Demigods React to Teens React

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(I do not own the video. I came up with idea while watching theFineBros, and thought it would be funny to see how the demigods react. HAHA! Might post a book just of them reacting to stuff! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!)


CB Rocks posted a video with comment: (video is TEENS REACT TO WEIRD AL) Hey guys! You MUST watch this video or you will be unfollowed. :)


Annabeth Chase: What did I just watch...?

Percy Jackson: Wait... YOU KNOW WHO WEIRD AL IS?!

CB Rocks: Um... yeah? My dad introduced me. I have his new album.

Owl: I am very confused. What is this?

Bubble: Oh man... not this guy again...

CB Rocks: Again?

Rainbow: Oh yeah. This guy is insane.

Octavian: ... I hate you Clover...

CB Rocks: Good, I hate you too.

Hazel: Who and what is this guy doing?

Frank Zhang: I have no idea...

CB Rocks: Well, his name is Weird Al. He does parodys and I find them AWESOME!

Hazel: Weird Al... um... okay?

Annabeth Chase: Wait, is this guy a youtuber?

CB Rocks: No, he didn't start out that way at least. He actually has been doing his parodys for... what? Almost 40 years now.

LexiFORMAN: Shut the front door!

CB Rocks: ... um... didn't you already have your chapter?

LexiFORMAN: Leo invited me!

CB Rocks: *grumbles* of course he did... well, where is he now?

LexiFORMAN: Standing next to me.

LexiFORMAN: Hey Clove!

CB Rocks: Oh... hi, uh... Leo...

Percy Jackson: So you were saying...?

CB Rocks: Oh yeah! Anyway, Weird Al has a lot of really REALLY funny parodys. He has done some to "I'm Bad" by Michael Jackson (I'm Fat) "Blurred Lines" (Word Crimes) "Royals" (Foil) and "Fancy" (Handy). He does polkas too. He's done "Polka Face" (Poker Face) and a lot of other funny ones. Its a lot of fun to watch him create these hilarous vidoes!

Toolshed: Hold the phone. He's been doing this for 40 years?

CB Rocks: Yes. He has. For everyone: what do you think of his hair?

Percy Jackson: Depends on the video.

Frank Zhang: Yeah, if it is like the hair in the first video, then no. It looks like Octavian's.

Toolshed: True, but he can't be more handy than I am!

Motercycle: Uh, ya right! I could TOTALLY beat you!

Luvsick: Oh his hair is a DISASTER ZONE! Where are my children when I need them?!

CB Rocks:

Piper McLean: Mom, deal with it.

Annabeth Chase: Yeah, it's not like you gods can do a better parody.


Blackboxers: I'm not in this.

Motercycle: Posideon! We must beat them!

Bubble: Um...

Luvsick: I'll join in! As long as my hair doesn't turn out like his... *scoots away from computer*

Motercycle: AWESOME! Any others?

Bolt: I'll join you!

CB Rocks: I thought I blocked you!

Bolt: You unfollowed me. I can still post stuff.

CB Rocks: UGH!


CB Rocks: There. Done.

Hazel: When did this guy become big?

CB Rocks: He's been popular for a long time, as far as I know.

Blackboxers: Oh my styx! He's done "I'm Bad"?!

CB Rocks: Um... yeah?

Blackboxers: I love that song.

CB Rocks: Uh.. yeah... Yeah okay...


Frank Zhang: um...

LexiFORMAN: Sorry, that was Leo.

CB Rocks: *scowls* of course it was... Lesson is done for today. You're all excused.


Percy Jackson: Leo, you suck.

LexiFORMAN: What did I do wrong?! (Leo)

Frank Zhang: I'm with Percy on this. Can you not see that she is mad at you?

LexiFORMAN: Um.... no? (Leo)

Piper McLean: *sighs and puts hand on forehead* Guys are so stupid...

Octavian: Are not!

Annabeth Chase: Admit it, Octavion. You are stupid. Case closed.

Percy Jackson: ... that doesn't make me stupid does it?

Annabeth Chase: No, you aren't. Its just LEEEEO!

LexiFORMAN: Hey! I didn't do anything wrong!


(Is there a video that the Demigods react to? What do you want them to see? Send them in! I would love to write about it!

I am really sorry for the people who can not see the video or who are not in the book yet. I am trying my darn hardest for you guys. I have a whole bunch of Drawings done, I just don't have a scanner, so please don't leave me hanging.

Have a great Labor day weekend! And happy Onion days to me! (our city days) Love you all! Be good!!)

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