Merry Surprise Christmas!

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CLOVER: Surprise!!! Merry Christmas everyone!


Sexy SCOTA2: Awww yes!

AquaDUDE: But Christmas isn't even the best part about this time of year!

Wise_Girl: Oh, and what is seaweed brain?


XxbeautyqueenxX: Yes!!! I've already seen it and it was amazing!!

CLOVER: Really?? You've already gone???

XxbeautyqueenxX: yeah, Jason took me to the premiere showing. ;)

Fly-Boy: Eh, it wasn't that big of a deal.

Wise_Girl: Percy, why can't you be that cool? ;)

AquaDUDE: Hey, I'm broke, k?

Wise_Girl: I know seaweed brain. I was just joking with you.

JEWELED: Frank was nice enough to take me to movie last night. He's amazing like that.

BeArMaN: Let's not rub it in their face or anything, Hazel.

CareBearNightmare: Hold everything. All of you have gone to the new Star Wars movie and I HAVENT??? THE BIGGEST STAR WARS FAN OF ALL TIME! Even dead-girl saw it, and she's, like, 70 years old!

CLOVER: Um... Octavian, since when were you a Star Wars fan?

CareBearNightmare: Since FOREVER!

Medicated-Sunshine: Yeah, I don't believe that.

CareBearNightmare: Shut up.

Nico Di Angelo: Octavian, I was born in the 30s and I still saw the movie. Quit your griping.

Sexy SCOTA2: oooooooo did will take you???

--Posted at same time--

Medicated-Sunshine: Yes

Nico Di Angelo: NO

AquaDUDE: *wiggles eyebrows* Oooooh so we have some action goin' on that's not just in the movie?

Nico Di Angelo: *face turns cherry red* NO. SHUT UP!

XxbeautyqueenxX: Yeah, there's totally action happening in the theatre in the back row.

JEWELED: Ew... remind me not to join in on that movie trip.

Fly-Boy: Oh yeah, they must have been totally going at it during the lightsaber fights.

Nico Di Angelo: We didn't do anything!

BeArMaN: Oh, so you admit that you went with Will?

Nico Di Angelo: *stutters on words before huffing and turning away*

Medicated-Sunshine: *nudges Percy while smirking* he enjoyed it.

Nico Di Angelo: SHUT UP WILL!

RED: So other than the Star Wars movie, what are you guys going to do as a tradition for Christmas?

CLOVER: Well, my family gets together and has a whole bunch of fun traditions. Both on Christmas eve, Christmas, and the time afterward.

Wise_Girl: What do you do?

CLOVER: Well, we open up Santa bags (huge bags full of presents) on Christmas eve and then on Christmas, we do two different things with family. After Christmas, we usually go camping somewhere until the new year. It's a lot of fun.

AquaDUDE: That sounds supa dope

XxbeautyqueenxX: Supa dope?

AquaDUDE: What? Don't like it?

XxbeautyqueenxX: *spreads hands* okaaaaay...

CLOVER: What kind of fun traditions do you guys do?

*braided-lady*: At Camp Jupiter, we put up this giant Christmas tree in the main dining hall that the wind spirits decorate with all kinds of cool ornaments. On Christmas Eve, we commence a giant game course for only the bravest romans to endure. Then on Christmas morning, we serve a christmas themed breakfast and have the rest of the day off.

Fly-Boy: Yeah, those were always the best days of the year.

AquaDUDE: Well at Camp Half-blood, we decorate the cabins will all kinds of crazy christmas decorations and--

C_Stoll: DUDE TRAVIS! Do you remember that one time we set that plastic santa on fire and accidentally set Katie's hair on fire???

T_Stoll: Oh man, Katie was so mad at us, but it was so worth it!

AquaDUDE: Aaaaanyway, once everything is all decorated we have a party in the big house with music, dancing, the whole works. One year I bet Clarrise that she couldn't dance on the pingpong table to gangum style. Best video I've ever taken.

Wise_Girl: Oh my gods Percy! I remember that! I had to get you down from the doorway while you hung by your underwear.

AquaDUDE: Yeah... good ol' times.

RED: Percy, you forget the best part about our traditions!

AquaDUDE: Oh yeah! And then on Christmas night, we go out into the strawberry fields and Chirion makes Zeus send snow. So by the time the party is over, we have a fresh blanket of snow outside.

Wise_Girl: But if he's in a bad mood, we usually end up with 4 feet of snow.

Sexy SCOTA2: How can old big head be angry on Christmas? We freaking taught them how to build a Christmas tree last year!

XxbeautyqueenxX: I'd rather not ask, Leo.

CLOVER: Wow... I really should spend some time in Camp Half-blood this Christmas.

*braided-lady*: I have to confess, I would join in on that tradition.

Nico Di Angelo: We still have 6 more days until Christmas guys. Why are you all freaking out about traditions already?

Medicated-Sunshine: Oh liven up, debby downer. I'm personally really excited to see what Santa brought me!

Nico Di Angelo: *mumbles* of course you are...

CLOVER: Well, there is one more thing we have to do before we go.

BeArMaN: And what's that?

CLOVER: We have to wish our readers a Merry Christmas.

JEWELED: Oh yes! We can't forget that! Merry Christmas everybody! Hope you all enjoy your holidays!

Fly-Boy: *gives a playful salute* don't get yourselves killed by flaming Santas.

Wise_Girl: Merry Christmas! Be sure to have your list ready for Santa.

Sexy SCOTA2: Happy Christmas to you and you and you and you and everyone who's reading this! Be your flamen' best! *ignites fingers with fire*

BeArMaN: Merry Christmas, and don't be stupid out there.

CareBearNightmare: Santa isn't real.

Medicated-Sunshine: *gives dramatic waves* Bye! Enjoy your Christmas!

Nico Di Angelo: *grumbles with arms folded* merry christmas....

*braided-lady*: Have a very merry Christmas.

RED: Don't die out there! Happy Holidays!

AquaDUDE: Merry Christmas to all, fellow demigods, and to all a good night. ;)

CLOVER: Merry Christmas from all of us here at Demigod Facebook HQ and we all hope you have a wonderful new year!

*everybody waves goodbye*

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