12. A Term

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He, who will do anything to get what he wants, dont care if it will cost someone's life. He, who has done everything with empty-handed, leaving his body clean without stain of blood. Oikawa Tooru is a manipulative person. He can turn the right into wrong and the wrong into right. He can kill people without making himself getting dirtied, which is more dangerous than a psychopath.

He can trick you with his words, seduction, and even his handsome face. Making you his slave if he wants. Just like a snake that will always crush its prey before it eats, or poisoning anything that can be a threat to its life.

Here you are...

Being crushed by him slowly..

You could hear your heart would stop, tears threatening to fall. You wanted to stop believing in everything he had said but couldn't deny the fact in front of your eyes. Your knees tried to give up but you didn't let them. You could hear the sound of tapping foot behind.

"Do you want to hear the story?" He asked. His voice looked a little bit excited. You knew. He felt like he already won.

Sadly you couldn't answer... You want to know the truth but you were afraid. If you knew then nothing you could do right? It will be useless cause you have no evidence and your beloved best friend wouldn't allow you to hurt him because she loved him so much.

"So after you left me, she was taking care of my wound i guessed. And when i got up, i was looking for you but sadly she was the one who came to me. That's when i realized it wasnt a dream. You really ran away from me. I wanted to kill her. Wanted to crush her. But i knew it took a risk that probably could destroy our future.."

'Stop!!' you shouted to yourself cause it wouldnt come out from your throat.

"So i asked a few things to her and her answer surprised me!" He laughed, remembering the past memory. "She was desperate for my attention and my love when she already knew it is just for you. Only you. She thought she could change my feelings by letting you go." He chuckled.

"When.. when it just pissed me off. If only she helped me to make you fall for me and more obedient, i could let her alive or maybe i could trust her to be your only friend to contact with because when you are officially mine, i wont let you interact with other people but me and of course, our soon-to-be children..."

You wanted to puke and just slapped his face so hard. You didnt want to hear his crap. You just wanted him to stop chasing you and leave you alone which is  impossible.

"Oh right, let's continue the story and put our future aside for a moment." He cleared his throat before continued. "Her answered took my interest sadly. I wanted to tear her apart, wanted to know how desperate she was for me. So i toyed with her feelings. I put her up then i crashed her down, hard. She cried but dont worry... In a happy way. She was glad i would love her, though it was a lie. Hahahaha.."

You couldnt hear this anymore. No... This was so cruel. You clenched your fist, ready to fight him, but you didnt want him to touch you cause he's trash. Not a 'like' anymore. Trash the only thing that can describe him. Filthy. .

"Day by day i told her my sweetest lie. A fake hope for her. Until one day, i was so tired. I told her i was tired of this life and asked her to do suicide together. She happily agreed to it ahahahaha... She easily get fooled. So that day, we drank a poison together but sadly, instead of poison, i drank a water ahahahaha.. TA-DA~ Yes! I have prepared two similar bottles but different liquid there. Honestly i only wanted to test how lucky iam. I also didnt remember which bottles that contain water, well... Im a lucky person so i took the right bottle."


"Ahh.. it was beautiful view... Saw her suffering face after drank the poison..--"


Finally you did that. All the emotions that boiled inside, you let it out by slapped him hard. Your breathing were heavy as you kept punching him though it wasn't feel anything for him until he caught your wrist and you couldn't do anything except cried and begging for him to release you.

"What?!?!" You glared at him. Daring him to slap you back or hurt you in public. You didn't afraid because you were in hospital and he was in work. He kept silent, though his face told you he was holding his anger back.

"Ms. [L/N].." You heard the voice called your name suddenly. It was the nurse. "Akise is looking for you."

You nodded and the nurse went away. You struggled to make him let go of your wrist, and it granted. You immediately ran to your Akise's room. But before you entered the room, you have to wipe away your tears and made the happiest smile or Akise would be worry.


A week later, he acted like nothing happened before. It felt like he started avoiding you or so you thought. He looked so busy until he ignored you. This made you glad because maybe he could really change. But didnt mean you would accept him.

"Hey.." You greeted Akise softly after you entered the room. He looked so pale and weak again, even he vomit a lot. He hardly sleep. You worried about him. Suddenly the door of his room was opened. You looked behind only to find the brunette haired male stood there. You couldn't guess what expression he wore this time. But you sure it was important.

"May i talk to you?"

You nodded then got out from the room.

"What is it?" You tried to talk politely though you shouldn't because he is a cruel person.

"It is about Akise." He said seriously. You looked at him carefully. "His kidney failure getting worse. He cant take the dialysis anymore. He needs a transplantation."

"Then do the transplantation." You agreed immediately.

"Sadly i cant." He answered a little bit amused. But you didnt realize his excited expression right now.

"Why? Is it about money? I can pay. Just---"


"Then what? There is no donor? I can be--"

"No." He chuckled a bit. You were confused.


"It's about me, silly."

"Wha--?! Stop messing around Oika-- sorry, Doctor."

His eyes widen hearing his name came out from your mouth. His heart was pumping hard. How he missed to hear your voice called his name so badly. He would! He would make sure you would be his and he just needed to count down from now.

"Im not." He answered. "It's about me. If i dont want to do that then i dont."

"What do you mean? Y-you dont want to do transplantation?? Are you kidding me? You are a doctor! Saving a person is necessary!"

"Yes. But you are the only exception, only if you will do one condition." He said. You could see an evil smirk on his face. Just what did he plan this time.


"Marry me."

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