Chapter 4

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"Well that was fun ~" I say as I move my bangs out my eyes. I let out a chuckle and hear Ciel walk up behind me.

"Hardly, he was so foul, no satisfaction at all." He says with a grimace and sniffs. "We stink, I'm taking another bath."

I hum and see a red stain on his cheek that catches my eyes. I smirk and grab him by the chin, he gives me a questionable look. I smirk even further before liking up the blood on his cheek, making him freeze.


I chuckle. "Sorry, I really can't help my self. But you taste far better than him if it makes you feel better."

He says nothing but turns around and starts to walk back toward the mansion. "I'm bathing then going to sleep." He announces. I follow him.


I wake up to a smell, a pleasant smell. I sniff around, wondering where it was coming from, no one in the manor smelled like this. Then I remembered something.

I smile comes to my face. That's right, those two were coming to work here today. I let out a chuckle, from the looks of it they could be just outside.

I slide out bed and opened my door. I peaked around and ran to Ciel's room.

"Oh Ciel~ wake up brother." I say as I crawl on the bed and straddle him. He grunts and narrows his eyes at me. "What is it Alois and why are you on me?"

"Our little snacks are here, it's their first day, don't you want to look representable?" I say with a chuckle and move his hair out his eye.

"You didn't answer my second question."

"Because I like the way you look under me-"

He rolls over.

"Now I'm on top." He declares, "and I do say you look good as a bottom." He teases and I growl a bit. He gets off and goes to the bathroom. I sit up with a pout and walk back to my room. On the way  there I came face to face with father.

"Good morning Alois, you're not dressed yet?' He says with a tilt of his head. I shake mine. "I was gonna have a morning scrimmage with Ciel but he left." I sat with a pout. "But I'm going to put on some now." I say while hugging him and he smirks.

"Ah, about that, you two should keep your desires and instincts to a low." He says and I nod before going back to my room.



"I believe this is what they call the gate of hell?" I say as I look at the gates of the manner. It was black  and the symbol on it didn't look humble either.

"If this is the gate I wonder what's inside." Claude mumbles.

"Hello there, have you two been waiting long?"

We nearly jumped out of our skin at the man who suddenly appeared in the other side. He wore an eyeglass, had gray hair and a black suit.

"Ah, not at all sir " Claude was the first to speak.

The man bowed and began to unlock the gates. "I believe you two are the new employees Master Vincent mentioned? We do appreciate your services, I am Tanaka." He opens the gate and steps aside. We walk through.

"I am Sebastian."

"And I Claude."

He nods. "This way sirs, may I interest you in any refreshments when we enter the manor?"

"You don't.... Have to..." I say, vice faltering as I eye the grand building before us. It was big, maybe the biggest one I've laid eyes upon. It was like three merged together. We made our way through the small courtyard and I could see a boy tending to the gardens. He sees us and Tanaka waves him over.

"Sir?" He asked, he was a blonde with blue eyes.

"Please tell the others to be ready to present themselves."

The boy nods and runs off.

"Here we are." He says as he opens the double doors.

Claude let's out a whistle. This place could probably be a museum.

"This is the common room, please help yourselves to anything. I will get master Vincent and the young lords."

He left and I sir my case on the floor against the wall.

"This place is intimidating." Claude states and I agree. It was as if the air around here was heavy, like someone was watching us


We turned to see the blonde from the other day sitting in one of the chairs. His legs were crossed and he held an unnatural smile. When did he get here, I had no idea, I didn't even hear footsteps, I don't even think I can hear him breath.

"I do have to say it is nice seeing new faces again." He says as he reaches for a tea cup.

"Get out of father's chair Alois." I jumped at the voice of the other behind me and he smirked. "I bit timid are we?" He comments. I looked at Claude and he was as appalled as me.

The blonde moves to sit on the couch, and the other sits next to him. The door is then opened and Vincent appeared.

"I see we've all met. And thank you Tanaka."

Finally, someone who uses the damn door.

"Goodmorning Gentlemen, sit sit."he says and we took a seat on the couch opposite to his chair.

"Pardon my sons intrusions. But let us get to business shall we?"


"Tanaka is the head, if you have any questions ask him. Hannah is the head maid, she usually cooks and cleans. Mei-rin is also a maid, she only cleans. Then there's the tripplets, they mostly help with outside house work. Bard is a chef, I recommend not seeking him if you're hungry, and the gardener is Finnian, he's really sweet."

We walked through the house and he introduced us to everyone and left us with Tanaka.

"Your rooms." He says and hands us both a set of clothes. "These are the uniforms. We wake up at five each morning to do work. However I'm not sure what master Vincent will have you doing." He says and we nod.

"Well at least we are getting a large amount of money ."

I nod, compared to most jobs this was well. At least he didn't treat his staff like low life like how others do.

There's a knock and Claude answers it. It was the head maid Hannah, as she talks she kept her eye closed, since the other was bandaged and he head down. It made me curious.

"Master Vincent wishes to have a talk with the both of you."


Annnnn update yay!

So how ya been?

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