Octavian's Girlfriend (Part 2)

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Ysa_Di_Angelo posted a video:

In the video, it starts out shaky and you hear hushed whispers.

Leo: Almost here...

-in the distance- Octavian: That was amazing Kate. We really need to do this again.

-coming closer- Kate: Oh it was nothing, my sweetie bear.

Ysabella (holder of the camera): *makes gagging gesture*

-Leo snorts and covers his mouth. Octavian looks toward where they are hiding, but Kate catches his attention.-

Kate: Sooo... *twirls hair* what do you want to do now...?

-Octavian watches her twirl her hair in a state of awe.-

Octavian: I-I dunno... *more staring*

-Kate moves closer to him.-

Kate: I guess we could just head back to my place and... Well, you know.

-She taps his nose flirtatiously. Octavian smiles.-

Octavian: Well, it's not like it would hurt or anything.

-Kate steps a little closer and brushes her hand along his cheek.-

Kate: You know what would make my night?

Octavian: Y-y-yeah...?

Kate: *smiles and leans toward him* A kiss.

-Leo sends the thumbs up to Ysabella and to Percy, who is stationed across the alleyway behind some dumpsters with Piper, Jason and Nico. Frank, who is crouched next to Leo, clutches his can of silly spray tighter. Leo nods to the Stolls and Annabeth, who are on their hands and knees behind some boxes. The twin pranksters smile evilly.-

Octavian: *dramatic eyebrow raise* oh yeah..? I would be happy to oblige.

-the two lean toward each other and then their lips touch. Ysabella makes the gagging gesture again. The kiss starts becoming heated.-

Leo: HA HA! Sucker!

-Everyone comes out from their hiding spots, holding up their cans of silly spray. Kate breaks away and smiles-

Kate: What do you think of my surprise?

Octavian: W-what?

-Kate gives him an award winning smile then fist bumps Leo.-

Kate: Leo, the Stolls and I had an agreement. If I could get you to believe I was your girlfriend, I would get a hundred drachma. Let's just say this will all be great entertainment for later.

-Leo waves his hand in a go gesture-

Leo: Now!

-Everyone let's loose their silly string. Octavian screams like a girl and tries to roll up into a ball-

Ysabella: Good luck finding another girlfriend!




Percy Jackson: That prank was amazing. I'm just saying.

CB Rocks: Man, I can't believe I missed it! Screw the stupid Ares Cabin!

Annabeth Chase: That's was Octavian gets when he gets involved with our lives and trying to kill us.

Sexy SCOTA2: Agreed!

Octavian: *scowls* I hate you all. You __________

(The previous comment has been cleaned, thanks to the DF Department)

CB Rocks: Woah there, Mr. Feistypants. It was just payback.

Ysa_Di_Angelo: A fun payback, but payback just the same.

Octavian: You all suck.


Sexy SCOTA2: Well, I'd say that prank was a success! Everyone give it up for Kate and her amazing acting skills!

Everyone: *applauds*

MagicKate: Ah, it was nothing. Pranks are my life.

C_Stoll: So, you wouldn't mind if I took you on a real date?

MagicKate: No arguments here, as long as it's not a prank.

T_Stoll: Nice move, bro. Want to come with Katie and I this Friday?

C_Stoll: That's up to my date.

MagicKate: That's cool with me. :)

T_Stoll: Awesome! I guess we'll meet you at the Hermes cabin.

CB Rocks: *elbows Leo* That was an amazing prank idea. And everything turned out golden in the end.

Sexy SCOTA2: Hey, seeing Octavian's booty get kicked is always entertaining.

CB Rocks: *laughs* yes. That is very true.


(A/N: I would like to thank LollipopAddict2013 for allowing me to use her character. I'm really sorry if I didn't get it right, but I had a lot of fun using her. Thank you!

I also want to apologize to ysabelli for not putting her character in sooner. It got lost on my phone and I just recently found it. Hope you enjoyed it!

I also want to thank my readers for reading my books!

I do have a request though.

Could everyone please message me/comment something that I can work on? I really want to get better, but I'm not getting a lot of constructive criticism. I want to get better for you guys, but I just don't know how.

Please comment something on any of my books and in any of the chapters. I would love to hear your readers feedback.

Thank you! I love you all!)

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