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"i thought you said you didn't know how to play." kihyun crossed his arms on his chest as a soft frown appear. seol laughed. 

"actually... jooheon plays all the time so i know a few things." she shrugged. 

kihyun shook his head, a hint of a smirk appeared. "fair enough... you're quite good." he admitted, standing from the couch and walking around. seol followed him with her eyes.

they've been playing for the last couple of hours and it had been the first time she felt as if she was spending time with a friend and not with the ceo. 

he seemed like someone of her age, young, fresh and free of all worries. even though she knew he was still worried about the hyungwon's situation. but he surely had succeeded when he tried to push it away as he played with seol.

"are you going somewhere?" 

he just hummed as an answer. seol noticed he briefly disappeared into his room. she waited patiently, sitting on the couch. 

a few minutes later he emerged from his room as he buttoned a dark blue shirt. he was wearing a pair of blue jeans and a long dark wine coat. he stopped walking in front of her and stared down at her sitting figure. 

he combed his hair with his hands and seol seemed lost in the sight in front of her. "i am going to the hospital to check on hyungwon now, apparently he... woke up... will you be alright here by yourself while i am away?" 

seol swallowed hard as she stood from the couch and held onto his sleeve. "can i go with you?"

he closed his eyes and sighed. "back at it again? we talked about this, it's a no."

"kihyunnie..." she said with a sweetened tone, almost begging him. 

"no seol. you're not coming... i don't know how he'll react when he sees me so i am not risking you there."

she looked down, somehow disappointed. she was definitely curious about what hyungwon might say, but she didn't want to move from the ceo's side. she didn't want to be left alone there.

"i promise... if i feel everything's safe and fine, i'll bring you with me next time, okay?"

she only nodded. "okay. i'll leave now... i'll try to be back before dinner." he said leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on her forehead. 

not really giving her time to react, he quickly turned around and walked towards the door, disappearing through it. 

deep inside seol was grateful for this since he didn't catch the sight of her almost fangirling over his sudden and unexpected display of affection. she never imagined he'd kiss her like that and that provided her with great confussion, since she really didn't know where they were standing. 

after he left she felt like doing nothing so instead she stayed at the living room just watching movies on his laptop. 

there was no mr. noh around since kihyun had given him the day off so she had to cook for herself is she was hungry. 

as she walked to the kitchen to make a smoothie for her, she felt her phone beeping on her pocket. the screen enlightened with jooheon's name on it. 

she swallowed hard as she knew he'd probably scold her since she didn't return home last night. 


"hey... where are you?" 

seol frowned as she listened to jooheon's sweet yet worried tone. he wasn't angry, shouting like last time. 

"uh- well, i am not home?" 

she said laughing, as a joke. 

she didn't want to admit she was at the ceo's but she also didn't want to lie to him anymore.

"no shit... i can realize."

"well... actually something happened and i'll tell you everything about it-

"what happened? are you okay?"

"yes yes, i am fine... don't worry please."

"okay... then where are you? when are you coming home?"

"i'll be coming home today, maybe in a few hours. i'll call you when i am close."

"alright. i feel more relaxed now that i talked to you... so where are you right now?"

she closed her eyes as she anticipated jooheon's next yells. she knew he'd be pissed when learning the answer to that question.

"i am at the ceo's."

but the yells and the scandal didn't come. instead she heard a deep sigh followed by silence.

"give me the address." 


she tried to reason when she noticed the angered tone now rising. 

"never mind, i'll find it myself." 

he said hanging up. seol sighed in disappointment. at first she thought he'd understand but now he seemed like he could pop any time soon. 

the idea of making the smoothie was long forgotten as she felt the knot growing on her stomach. she walked back to the living room and tried to call jooheon several times but he didn't answer. 

a few hours passed and there weren't signs of the ceo nor jooheon at kihyun's pent. she grew anxious and desperate as the hours passed. 

she thought about texting kihyun and she even opened the window but soon the entrance's door opened revealling a tired-looking kihyun coming inside. 

seol ran to meet his side and she stared at him as he removed his long coat and gave her a soft yet sad look.

"hey." he simply meet her. 

"hey..." she said nervously, grabbing his coat. she was looking for traces of either jooheon being downstairs or news from hyungwon but he seemed hermetic.

"so... how was hyungwon?" the ceo opened his mouth but suddenly seol's phone beeped. she quickly checked it and realized it was a text from jooheon.

heoney: i am downstairs and these basterds won't let me go up

heoney: open the fucking door

seol swallowed hard as she looked up at kihyun who was standing close to her with his hands resting on his waist. "is there something wrong?"

she laughed nervously. "actually... you don't need to agree on this but jooheon's here."

the ceo's eyes widened as he tilted his head. "you mean... here here?"

"yes here as downstairs here." she said scratching the back of her head. 

kihyun looked away with a visible frown. "what is he doing here?"

"i guess... he came to take me back home, i have no idea."

he crossed his arms on his chest and looked at her narrowing his eyes. "and you want to go back?" 

she shrugged. "i don't know what i want anymore." the answer somehow triggering something inside the ceo, not sure if it was either hope or happiness.

"but i'll go downstairs and i'll talk to him to calm him down, i promise, it'll take a minute, you won't have to see his face- 

seol stopped talking when she noticed kihyun walking to the intercom and pressing a button. "let him in." he simply said turning around and fixing his shirt and sleeves. checking his reflection in the mirror next to him, combing a few loose strands of hair.

