls were made of white lacquered glass. there were flowers of different types, all in light salmon and golden rose tones. a big desk in the middle with a brand new mac. a small living room with white couches on one side with a tray with treats. 

"i love it." she turne to meet his gray eyes. it was obvious it was her office. he didn't have to say much. she just wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him close for a kiss that he welcomed happily. 

"it's your new work space... or office, however you want to call it." he giggled. the mystical sound was like music to seol's ears.

"i know... thank you." she said walking around. "it's big enough for me to walk." the ceo laughed nodding. "i know, i am sorry. it had been so long since i went down to the intern's cubicles... i forgot how small they were." 

seol approached him, staring at him with big innocent eyes. "but... i'll remodel that area so the cubicles are bigger, promise." he said pecking her lips. 

the rest of the day went smooth for seol. she moved her things and she was excited her new office was just across changkyun's, kind of how their cubicles were before. 

jooheon joined the next day in a much better office since he was working in the same floor but different department. 

at first he came reluctantly but once he had the first meal at the cafeteria and was showed his new work space his attitude change completely. 

he was making jokes all day and even considered to invite the ceo next time they went out for drinks. "you need to accept him now jooheon-ah." seol said as they ate at the cafeteria. 

he rolled his eyes. "why?"

"because we're dating... and it's serious." 

he chuckled. "ha! please... you're only 25 so forget about serious relationships... you're too young." he said shaking his head, seol only rolled her eyes. 

"she's in age to get marry." changkyun said taking a sip of the soup. jooheon choked on his food, eyes widened.


"jooheon he's older." 

"yah hyung!" he exclaimed in the same tone. "watch your words, you don't know anything about women or dating life."

changkyun chuckled. "tsk. i know more than you for sure."

"jinjja?... aigoo..." seol rolled her eyes as she big her goodbye, taking her tray back and walking out of the cafeteria and towards the elevator. 

when the doors opened she was received by broad shoulders that hit her accidentally. "oh jinjja mianhae." 

the familiar voice awakened her as she composed herself and looked up to find a pair of big dark brown eyes. "hyungwonie!" she exclaimed with a wide smile. 

he looked completely recovered, a bit cumply and unsure but definitely had a better face. "seol-ah... i am sorry, i wasn't pay attention- he scratched the back of his head looking down. 

seol soon remembered all those times they'd encounter accidentally, like this, and smiled at the thought. she glanced at the panel screen inside the elevator. "it's fine. no problem... are you going to kihyun's office?" 

he nodded. "there's something i need to talk about with him." seol bit her lip and finally nodded, pressing her floor's number. 

"sure. send my regards." she said winking once the elevator's doors for her floor opened. "i'll see you around." she added and just before the door's closed, hyungwon smiled sadly at her and just nodded. 


president yoo: i am downstairs, would you come to me my love? 

seol giggled at the cute text. quickly she saved her work and collected her stuff before making her way downstairs. 

the usual view received her once the elevator doors opened. the ceo leaning against the black car, black suit, arms crossed on his chest, silver hair styled to one side and a million dollar smirk. 

"hey." he said walking closer to her, pulling her close for a hug. seol closed her eyes as she inhaled his sweet aroma. 

"hey." she said kissing the exposed skin of his neck on her tiptoes, which was the only place she had access to.

"let's go." he said grabbing her hand, leading her inside the car. 

"how was your first day as the new art director?" he asked. seol noticed that day it was only him, there was no mingyu around. she sighed in relief. she loved being alone with the ceo. 

"it was great. really bussy though." he chuckled. 

"do you need an assistant?" 

her eyes widened. "aniyoo..." she said fixing her hair. 

he laughed. "i think you'll need one eventually, just tell minhyuk, he'll find a good one for you." he said focusing on the road.

"al...right?" she whispered, looking away confused. "so... today i saw hyungwon." she said when they were stopped by a red light. 

kihyun tensed a bit but he rested his hand on her thigh. "yeah? where?" he asked, trying to sound casual. 

seol shrugged. "i ran into him at the elevator." 

"ah..." he said nodding, caressing his chin with his other free hand. "what did you guys talk about?" 

"actually nothing, he just told me he was going to see you." kihyun nodded. 

"he did. he came to see me." now seol's curiosity raised at the ceo's blank face. 


he shrugged. "he wanted to talk about something." he turned to look at seol, giving her a soft yet warning look. 

she knew he didn't want her to ask but her curiosity was bigger than her will to obey his bossy eyes. "what about?" she spoke almost immediately. 

the ceo looked away, closing his eyes between a sigh. "he's going away." he finally admitted. seol's eyes widened in shock. 


"yeah... he's going away... on a trip trip to rediscover oneself or something like that." he said focusing again on the road since the light had turned green. 


"yeah... he mentioned india or something like that." he said shrugging. "so he just wanted to inform you?"

the ceo tilted his head. "well... kind of." he sighed glancing at her. 

"i guess... he wanted the info of his bank accounts. he needs money for the trip." kihyun laughed. 

"ah." it was obvious. since he didn't remember anything, he probably couldn't remember if he had or not bank accounts, he probably didn't even remember his id number.

"did you help him?" 

"i did- well... minhyuk did under my orders... apparently he had a small fortune of savings so yeah, that'd help him live comfortably without working for the next 5 years as he travels the world." he nodded finally parking inside the pent's parking lot. 

seol nodded, a small o forming on her lips. "good for him... i hope that helps him to find what he's looking for." the ceo smiled sadly at her and finally nodded.

it made sense now, the sad look he gave her at the elevator. he was probably saying goodbye for good or at least for the next years. 

but it was definitely better this way. seol hated goodbyes. 

goodbyes are usually painful and awkward so she secretly thanked hyungwon for doing this.

they walked inside the pent hand in hand as seol helped the ceo to remove his jacket. "either way i am happy for him." she said holding his jacket between her arms. he turned and smiled sweetly at her.

"me too." 

"i hope he finds love on his trip." she said with a smirk, a contagious one. "can you imagine?" 

"he probably will... he's very handsome and skilled with the ladies." the ceo admitted, walking towards the couch, seol sat next to him. "are you going to miss him?"

kihyun stared at a lost point on the floor. he shrugged. "i guess? i am not sure... i mean, we kind of grew apart the last few years but... he was always there?" 

his gray eyes met hers, she saw a hint of sadness behind the glassy courtain. he blinked twice. "i know he was working for me but either way... he was always there." 

seol understood and it was true. hyungwon was always there for him. "it's okay... we'll probably see him again in a few years... married and with kids." she laughed, making the ceo laugh as well. 

he leaned closer to her, burying his face on the crook of her neck. "i hope so." he simply said. 

seol wrapped her arms around him and caressed his hair, running her fingers through his silver, soft locks. 

"there's something else i need to tell you about." his sweet and calmed voice caught her attention. the room was silent and she thanked got neither mingyu nor mr. noh where there. she liked having these intimate moments with the ceo, with nobody around to interrupt or to intimidate her. 

"what is it?" she asked softly. 

he remained silent for a few seconds as he looked for her hand. he entwined their fingers softly and sighed. 

"my family wants to meet you." 


a/n: double update, yay!! also... i am happy to announce we're close to the end. i think we have only a couple of chapters left, so enjoy ♡♡


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