Demigods React to Percy Jackson Movies (Part 2)

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Hey guys! Sorry for the long wait. (yes. I know. Two weeks is a while. I know...) Hope you enjoy! This is really a lot of fun! 

CB Rocks posted a message and video: (the video is Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters trailer. See multimedia) Hey guys! Another react video! Please watch and respond!


Annabeth Chase: No duh the gods are real! 

Jason: *sarcastic* Ooo... not half bloods! 

Percy Jackson: Oh my gosh! IS THAT TYSON?!

Reyna: Why do I have a feeling this is gonna be worse than the first one...?

Frank Zhang: Hey! At least Annabeth is blonde! 

Sexy SCOTA2: Percy looks better. Not as good as me but...

Hazel: The campers look so... old. 

Percy Jackson: The Oracle isn't too bad... except for the fact that she is not talking in riddles. 

Piper McLean: Oh no... not the gold box... 

Thalia Grace: Oh NOW they bring in the golden fleese! Geez... that took them a while... 

Annabeth Chase: This actually isn't too-


Annabteh Chase: I was wrong. 


Jason: Percy is way too sarcatic... 

Percy Jackson: Hey!

Jason: Sorry man, just saying. 

Hazel: Is that a cab...? 

Annabeth Chase: They officially have this all wrong... We didn't use the Chariot of Damnation to get AWAY from camp! 

Piper McLean: I kinda want to see this movie...

Sexy SCOTA2: WHY?!?!?!

Piper McLean: I want to see how much worse it gets. It's already horribly inacurate. 

Frank Zhang: Piper has a point...

Percy Jackson: Oh gosh... is that Luke? Again? 

Annabeth Chase: They actually did okay with his looks... Except for the scar of course. 

Thalia Grace: Is that.... Hermes? 

Annabeth Chase: Oh gosh... *facepalm* save me now... I would NEVER open that inside a FREAKING FACTORY!

Sexy SCOTA2:  Good reason you weren't in the movie then. 

Percy Jackson: Hippocampi! Awesome!

Frank Zhang: Is that a mechanical bull? What's that doing in the story?

Annabeth Chase: Oh trust me. Those belong there; they just look like a tinker toy. What DOESN'T belong there is that black creature on the side of the ship or whatever that was. 

Jason: Thats a monster. There are no such things as sharks swimming like that. 


CB Rocks: So did you like that? 

Annabeth Chase: Not at all. 

Percy Jackson: It sucked. End of story. I would NEVER want my name to be the title of that movie.

Piper McLean: But it is...

Percy Jackson: That's the point!

Jason: I don't even want to comment on this one... It was better than the last one, but I don't even want to talk about it...

Frank Zhang: Same here. Let's get to better movies. 

Sexy SCOTA2: Agreed. Hey Clover, could you come to the shop? I need to talk to you. 

CB Rocks: Sure. I can meet you there. 

Sexy SCOTA2: How soon? Could you come now?

CB Rocks: Um... sure I guess... What's wrong?

Sexy SCOTA2: Nothing. I just need to talk to you about something. 

CB Rocks: Uh... okay...


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