Can we be friends forever?

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Hello my lovely anti social most likely more educated than myself idiots! How are you doing this fine afternoon/night/day? I don't know where you live! I'm not some stalker!

Anyways I'm writing this on my brand spanking new MacBook Air!! So as promised I got this new beauty yesterday and as promised, here's an update! Hope you like it!

Btw, this update is dedicated to two lovely's today, rxsy_mckxnna and ukelele_rap_chick because they sacrificed their lives by reading these one shots! God bless you my fellow saints! Lord AMEN!!

Castiel sat at his little desk looking out the window. A small frown tugging at his lips as he watched the other little kids playing outside. Castiel wasn't allowed to play with the other kids, they didn't like him very much.

The kids didn't like that Castiel had two moms. (A/N: This is completely an AU! All this is made up!) Castiel looked down at his drawing of his family and smiled. He loved his new mommies very much. They took him away and brought him into a nice house and read him bed time stories and kissed his forehead before going to sleep. They would watch disney movies before bed and play tic tac toe after his homework.

He looked at his drawing once more and smiled as he was drawn in the middle of the two women, their dog on the right and another little girl on the left side, with the sun shinning down.

He was quickly snapped out of his thoughts when he saw a young boy walk into the class with a women holding his hand and a baby in her other arm. Mrs. Harvelle smiled at the women and greeted them.

He turned around and looked out the window observing his surroundings. That is until he felt a little tap on his shoulder. He turned around and looked at the little boy in front of him. He had green eyes and freckles covered his face.

"Hi, i'm Dean, what's your name?" The boy, Dean asked with a smile on his face.

"Castiel Adams." Castiel answered.

"Cast, Casti, Can I call you Cas?" Dean asked, a smile on his face once again.

"Cas? I never had a nickname before." Castiel whispered.

"What!! Your friends never gave you a nickname!?!" Dean asked, taking a seat next to Castiel.

"I don't have any friends." Castiel said, tears began to swell in his eyes.

"Well now you do! we'll be best friends forever!" Dean yelled, causing Castiel to smile brightly. He jumped at Dean and wrapped his arms around his new friend and hugged him tightly.

"Thank you Dean!" Castiel replied.

Dean wrapped his arms around the boy and smiled at his new friend. That's when he noticed the picture.

"Who are they?" Dean asked. Castiel turned around and looked at the picture and smiled.

"These are my two mommies, my new sister and our dog Harley." Castiel said.

"You have two mommies!!" Dean yelled in surprise.

"MOMMY MOMMY! COME HERE!" Dean yelled, the woman came rushing in with a worried expression on her face.

"What is it sweetie?" Dean's mom asked.

"Cas has two moms! That's not fair! I want two of you too!" Dean cried, causing Mrs. Harvelle and His mom to smile.

"Sorry hunny but you're stuck with only one." His mother said, before placing a small kiss on the cheek.

"I gotta go home okay? I'll be back to pick you up soon okay? Have fun with Castiel!" His mother said again before walking out the door.

"I like your mom." Castiel said.

"Me too!" Dean replied.

"Why do you have blue nails?" Dean asked.

Castiel looked down at his hands and saw his blue nails.

"My new sister was doing hers and asked if I wanted mine down too. I liked the colour so I said yes." Castiel said.

"Cool. I have a little brother name Sammy, he only a baby for now." Dean smiled.

The two boys spent the entire day playing and getting to know each other. They played until their families came to get them.


"Yeah Cas?"

"Can we be friends forever?" Castiel asked.

"Of course!" Dean replied.


15 years later.

"Dean?" Cas asked.

"Yeah Babe?"

"Can we be friends forever?" Castiel asked again.

"Of course! As long as you promise me one thing!" Dean replied.

"What?" Castiel asked,

"Will you marry me and become a Winchester?" Dean asked.

"Of course!!!" Castiel answered and kissed his finance passionately.


8 Months later.

"Will you Castiel Adams, take Dean Winchester to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you allow this man to be your friend forever? For sickness and for health?

" I do! Friends for ever!" Castiel yelled.

"Will you Dean Winchester take Castiel adams to be your lawfully wedded husband? Will you allow this man to be your friend forever as well? For sickness and for health?"

"I do he can't get rid of me that easily!!" Dean yelled.

"I now pronounce you husband and husband! You may now kiss your groom!"

The crowd erupted in cheers, The two shared a sweet kiss and looked at their family and friends. Mary, John and Sam were sitting in front Mary and John crying while Sam had a creepy ass smile on his face. Becky and Bela were sitting there with Charlie as they watched their little boy get married. Some of their friends from school came too.

"Friends forever?" Castiel asked.

"No. Husbands forever now." Dean answered.

"Husbands forever." Castiel agreed.

YAAAAAAAAASSSSS!!! AN UPDATE MOTHER EFFERS!!! I'm so sorry! i ate some fruit loops before and their starting to get to me.

I hope you liked this one!! Next chapter will be SABRIEL!!! As promised, after reaching 100 followers I would write the famous Sabriel one shot so it will be coming up next!


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