Owl City

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Chapter 2


Reyna posted: What are chariot races? We use chariots, but we never did a race with them.



Annabeth Chase: It is a sport the Greeks did. It consists of a chariots, a box with wheels, that Athena created and horses Poseidon created out of sea foam. They used them in the Olympics-

Percy Jackson: Let’s put it this way, a box on wheels going around a track with hairpin turns. Some people like to use, uh, toys while playing.
Annabeth Chase: -and used them as, well, fancy cars. To make the chariot, Athena and Poseidon had to work together. So, this was probably the only time they did work together-

Percy Jackson: Annabeth...

Annabeth Chase: Now a days, at camp, we like to go against other cabins-

Percy Jackson: Annabeth....

Annabeth Chase: and we use all kinds of things to help us win-

Percy Jackson: ANNABETH!!

Annabeth Chase: What?!

Percy Jackson: I don’t think Reyna needs the WHOLE biography of it.

Reyna: Thank you Percy!

Annabeth Chase: *sigh* Fine. Just think of it as the way Percy described it....


Piper Mclean posted: Has anyone seen the new Avengers movie? It is freaking amazing!



Frank Zhang: No. It sound really good though!

Octavian: I can not believe you would watch something like that!! It is about fictional superheroes!

Hazel: Which is how much different from your stuffing filled temple?

Percy Jackson: She’s got a point Octavian. You know I would rather go see a superhero movie than watch you chant over stuffing.

Thalia Grace: I saw the movie! It was sooo good! I am so jealous of Hawkeye!

Grover Underwood: I saw it and hated it! They destroyed everything!

Annabeth Chase: Oh shut up goat boy! I bet it was really good. Anyone want to go this afternoon?

Sexy SCOTA2: Oh yeah! So coming with you guys!

Jason: You guys better wait for me!

Percy Jackson: I will meet you guys outside the sword arena.

Hazel: Don’t forget me and Frank! We will meet you at the camp borders!

Piper Mclean: This will be the third time I have seen it, but it just keeps getting better and better!

Reyna: Have room for one more?

Piper Mclean: Of course!


Piper Mclean has logged off

Percy Jackson has logged off

Annabeth Chase has logged off

Sexy SCOTA2 has logged off

Hazel has logged off

Frank Zhang has logged off

Reyna has logged off

Thalia Grace has logged off

Jason has logged off


Octavian: *sigh* I will be chanting over my stuffing...


Octavian has logged off


Bolt posted: Anyone coming to the Christmas party?



Owl: I gave you my plans. Follow them!

Bubble: I am coming. I have the refreshments....

Drunky: No! I do!

Bubble: Fine, I will bring some ice....

Flower: I will bring some organic plants.

Luvsick: Ohhhh! I will bring the mistletoe and decorations!! :D

Toolshed: I won’t be coming. I am busy making more bronze bulls.

Motorcycle: Dude! How can you miss the gods Christmas party!

Percy Jackson: Hey, can I come?

Bubble: NO!

Bolt: NO!

Blackboxers: NO!

Drunky: NO!

Owl: NO! It is for gods only!

Rainbow: How come I can’t come?

Owl: Um... you’re a minor goddess. Doesn’t count.

Rainbow: Humph! I will have Percy come over to my place and we can have a Christmas party there!

Percy Jackson: Thanks Iris! Can my friends come too?

Rainbow: Of course!

Sexy SCOTA2: Sweet!! I will bring the party stuff!

Sunblazer: Sorry Zeus, but I might ditch your party for theirs...

Moonlight: Ug..... I won’t be going to either party.

Sunblazer: Why?!

Motorcycle: What is with you people? How can you not go to a christmas party?! Especially a god’s christmas party!

WeddingRing:  She has a point Ares. Some of our parties get WAY out of hand. That is why I am going to Iris party.

Bolt: My own wife?! Why don’t you want to come to our party?

WeddingRing: Because I know it will end up with you, Hades, Ares, and Dionysus getting drunk and dancing on the table in your boxers. Not cool.

Bubble: She’s right. I was glad I left early last year...

Bolt: FINE! Go to Iris’s party! I will just have my own party...


Bolt has logged off


Bubble: *sigh* Iris, can I come to your party?

Rainbow: Of course! All gods and Demigods are welcome!

Percy Jackson: Dad, you can come, but you can’t embarrass me, deal?

Bubble: I can’t say I promise son, but I will try my best.


Piper Mclean posted: Have you guys heard Owl City’s new song? It is awesome!



Annabeth Chase: No, but I want to!

Hazel: Yes!! It is adorable!

Sunblazer: Oh yeah! It IS awesome!

Owl: What are we talking about?

Percy Jackson: Owl City’s new song Strawberry Avalanche. Look it up :)

Owl: He better not be insulting my sacred animal...


Owl has logged off


Piper Mclean: I bet she will love it!

Annabeth Chase: Sometimes it is hard to tell with my mom, but let’s hope she doesn’t blow Adam to dust.

Hazel: Because Dreams Don’t Turn to Dust!

Percy Jackson: Ha Ha!


Owl has logged on


Owl: That was AMAZING! He has represented my sacred animal beyond well!

Annabeth Chase: Just wait until you hear Hello Seattle and Deer In the Headlights! Love those!

Reyna: I love Kamikaze and Super Honeymoon!

Piper Mclean: Galaxies!

Percy Jackson: Saltwater Room!

Sexy SCOTA2: Ha ha! Typical Percy....

Hazel: Umbrella Beach!

Bubble: Agreed!

Flower: Plant Life!

Owl: Wow.....he must be pretty good. I will listen to more songs.....


Owl has logged off

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