Zeus is a Bronie

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AquDUDE: forms...?

Wise_Girl: yes seaweed brain. Do you not remember two chapters ago?

AquaDUDE: weeeell...

Wise_Girl: *sighs* you're hopeless sometimes...

BeArMaN: Is that the only message you need to tell us clove?

CLOVER: No, I also want to introduce the person im coauthoring for- Andrew.

2Kul4U: Hey what's up guys? I guess you've been hearing things about me?

XbeautyqueenX: more than you would want. Hahaha

CLOVER: what's that supposed to mean?

Fly-Boy: Rumors are going around.

2Kul4U: Like how I might have killed off your parents? And how Uranus now has a human body?

CLOVER: Andrew! Hush!

C_Stoll: how could you have killed our parents? Our dad's way to fast for you!

T_Stoll: Heck yeah he is!

Bolt: YOU FIEND!!! *tackles Andrew* HOW DARE YOU KILL US MIGHTY GODS?! *magic bolt appears and is about to strike him*

2Kul4U: Zeus calm yourself and I know it's hard to believe that you're not top dog. Uncle Rick would never kill you guys off. But I am brave enough to do it. *smirks and pushes zeus off of me and summons my own mighty bolt.* Stolls you're dad is getting old and slow

Wise_Girl: ... *applauds*

Sexy SCOTA2: *pulls out sign that reads "TEAM ANDREW!"*

CLOVER: Woooooah you two! *steps between Andrew and Zeus* let's not fight about this. We can't go in too deep or we'll wreck each other's worlds apart.

*braided-lady*: we've already destroyed enough.

Nico_Di_Angelo: amen.

Sexy SCOTA2: Is there gonna be a fight or no...?

CLOVER: shush! *swats Leo playfully* you're just gonna make things worse!

BeArMaN: can we just get to the part where we all calm down?

CareBearNightmare: Aw come on! Things were just getting good!

XbeautyqueenX: Guys, I don't want another world war on our hands. Just saying.

CLOVER: She's right guys. Take a deep breath and calm down

2Kul4U: Only if Zeus admits I'm better than him. Also he's a bronie and a fairy princess.

Bolt: WHAT?! I AM NOT!

CLOVER: seriously you two... The world is about to crumble if you two don't stop fighting for dominancy.

2Kul4U: Just admit Zeus.

Bolt: NO!

2Kul4U:Jason am I right about your dad? Stolls, did you get that video I wanted?

Bolt: Son... Don't spill my secrets...

Fly-Boy: I don't need to dad.

T_Stoll: Connor has the video!

C_Stoll: hahaha! Here it is!

C_Stoll posted a video: (in this video, we see Zeus in the throne room of the gods. He has a shirt that reads: Durpy Knows Me. His hair is covered by a Rainbow Dash wig and he's marveling his fake tail in a mirror. Snickering is heard in the background. The recorder- Poseidon we think- slowly moves toward him. In an off-key voice, Zeus sings: "My-y little po-ony! My l-little pony-y! Aaaahhhaaaahhhhaaa!!" He begins to dance around in a circle until he sees the recorder. The video ends with his shocked expression)

2Kul4U: Well Zeus.


Bubble: *snicker* you so sure brother?


CareBearNightmare: Haha! I'm not the one being made fuuuun of! Ha ha!

CLOVER: Yeah, this just got interesting...

2Kul4U: Lord Poseidon do you have that video I prayed for?

Bubble: I was going to post it, but SOMEONE spilled her perfume bottle!

Lovesick: I'm so-rry! But when it comes to Clairè De Jòn, you don't argue!

Lovesick: and you save as much as possible!

2Kul4U: Lady Aphrodite have you read my story?

Lovesick: I don't have time for reading!

Sexy SCOTA2: nor does she have time to clean up perfume...

CLOVER: *quiet giggle*

2Kul4U: Clover did we decide the people who would make hera actually likeable?

CLOVER: I don't remember...

2Kul4U: Guys hera will be hot for once and likeable.

Wise_Girl: Oh thank the gods!

*braided-lady*: she defiantly will be more likable than she is now anyway.

JEWELED: Indeed.

WeddingRing: HEY! I'm just fine as I am!

2Kul4U: Hera you look like something Cerberus left on Hades front yard after potty break.


CLOVER: *busts up laughing*

Wise_Girl: Amen Andrew. A-men.

Fly-Boy: ...any readers want to draw that?

CLOVER: Dude, I would love to see that! And speaking of readers... Andrew, would you like to close the contest on a good note?

2Kul4U: We all know Zeus' secret. Hera looks like underworld poo. And we have two contest winners

C_Stoll: *whisper* Travis! You know what I'm thinkin'...?

T_Stoll: *whisper* defiantly!



CLOVER: Well... I guess we'll have to look forward to that. Well, thanks for all those who participated in the contest. It means so much to me, Andrew, and the rest of the crew working on The New Era series. And without further adu... Who are our winners Andrew?


2Kul4U: Nicodacupcake and LollipopAddict2013!

CLOVER: Congrats Nicodacupcake and Lolli! Thank you everyone who sent in a description. We might get back to you for a different character, so watch your messages.

AquaDUDE: Well, it's been a lovely day. I'm gonna go rewatch that Zeus video.


Hey readers! Thanks so much for your support!

For those of you who sent in a request form, please continue to watch your messages. You may get another person to write for. We're still looking for people of you're interested.

Give a big thanks to @thegreatgatsbylife! He is absolutly amazing and he is so much fun to work with. Also thank him for the awesome AWESOME contest and book series.


Well, I think that's all from me. Have a wonderful night everyone, and I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week.

(Trust me, you're going to need it. It's only Wednesday haha)

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