oh baby baby

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A/N: I'm sorry if you wanted a more dangerous story with more excitement but I'm doing major time skips because this is like a background to another story that I'm planning. Deal. J.K. (Rowling) HAHAHA!!! But Siriusly. HAHAHA!!! Okay, okay, I'm done...for now...really, I don't like being mean or rude. Anyway, enjoy!


If anything goes wrong I'm going to kill that sea scrum.


I'm so excited! I can't remember the last time a demigod child of mine had a child, let alone two!!!






There is no way in Hades that I'll be delivering another baby. Maybe my sister Marika could do it.


I'd better be the godmother. To one of them at least.


I hope I'm a good father.


I hope I'm a good mother. Regardless of that, I'm so tired of having to sit around all day. At least they could be coming any day now! We are in may after all.


We're near the end of school. We're in May so it's this month then next month then we've finished our education. Piper has been teaching Annabeth's class because she still has a month of pregnancy to go whereas Annabeth could have them any day now.

We were in the middle of ancient runes when Leo and Jason ran in. The whole class gasped in fear and horror. Leo's left arm was on fire though he didn't seem to notice. Piper rolled her eyes at him.

"Leo your arm is on fire. Again."

He looked down and it went out.

"Sorry! Over excited! It's time! In the room of requirement!" Leo said.

Jason came to the front, picked Piper up bridal style, and ran out, yelling a quick "class dismissed" over his shoulder.

I exchanged glances with my friends (which now included Drake) and we goat up and ran to the room of requirement. When we got there, everyone was waiting outside.

We waited for hours. Leo kept pulling things out of the tool belt that he always wore. By the time the doors opened, Leo had made:

- a crib
- another crib
- two wooden rocking pegasi
- a tiny baby vanity
- two little baby swords
- two little baby daggers
- two baby sized archery sets
- etc.

So let's just say he made a lot of baby stuff. The others had little baskets that were close to overflowing with stuff.

First Percy's parents, who had arrived shortly before with another man and woman, went in. Then Percy came out with two little bundles. One was wrapped in a grey blanket with sea-green words saying "Momma's boy" and the other was wrapped in a sea-green blanket with grey words saying "Daddy's little girl".

The girls instantly swarmed around the children while the guys patted Percy on the back. A little while later, we got a view of the children.

The boy had blonde hair and grey eyes like his mother but his hair was windswept like his father's.

The girl had black hair and sea-green eyes like her father but her hair curled nicely like her mother's.

They were beautiful.

Ginny wrapped her arms around my waist and leaned her head on my chest.

"Harry, I want one of those one day."

"Maybe in a few years."


About a month later, Piper had her child, a son. He had his father's electric blue eyes, and his mother's choppy brown hair.

The three children were instant friends and were rarely apart. Everyone at school adored them. They were very fast learners. By that I mean that all three of them were running around Hogwarts only weeks after Jason and Piper's son, Charles Beauregard Grace, was born.

It's the last day of school and at breakfast the three of them were being chased around by their poor parents who just wanted to feed their children.

"Okay, I guess they'll just have to be hungry until lunch time." Annabeth said, trying not to smile as she, Percy, Jason, and Piper started walking away.

The kids exchanged startled glances and quickly ran to their parents.

"No, no, no!!! Food!!!"

Percy laughed and picked up his daughter.

"Come on. Let's get you guys something to eat before it disappears."

Later, when we were in DADA, Percy had the kids. Lucas was trying to sit in the corner to read a Greek mythology book while Zoë kept trying to "skewer" her twin with her little wooden sword.

Percy told us to use the old dull wooden training swords so that his kids wouldn't get to hurt.

Eventually I was in a mock battle with Zoë. Though after a few minutes I found myself having to use more and more effort. At least until a dagger came sailing between us. We looked up to see the tiny genius baby Lucas.

"I want to read. You are loud."

He then sat down again with his book. Everyone stared in amazement at him for a moment before class ended.


