Frazel and Solangelo- Selene Night

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Thanks to @CaptainSwanChild  for this idea! Luv ya!

Hazel's POV:

It's been two years since the war with Gaea. Me and Frank are engaged, although privately, in my opinion, it took him long enough! He was really nervous when he asked me, stuttering and turning into a rooster every five seconds. Why do I get the feeling that he had a little conversation with my dad?

Anyways, me and Frank stayed in New Rome until he finished his time in the legion, then we became keepers. We find demigods and bring them to either of the camps (whichever one we are closest to) before they can be killed by monsters. We got word that there had been some interesting things happening a school called "Elderberry High". The Council of Cloven Elders has sent me, Frank, Will, and my brother to go check it out. I can't explain it, but I feel a strong pull towards this case. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

Selene's POV:

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I saunter towards my class, earbuds in, listening to 'Silent Scream' By Anna Blue

I'm caught up in your expectations

You try to make me live your dream

But I'm causing you so much frustration

And you only want the best for me

You're wanting me to show more interest

To always keep a big bright smile

Be that pinky little perfect princess

But I'm not that type of child

Someone shoved me into the lockers. I already knew who it was, before my skin hit the metal, or my earbuds were yanked out, or a sickly sweet voice said:

"Hey Goth."

Then came the taunts. The pinches. The slaps. But I would not let them break me.

"I bet you cut yourself, you psycho."

"Who'd you sleep with this time, slut?"

"Stupid bitch, you can't even answer us!"

I picked myself up off the ground, grabbed my earbuds, and kept walking. Of course, they followed me.

"You don't deserve to be around normal people." (Someone actually told me this once)

"You can't do anything."

"You're worthless."

I didn't respond. Responding would only make it worse. I went into my class- Mythology. The one class I actually didn't hate. I sat in the back row, touching my necklace. It was a black rock, shaped like a diamond, hanging from a silver chain around my neck. I had had it for as long as I could remember, and I fingered the words on the back, etched in silver:

Be strong

The words that guided me, held me, enforced me. Made me keep going. For my mom, and my brother. They need me, so I have to keep doing this. I have to get a good education, and make money to keep supporting them.

2 kids I didn't know came into the classroom. The teacher, Mr. T- something or another, introduced the students. A girl with dark skin and cinnamon colored hair, and a buff guy, who had an almost bear-like appearance.

"Class this is Hazel Levesque. I expect you to treat her with respect, and accept her with open arms." The teacher said.

I snorted. Who did this guy think we were, five year-olds? Apparently they heard me.

"Do you have something to add, Miss Night?" The teacher asked, sounding annoyed.

The girl's eyes met mine, they were the color of gold, and shone with a kind of glittery shimmer. I was mesmerized, and must have spaced out for a second.

"Miss Night?"

"Yes. That is my name. Well done." I told the teacher, smiling at him like a preschool teacher who had just given her student a gold sticker.

He merely sighed and continued introductions.

"This is Frank Zhang." He said in an almost monotone voice. Maybe he only acted nice for the girls. Or maybe it was because Hazel looked 14 years old. Frank looked Asian, and he was huge! Really tall, and despite his size, seemed really sweet. I doubt anyone else saw that though. They were all glancing at him with looks of fear imminent on their faces. I sighed. No tact.

Putting on the best bright face I could muster, I smiled at Hazel and patted the seat next to me. 'Over here!' I mouthed.

Hazel nodded to show she understood, and tapped Frank on the shoulder. She said something to him, and his face brightened. He followed her over to where we were, and sat down at the table.

"I'm Selene." I said, still smiling. Hopefully, if I was nice to these kids, they would remember me once they got sucked up into the popular group, and might show me a little favor.

"I'm Hazel, and this is Frank." Hazel said, smiling happily. Wow. Super innocent.

"I know." I said smirking. Frank put his arm around Hazel. I glanced, at him, then back at Hazel.

"Are you two....."

"dating?" Hazel said, eyes glittering again. Wow....

"Yep." Frank said, speaking for the first time since he entered the room. Maybe Hazel made up for his quietness with her chatter.

"I know I look 13 or 14, but I'm actually 16." Hazel said.

"Really? Cool." I say nonchalantly, but I'm actually surprised. She looks really young.

"Are you guys starting in the middle of the school year for a specific reason or anything? Like, did you move from a foreign country or something?" Said, the Queen Popular, Charlotte, in a really snobby voice. She had obviously been eavesdropping, and wasn't even trying to hide it. Ugh.

