Percy and Jason's Totally Cool (audio) Guide to Monsters

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Okay guys, for this chapter, you'll need to go to this link to listen to the content. Truuuust me, you guys will like it. It's mostly clean and is hilarious!  If the link to SoundCloud doesn't work, here is a link to the post on tumblr: 

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Thanks for understanding! I couldn't attach it to the chapter, so you'll have to look it up. :( I'm sorry for the inconvenience... 

I do not own the audio or what the audio was based on.


Fly-Boy posted an audio message: (link above) 

Fly-Boy posted a message: Wala! Hope you all enjoy!


XxbeautyqueenxX: Oh that's what you guys were doing! 

AquaDUDE: Hades yeah! 

Wise_Girl: I am still going to get you guys for that...

CareBearNightmare: You Greeks and your insane way of life... It's horrific  

BeArMaN: Gee, and look who's talking. 

JEWELED: Why didn't you get the rest of us in it?

AquaDUDE: Not many people are up that early at camp. 

CLOVER: obviously... 

Nico_Di_Angleo: guys are weird...

RED: At least it's better than the old orientation film. 

AquaDUDE: Dude! We should totally petition for this to be the new orientation!

Wise_Girl: Seaweed brain, are you crazy?

Sexy SCOTA2: Yes. 

Wise_Girl: Shut up Leo. 

T_Stoll: BROOOO we should totally make a cooler version of this!

C_Stoll: *pulls out movie clipboard* MOVIE MAKING TIME!

CLOVER: You guys make movies?

C_Stoll: *whispers* no, but we like to pretend!

Sexy SCOTA2: Let me guess, you direct comedies? Da doom pish!


Fly-Boy: Very funny Leo.

Sexy SCOTA2: *spreads hands and bows*

BeArMaN: Is it just me or does Drew sound drunk?

CLOVER: *snickers* and Percy not knowing how to turn off the recording?

XxbeautyqueenxX: *laughs* and brushing of the teeth? And let's just say that Drew really is the most rude person anyone will ever meet.

Fly-Boy: True dat. AND THOSE HEELS HURT!

Sexy SCOTA2: For some, maybe. ;)

JEWELED: What's with the giant rat?

Nico_Di_ Angelo: ...and why do you guys have the horrible audio...?

Medicated-Sunshine: Who cares! It's cool!

AquaDUDE: Gee, someone who actually cares! Will you look at that!

CareBearNightmare: *sarcasm* oh yeaaaah. So raaaare. 

BeArMaN: We really didn't need the warning to say it was sarcasm. We all could tell, Teddy bear slayer. 

Sexy SCOTA2: *sparkle fingers* 

AquaDUDE: Yeah, Chiron is definitely gonna love the new change!

Fly-Boy: Its true, bro. It will save the world from a lot of pain. Those hair styles in the orientation video are hideous. 

CareBearNightmare: But which is worse? Your guys' faces, or the hairdos?

Wise_Girl: Don't you dare insult my boyfriend like that. 

XxbeautyqueenxX: I say we teach him a lesson about snarky comments. 

Wise_Girl: Agreed. 



Sexy SCOTA2: Yeah, you better run man. The lesson isn't fun. 


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