"gwenchana." he simply said, winking at her as he approached her side. 

seol looked at the scene with shoked eyes. she glanced at his towering figure next to her. he smiled and pushed her softly with his elbow. "relax." he simply said.

a few seconds later, the doors opened revealling a both enraged and shocked jooheon. he walked inside, cursing under his breath but mesmerized by his surroundings.

"you- he said pointing to seol - did you see the elevator talks? and the doors too?" he started but when he noticed seol was standing next to the ceo. his expression changed.

"why are you here? how many times do i have to repeat it to you seol-ah?" he said grabbing seol by the hand, bringing her to his side. 

kihyun sighed, containing his desire of rolling his eyes at him. "and you - he said pointing to the ceo - i thought i made myself clear when i said i didn't want you near seol, are you deaf?"

"good evening jooheon-ssi." the ceo answered, taking his hands to his pockets. jooheon watched carefully the ceo's actions and mumbled something to seol as he didn't take his eyes off of him.

"does he have a gun there? should i be worried?" he asked under his breath, as his distrustful eyes eyed carefully kihyun's moves.

"what? a gun? what are you talking about jooheon? let me go." seol said trying to free herself from his grip. 

"you never said that jooheon-ssi." kihyun said, standing straight and looking at jooheon with confident eyes. 

"well... i thought about it okay? and now i am saying it, i don't want you close to seol - he said glancing at seol and his eyes widened when he noticed seol's marks on her neck. 

he turned at the ceo with widened-shocked eyes and then at seol and he did it a couple more of times. "this is it, you're dead, you hear me!?" he exclaimed, releasing seol and jumping towards the ceo.

kihyun watched the scene in confussion as he was tackled by jooheon who sent a punch directly to his cheek. kihyun whimpered in pain as he tried to push jooheon away but seol got in the middle as she shouted thounsand of times, it hadn't been kihyun but hyungwon instead.

"what?" jooheon asked, taking a step back. he noticed how seol helped kihyun to stand from the ground and checked his wound. 

"it wasn't him!" 

"who did that to you?"

"i told you! it was hyungwon-

"no, it can't be okay? i met the guy, he is not that kind."

kihyun remained silent as he rubbed his now reddened cheek. "i am really sorry, he didn't know-

"it's okay seol." the ceo answered as he stared at jooheon. 

"listen... something happened okay? it's a very long story. but you can't come here and hit him like this, not before asking jooheon." seol said with serious eyes, not letting go of kihyun.

jooheon's chest was raced as he stared at seol in disbelief. "then explain to me so i can understand, who did this to you and why?" 

after jooheon calmed down and seol explained everything, he seemed shocked. he remained silent for a couple of minutes as he tried to put all the pieces together.

he glared at kihyun but now that he listened to the whole story, he didn't feel the same towards him. he was still upset with him for lying to seol and for ever thinking of her that way, but he felt ashamed of treating him the way he did and ashamed of providing him with such a beating.

"joesonghamnida." he said between teeth as he looked away. kihyun smiled sadly as he nodded in reassurance.

"it's okay jooheon-ssi... i can't blame you." 

jooheon glared at him and then turn to look at seol. "yah... how am i supposed to look at his face if he did nothing wrong? i don't like him yet i can't hate him."

"jooheon-ah! he can hear you!" seol said with worried eyes. kihyun just laughed.

"gwenchana... i don't mind. you don't have to like me jooheon-ssi... but i have something to tell you." 

jooheon turned around and looked at him, head up. kihyun tried to contain his urge to laugh since it looked like he was trying to pick up a fight with him. 

"i know i am not your cup of tea and that's fine... but i like your friend a lot and seol is very important to me, and i'd like to try to win her heart again..." 

the black haired looked shocked at the ceo's words. he looked at seol and then back at kihyun and he repeatedly did that. 

and seol wasn't behind at all. she wasn't expecting those words to come out of the ceo's mouth not in a million years. 

"so i know you're very important to seol and i want to do things right this time... do you think it'll be fine if i ask her out, properly... this time?" 

jooheon glared at him but turned to look at seol. "he's a psychopath... i don't approve, say no." he whispered, still audible enough for kihyun to listen. seol just rolled her eyes.

he then turned to look at kihyun. "i am fine with whatever is seol's answer." he said confidently, thinking that seol will follow his advise. 

but his mouth dropped to the floor when he heard seol's words. "i'd love to kihyunnie." 


a/n: guys! i know i've asked this question before but since there are new readers, i'd love to hear your opinion about this as well. i am planning my next fanfic and i am still trying to decide about who it'd be so i am open to suggestions. if there's any idol or group you'd like to read about that is not super famous, i am glad to read your suggestions. 

just please, try not to suggest any bts, exo or got7 idols because these 3 groups are super popular already and they have plenty excellent content in this and many other sites. plus i've already written 2 bts fanfics and 1 got7 fanfic (which i invite you to read in case you haven't) and now i want to help providing with more content for less popular or less known idols or groups.

now, i am not saying i won't write about any of these 3 big groups in the future, but i am not going to do it right now, since i feel there's already enough of them around. 

so yeah i am open to suggestions, you can leave comments in this area if you want or you can dm me, as you please. i'd love to hear what are you opinions on this. either way i do have a small list of possible idols but i am still not sure.

thanks for all the love!!

author g. 


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