Chapter Two

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I paced on the beach as I waited for Annabeth to arrive for our date. I was planning on proposing to her tonight and I was ridiculously nervous. I took in a breath as Annabeth appeared on the beach, she looked positively gorgeous in the gray dress Piper had somehow forced her into.

"Hey, Percy." She said as I greeted her with a hug. "Not that I mind, but why exactly did I have to get dressed up?"

I rubbed the back of my neck, "That's kinda a surprise but you'll know pretty soon. Anyway, I set up a date for us in a special place I found under the lake; come on."

I led her to the underwater cavern where I had set up our picnic date. After we had finished I prepared to ask her, I knelt and grabbed her hand while holding the ring box, "Annabeth Chase," I began and she brought her hand up to cover her mouth, "you once told me that in the past humans had four arms, four legs, and a head with two faces but the gods feared their power and split them apart. I believe with all my heart that you are my other half; you match me in every way and I wouldn't be who I am today if it wasn't for you. You know, I've been told several times before that I was unlucky or that the Fates hated me but I don't think that's true; I can't possibly be unlucky because you've always been there for me and the Fates obviously don't hate me for they were the ones who placed you in my life. You are my entire world and I never want to lose you. Annabeth Chase, will you marry me?"

"Of course, Seaweed Brain!" She said and tackled me in a hug. I swung her around before placing her back on the ground and placing the ring on her finger. I was about to kiss her when there was a bright flash of light and we appeared in the throne room of Olympus. I looked around at the gathered gods,well goddesses, in confusion. Hecate and Athena were present but none of the other gods were anywhere in sight.

Hecate was about to talk but Athena beat her to it, "So, you finally proposed Sea Spawn."

I blushed a bit, "Yes I did, Lady Athena, but I doubt that's why you brought us here."

"I am afraid it is not, we have another quest for both of you."

Annabeth opened her mouth to protest the fact that we had another quest to go on, especially so soon after a war, but Hecate spoke up, "Do not worry, demigods, this quest shall be easy. My pet world, the world of wizards and witches, recently got out of a war with a horrible man and it seems two of his most devoted followers recently escaped prison. We worry that they have joined forces with monsters from our world and will be sending you to a school there to protect and train the students."

I was confused. "With all due respect, why do we need to go? Draco, 'Mione, Luna, Neville, and Severus are already at Hogwarts; so unless it's like an army of monsters I'm pretty sure they can handle themselves."

Hecate and Athena were looking at me like I had just told them Hades and Zeus were dating and Cerberus was actually a disguised chihuahua. "What?" I asked.

"Seaweed Brain." Annabeth muttered and then said a little louder, "Lady Hecate literally just told us of the wizarding world and yet you already know both the school they're sending us to and the fact that five demigods go there so they're a little confused."

"Oh." I said, "That makes sense."

"How exactly did you know this Perseus?" Athena questioned.

I winced a bit at the use of my full name. "Just Percy please. And it's kind a complicated but basically my mom's a witch, a Hufflepuff actually, and I'm twin brothers with Harry Potter but we share no DNA. I lived with Harry at his relatives till I was eight and was sent to America by Dumbledore. I was sent textbooks and written versions of the lessons each year and learned the material in my free time so I have the knowledge of a sixth year since Dumbledore was the only one who knew about me other than the Dursleys and he 'died' before seventh year."

Athena opened her mouth and then closed it, "I am not even going to ask."

Hecate spoke up, "The reason we are sending you is that we believe these two people have allied themselves with a larger amount of monsters than the demigods already there can handle. I was planning on teaching Annabeth and you the knowledge you needed over the summer but if you already know everything it might be more beneficial if you were to go ahead of time."

I looked at Annabeth and she gave me a nod to show that it was alright with her. "I'd be fine with that but could we have permission to tell the Weasley family and most of the remaining Order?"

"That is fine," Athena said, "we will inform Dumbledore of this decision when we tell him about you two coming."

"Thank you, Lady Athena, could you also please ask him to give Harry his memories of me back to him."

"I... Very well."

"Thank you."