It has been almost sixteen years since we finished school and Percy, Annabeth, and their friends/family invited us to visit them in America. James is ten years old, Albus is nine years old, and Lilly is seven years old. Lucas and Zoë should be just over sixteen years old.

I arranged it so that I'd have a few weeks off work. I'm an auror.

We, meaning my family, and Ron and Hermione's family, gathered outside my house to apparate. We didn't actually get an address from them so we just thought about Percy and Annabeth and spun on the spot.

We appeared in front of a big white house on an abandoned road. A few yards away on one side was a strawberry farm while to the other side was a beach. We walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell.

We heard running feet and squealing. Then

"AHHH!!! Dad! Lucas stole my sword!!! I'M GONNA KILL YOU LUCAS!!!"

and a clang of metal against wood. We exchanged startled/worried glances just as the door was opened by a twelve year old boy with blonde curly hair and intelligent grey eyes.

"Mom is working and Dad is stopping Zoë from maiming Luke. Silena and Thallas are playing in their room. You can come in. For now, you should avoid the kitchen and the hallway. Just stay in the living room for now and you'll be fine. Is it true that you're staying for a few weeks?"

This kid is so much like Annabeth.

"Yes. Yes we are. What's your name?" Ginny said.

"My name is Ethan. Since you'll be staying here, I have some advice for you. Don't mess with Zoë's weapons, and don't mess with Luke's books."

Just then, a man with black windswept hair and sea-green eyes walked in with a screaming sixteen year old girl over his shoulder.

"DAD!!! Why aren't you punishing Luke!?! He took my favorite sword!"

"Only because you and Ezmeralda burned his copy of Paladin Prophecy."

"Well first of all I told her not to play with the flames and second of all, he's the one who used a spell to shrink my favourite bathing suit."

"Only because-"

"OKAY, OKAY!!! I get it!"

Percy smirked as a blonde head poked out from behind the door.

"Is it safe?"

Zoë growled.

"For now."

Percy turned to us with a smile on his face.

"Hey guys! Long time no see! Wise Girl is just finishing up some plans. She'll be down in a moment."

He went to the kids.

"Hi! I'm Percy. I'm a friend of your parents. Do you want to learn how to use a practice sword?"

The previously shy kids smiled deviously at him and nodded enthusiastically.

"Awesome! My kids can teach you. We have a training room in the basement. Zoë, Luke."

They nodded and led James, Rose, Albus, Lilly, and Hugo away while Ethan followed them out of the room.

As they left, Annabeth walked in.

We laughed and talked for another half hour or so before Annabeth and Percy sobered.

"Guys, we're sorry we didn't get in touch sooner but we wanted to tell you about us and to do that, we had to get permission." Percy said.

We looked at them, confused.

"Tell us about you? Permission? What do you want to tell us, why would you need permission, and permission from who?" I asked.

"Permission from the gods." Percy said. "The Greek and roman gods are real. My biological father is Poseidon, one of the big three, one of the twelve Olympian Gods, creator of horses, god of the sea, earthshaker, etc. and Annabeth's biological mother is Athena, one of the twelve Olympian gods, Godess of Wisdom and battle strategy, creator of the olive tree, nemesis of Poseidon, etc. All the gods are real. They travel with western civilization. Their half mortal children are either called demigods or half-bloods. There are two Half-Blood camps. Camp Half-Blood and camp Jupiter. Both Annabeth and I are saviors of Olympus along with numerous other titles that we may or may not tell you eventually. We have fought in two wars, been in multiple prophecies and more. From a young age we train to fight Greek/Roman monsters that would kill us otherwise. Annabeth ran away from home at age seven and came to Camp Half-Blood with two people. Only her and a guy named Luke made it into the boundaries. Thalia almost died until her father took pity and turned her into a pine tree for about five years. I came to camp when one of the kindly ones attacked me on a class field trip because all the gods except my father thought I had stolen Zeus' master lightning bolt. So now all Annabeth and I have to do is cross our fingers and hope you dint try to kill us or tell your whole world about us."

That was a lot of information to take in all at once so we all just sat there for almost half an hour.


A/N: 1747 words

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