Colors, The Lego Movie, and.... DATES?!

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Colors, The Lego Movie, and... Dates?!

CB Rocks posted a message: Hey guys! Next question: What's your favorite color?


Percy Jackson: That's easy. Blue.

Annabeth Chase: Sea green.

Percy Jackson: Wait... Annabeth, your favorite color is-

Annabeth Chase: Yes, Percy. The same color as your eyes.

Piper McLean: I don't really have a "favorite" color but I would maybe say a silky white color. Like white satin.

Jason: Hmm... I would have to say my favorite color is purple. It reminds me of my old life.

Piper McLean: Do you like any other colors, Jason...?

Jason: Orange maybe. Why?

Piper McLean: Oh, no reason.

Jason: What are you-?

Sexy SCOTA2: My favorite color is red! Or yellow... Or maybe orange. Oh! No no! Bronze is what I like. It's kinda a mix of all of those.

Hazel Levesque: Hmm... Favorite color... I do like purple. It's nice and subtle. Not screaming out for attention like red or orange.

Octavian: My favorite color is red. BLOOD red. Deep... Killing.., kinda color. You know?

Frank Zhang: *picks up phone* Yeah, hi. Is this the mental hospital...?

Octavian: *huffs* what? That is my favorite color. Or it's white, the color of skewered stuffed animals.

Nico Di Angelo: Black. Or very very deep grey. I only work in those colors.

CB Rocks: Nico, did you just quote Batman from the Lego Movie?

Sexy SCOTA2: "I work only in black. Or a very very deep grey." Haha! Nico, you at batman need to hang out sometime!

CB Rocks: Leo, how did you know exactly what Batman said?

Sexy SCOTA2: What? I absolutely LOVE the Lego Movie!

CB Rocks: Hey! Same here! *high five*

Annabeth Chase: Clover, since you are asking all the questions, can we ask you questions?

CB Rocks: Hmm... Well, okay. Shoot.

Annabeth Chase: Your favorite color?

CB Rocks: Yellow, blue, green, and grey.

Percy Jackson: Favorite Movie?

CB Rocks: The Lego Movie.

Sexy SCOTA2: :D

Nico Di Angelo: Secret place you hide?

CB Rocks: My room.

Piper McLean: Favorite song?

CB Rocks: Hmm... I don't have one.

Frank Zhang: You don't have a favorite song? Why?

CB Rocks: After I listen to a song too much, it gets boring. I do like Zach Hemsey's work though. 'Waiting Between Worlds' is a song I really enjoy. I also like Daft Punk's work from Tron. I listen to it all the time.

Jason: Favorite place to visit?

CB Rocks: My grandma's house, my elementary school's playground or basically anywhere I go/went to school.

Frank Zhang: Wait... You actually like school?

CB Rocks: I adore it. Summer is a waste of time to me, other than sleeping in, of course. I don't like to go swimming, shopping, basically anything a normal teenager does. Other than eating, sleeping, and going onto the Internet.

Sexy SCOTA2: Could I be the first to say this, but your life sucks.

Percy Jackson: I agree with Leo.

Octavian: You could kill stuffed animals with me! Then we can get lunch around New Rome!

CB Rocks: Umm....

Piper McLean: I think he asked you on a date...

CB Rocks: *pales so much, i look like a ghost*

Sexy SCOTA2: Clover... Run.


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