Demigod Q&A (Part 1)

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Hey guys, I've decided to post some of the questions you guys sent in. Some of them were pretty repetitive, so I decided to combine them. We cool?

Okay then! Let's get started!

Percy and Nico, have you watched Supernatural?


AquaDUDE: Well, let's just say that night was interesting...

Nico_Di_Angelo: It was not saying a word more...

Leo, Jason and Piper, would you ever go back to Quebec? Why or why not?


Sexy SCOTA2: I have no plans getting my butt frozen off, thanks.

XxbeautyqueenxX: We're already on bad terms up there, and I don't really wanna get frozen into an ice statue.

Fly-Boy: There is no way I'm becoming one of Miss Ice Queen's freezer sculptures.

Do you guys know you're in a book? And Frank- Canadians FOREVA!


BeArMaN: *fist bump*

Wise_Girl: You really think we're that sheltered from the outside world? We all know that there are books about us out there. Fan fiction along with the series Rick wrote.

AquaDUDE: It was Annabeth's idea actually.

Wise_Girl: With help from Jason.

RED: Yup. It's for halfbloods to know that there are dangers out there and that there are camps out there to help them.

*braided-lady*: We, as Romans, fully support this idea.

CareBearNightmare: *scoffs* whatever...

CLOVER: And you're okay with it, Percy?

AquaDUDE: Why wouldn't I? More people who love me. ;)

Sexy SCOTA2: Oh, and Zeus, everyone knows you're a jerk.

Favorite Book?


Wise_Girl: Oh I have a lot! Lets start with-

XxbeautyqueenxX: It will take an entire book just to write all of them, Annabeth. I really like Hunger Games though.

Fly-Boy: #writeabookonfavoritebooks

JEWELED: Well, I personally don't read very much...

*braided-lady*: There are too many to count.

Bubble: Any book that is on the ocean.

AquaDUDE: The books about me!


If you were in the Hunger Games, what would be your survival plan?


Motorcycle: Kill everyone as fast as possible.

Owl: Turn everyone against each other and walk away with the victory.

RED: Pull a Peeta and use my art skills to hide.

Fly-Boy: Find a way to rebel to get out, or make a strong team to fight everyone else.

AquaDUDE: Bro, I had that exact same idea.

Fly-Boy: Bro.

XxbeautyqueenxX: Live in the arena with everyone else and not fight at all.

Bolt: Destroy the arena!

Sun_Bottom: Wait, what is this?

Nico, do you love Will? Will, do you love Nico?

- @LollipopAddict2013

Nico_Di_Angelo: .....

Medicated-Sunshine: ...well-

Nico_Di_Angelo: Will!

Medicated-Sunshine: What?! I didn't say yes or no!

Nico_Di_Angelo: *rubs forehead irritably*

What would your factions be if you were in the Divergent world?


BeArMaN: Factions?

CLOVER: Factions are like the houses from Harry Potter, only its in a different world.

Sexy SCOTA2: Oh.

Wise_Girl: Erudite

CLOVER: Factionless

*braided-lady*: Candor

JEWELED: Amity, I guess...

AquaDUDE: I'm saying Factonless

Bolt: Candor

Flower: You are not honest!

Toolshed: Abnegation

Motorcycle: Dauntless all the way!

Owl: *scoffs* Erudite.

Nico_Di_Angelo: Dauntless...

Fly-Boy: Factionless.

Flower: Amity

Blackboxers: Candor, you idiots...

RED: Amity!

XxbeautyqueenxX: Abnegation

To Zeus- Why do you think you are the most hated god? I mean, everyone loves Hades more than you to be honest.


Blackboxers: Take that, brother. *sly face*

Bolt: They're just jealous of me.

Bubble: There's nothing to BE jealous of!

Love_Sick: I'm gonna spit it out for you, Lord Zeus: You're old, fat and ugly. Who would want to date someone as old as you?! *dreamy sigh* Ryan Gosling is who girls are into these days... *another dreamy sigh*

Motorcycle: *humphs and folds arms*

To Leo: Are you and calypso official? 

To Nico: Are you and will dating yet?

To Percabeth: Just do something cute. It's not a question, but a command. 

To Piper: Would you fight brick for Jason's love? 

To Thalia: can I join the hunters? 

To Frazel: do something cute. 

To everyone: CJ or CHB

To Clover: Will you ever let the others write a chapter?


CLOVER: *wipes forehead* holy cow... lots of questions.

Sexy SCOTA2: No, we aren't...

Nico_Di_Angelo: I really have to answer this?


Wise_Girl: *rolls eyes* You're such a Seaweed brain...

AquaDUDE: But I'm your Seaweed brain. *raises eyebrow and annabeth*

Wise_Girl: *smiles and blushes*

XxbeautyqueenxX: Where is this brick coming from???

Thalia: You must take the oath, first. We can set up a meeting later. *smiles and passes @MCGreekGeek a business card*

BeArMaN: Something cute?

JEWELED: *blushes brightly and fans face* define cute...

Rainbow: I do not have a favorite camp.

Fly-Boy: I agree with Iris. Both are my home.

Sexy SCOTA2: Aw come on Jason! How could you not choose CHB??? It has your girlfriend AND me! What more could you ask for?! CHB ALL THE WAY!

*braided-lady*: Camp Jupiter. It is my home.

Wise_Girl: CHB, since I grew up there.

AquaDUDE: And it has me! Camp Half-Blood is forever my home and it has my girlfriend. Pretty good reasons right?

Nico_Di_Angelo: ...chb...

CLOVER: Talking about the question, I have no clue what you're asking. Sorry. :/

To Iris: What is your favorite color? (and you can't say all of them!)


Rainbow: *whimper* all of them...

Leo, will you marry me?


Sexy SCOTA2: I'd love to sweetheart, but someone already stole my heart.

To Percy: What was it like to kiss Rachel? Annie, don't get mad.

AquaDUDE: *clears throat while cheeks redden* was alright, I guess...

RED: From my point of view, it wasn't half bad.

AquaDUDE: No offence Rach, but my favorite kiss I've ever had was with Annabeth in the lake.

RED: None taken. I'm not a very good kisser anyway.

To the Seven: Who's the nicest of you all?


Fly-Boy: I would personally say Hazel.

BeArMaN: I agree.

Wise_Girl: Its a hard competition between Hazel and Frank for me.

XxbeautyqueenxX: Percy definitely knows how to make a situation lively, so I'm saying him.

Sexy SCOTA2: Hazel all the way. (No offense Frank)

AquaDUDE: Yeah, I'm also saying Hazel.

JEWELED: Aw you guys... you're so sweet...

To Percabeth: If my friends dis on you guys, do I have permission to judo-flip them?


Wise_Girl: Yes.

AquaDUDE: Sure, but as long as we don't get in trouble for it.



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