I dismounted Blackjack just a little aways from Hogwarts and sent him back to camp. All of my stuff had been sent ahead to the Burrow as everyone would be leaving tomorrow and I wouldn't need it.

"Ah, you must be Mr. Jackson." A voice said from behind me. I turned around to see a woman who looked much like the Professor McGonagall Harry described in his letters standing at the entrance to Hogwarts. "Well, come on." She said and I walked with her into the castle, "You will wait out here," she said once we had stopped in front of the doors leading into the Great Hall, "and enter the Great Hall when Dumbledore announces you." She disappeared down the hallway and I tried not to fidget too much as I stood there.

Finally I heard Dumbledore begin to speak, "Hello all." I gritted my teeth at his jovial voice; I truly disliked the man. He had imprisoned an innocent man without a trial, even though as head of the Wizengamot he could have argued for one; he had left at least three children in abusive homes; and he was completely biased to the Gryffindors. I agreed with most of Dumbledore's views of course, but he had all but betrayed Harry and several others which was hard for me to forgive. "As you well know this is your last night at Hogwarts until next school year so please enjoy it. I mentioned earlier that one of our foreign exchange students would be joining us tonight so please welcome Percy Jackson." I pushed open the double doors and walked into the hall.

"Thank you for having me, Professor, I look forward to learning here." I said with a fake smile on my face, though I hated the attention and was wary of the strange twinkle in his eye as he replied to me.

"And we look forward to teaching you. I was made aware that you are friends with some of my students and will have no need of a guide."

"That is correct, may I inquire about my sleeping arrangements tonight?" This ridiculous formal speech was bringing me ad nauseam, why not just talk like normal people? I mean, I understood with the gods since they'd been around since forever but this was just ridiculous.

"Since most of the dormitories are destroyed all students will be sleeping here, in the Great Hall, and the dormitories will be fixed by next year, along with a temporary tower for the eighth years." He turned his attention to the entire Hall, "Now, eat and enjoy yourselves for we will not be here again till the next year."

I quickly walked to the table where Harry and his friends were sitting and plopped down between Draco and Hermione. I heard whispered conversations start up but ignored them in favor of beginning to pile food on my plate.

"What are you doing here?" Hermione hissed at me, then rushed to correct herself, "Not that I'm not happy you are, just why?"

"I'm not sure how it hasn't reached the Daily Prophet yet," I said, just loud enough for our small group to hear, "but Lucius Malfoy-" I tactfully ignored Draco's flinch, "and Bellatrix Lestrange-" this time I ignored Hermione's reaction, "recently escaped Azkaban and Lady Athena and Lady Hecate believe that they are joining up with a large number of monsters. They asked me and Annabeth to come and help you protect everyone; I came now and will be staying at the Burrow during the summer but Annabeth won't come till the end of August since she needs a crash course from Hecate."

Hermione nodded. "That makes sense. Could you explain how you and Harry are related? It's been bugging me."

"I will, don't worry. I wanted to tell the Weasleys and a couple other people of our world while Dumbledore wanted to tell the teachers so he is going to call a staff meeting including those people after dinner. I'll explain then."

The conversation turned to more trivial subjects and we chatted amicably as we continued to eat. Wait a second, dam it! I need to hang out with Athena kids less; I mean 'amicably', seriously? Then again that would mean being with Annabeth less... Anyway we continued to chat all through dinner and as desert came out.

As the teachers trailed out of the Great Hall, Dumbledore gave me a nod and I trailed after him, Harry and the others following me. We were led to a warded room on the fifth floor. It was furnished with many couches, armchairs, and love seats colored in a variety of soft browns. Resting in these seats were what remained of the Weasley family (sadly Percy had died when he pushed Fred out of the way of some falling rubble), Remus, Sirius, Tonks, Mad-Eye, Fleur, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Aberforth Dumbledore, Mrs. Figg, and...Lady Hestia? Harry had mentioned briefly in one of his letters a Hestia Jones, perhaps that was her. It didn't really matter anyway.

The teachers and his friends settled themselves on the various seats as well, leaving him and Dumbledore the only ones standing.

"The floor is yours, my boy."

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