Hazel looked uncomfortable and shifted awkwardly in her seat. Frank answered for her.

"We moved here." Wow, a whole sentence. Boy, are we lucky.

"Where from?" I found myself asking. Charlotte gave me a disgusted look, and turned back around to face the teacher.

"Canada." Said Frank, at the same time that Hazel said "Alaska."


----Time skip brought to you by Nico attempting to babysit a child of Frazel (name ideas?)---

During lunch I sat down with Hazel and Frank. Sure enough, Queen Popular waltzed over, swinging her hips. Leaning on the table (showing a little too much, if you know what I mean) she addressed Frank.

"Hey, babe, wanna come sit at our table? I don't know if you realized this, but you're sitting with a Goth psychopath and a black kid."

*Officially ready to kill this bitch of a pathetic excuse for a mortal*

Frank, surprisingly, did not do any of the things I expected:

- get mad

-slap her


-take hazel and leave

-move schools

-go sit with the bitches (unlikely)

Instead, without looking away from Hazel, he said one word: "No."

"Excuse me?" Charlotte said.

"He said NO." I said, standing up. I was beginning to get mad. That was never good. But for some reason, I felt the strongest urge to protect Hazel from this bitch. I usually only feel protective over my family, but in the short time that I've known her, she's already like a sister to me.

"I didn't speak to you emo." Charlotte said slapping me across the face. I sat down again, face burning. I didn't want to know what Hazel and Frank would think of me now. Probably they thought I was a goth, or a creep. How humiliating.

Instead, Hazel stood up, her gold eyes blazing with fury. Suddenly, she didn't seem so innocent and naive. She looked like a warrior.

"Leave. Her. Alone." Hazel said, and it sounded as though she were murdering each word in her mouth. Even Charlotte looked a little intimidated by her. Then, of course, Charlotte had to go and try to hit Hazel.

Frank's hand shot out, fast as anything, and grabbed Charlotte's arm. I was so angry, the floor started shaking. A small black crystal pierced the floor. My eyes widening, I stepped on it, hoping no one would notice. Hazel was looking at me curiously.

"No." He said again, but with more force, and I think his eyes might have looked, red, for a second? Charlotte sniffed, yanked her arm away from Frank, and walked away with her nose in the air. Or tried to. She ran straight into a boy with blond hair, freckles, blue eyes, and a bright smile.

"Hey cutie." She said, batting her eyes and biting her lip "seductively".

The boy shouldered past her, and came straight to me. "Are you okay?" He said in a doctorly tone, examining the red mark on my face.

"Sí, sto bene." I said distractedly, still glaring at Charlotte's retreating back.

The boys and Hazel looked surprised.

"Bene, perché stavo per uccidere quella cagna." A voice behind me commented darkly. I whipped around, to see a boy who looked like me, with dark hair and darker eyes.

"Nice one." He commented, pointing at the circle of black crystals I had made around him. He swept his hand over the crystals and they shrunk back into the ground. I gaped at him, and he smirked.
"Nico." The blond boy hissed at him.
"Calm down Will." Nico said rolling his eyes. "The mist, remember?"

"Deathboy." Will said, walking over to Nico and resting his head on Nico's shoulder. Nico flinched, and glanced around.
"The mist is gone remember?"
Nico's face went white. He slowly took in everybody in the cafeteria. They were all staring at us.

Then, Charlotte stood up on a table and pointed at us.
"They are demigods! They're dangerous criminals! My daddy said so! Call the police!" She screamed in a high pitched voice.

"Styx." Frank muttered. "We need to get out of here." He looked at Nico, and sighed. "You know what to do." He said reluctantly.

"But after this you are spending two days in the infirmary." Will said sternly, kissing Nico swiftly.

Nico smiled wanly. "I think I'll manage."
Hazel turned to me. "Take my hand." She said.
Dazed, I took her hand. We all grabbed eachother's hands, then shadows began to swirl around us. I felt refreshed, invigorated, powerful.

Before we faded away into the shadows, I looked up and saw a black, gleaming skull above my head.

"Hail Selene Night." A voice echoed in my head. "Daughter of Hades."

Hazel and Nico's eyes twinkled, and they said in unison,
"Welcome sister."

Italian translation:
Sí, sto bene = Yeah, I'm fine.

Bene, perché stavo per uccidere quella cagna = Good, because I was about to kill that bitch

Hope you guys liked it. It took me a while to update, I'm sorry.

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