Dear Diary...

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Dear Diary,

It's happening again. All my emotions are coming out and it's terrifying me! I don't want Sammy to see me like this. I don't have anyone to go to for help. Cas's parents are refusing him to see me since they figured out about my sexuality.

Dad hit me and threw me in my room and locked the door on the outside. I'm slowly slipping from reality and I know it. Everything is to overwhelming and I can't take it anymore.

The words they use to describe me are hurtful but true. I'm all those things that they're saying I am. Freak, Fag, Worthless and Fat.

I'm tired of this, I'm tired of feeling this pain. Soon it'll be all over.

I don't know how long I have left, the pills are already having an effect on me. Everything is going blurry.

Goodbye Castiel, I love you so much and I'm sorry for every thing I will make you feel after this.

Yours Truly, De

Castiel read out loud the last of Dean's entry into his journal. Tears brimming in his eyes, he looked at everyone sitting in front of him. Some had tears in there eyes some seemed not to care.

"My best friend told me he was gay, my parent's freaked out and told me I couldn't see him anymore. Truth was I was in love with him. He was the most beautiful person in the world inside and out. He cared more about everyone else then he did himself. I had no idea he was having such a hard time at home. I wish I would've snuck out of the house to see him sooner. Maybe he'd still be alive today, maybe we would've gotten married, maybe we would've adopted a child and a cat.  I will never know now will I." Castiel said, he looked at his audience this morning and smiled softly.

"I hope none of you will ever have to feel the way Dean felt, and I hope you will never have to find your best friend dead, cause you will never forget it. Bullying is nothing to be happy about. If you're bullying somebody you make me sick! I don't care if you're 8 or 18 or 48, you make me sick. Do I wish you death or hurt? No, because everyone deserves to be able to live a life. The people you bullying don't get to, you destroy everything inside them and they have nothing to live for after because of you. If it was up to me, my parents and Dean's father and his bullies should've been arrested for manslaughter. They might not of pulled the trigger for say, but they definitely stuck it to his head." Castiel finished and the kids in front of him remained silent.

Okay so I know this is a sad one but I hope you liked it!!

I was wondering if you guys would be interested in reading some of MY  journal entries from when I was in high school and when I was in treatment? The only reason why I'm willing to do this is so you guys really get to know me and who I am. I want you guys to know that I'm not this perfect person, I have problems that I've overcame and am struggling through. I want you guys to know that you guys are not alone.

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