Halloween AU.

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely who I have decided gets a dedication this chapter! Cause that's how this works. This aint no democracy thing! This is full blown dictatorship and I be ruling this account. HikariLindell SEMPAI NOTICED YOU MOTHER EFFER!!!! I love you!!

"Come on you two hurry up or we're going to be late!" Dean yelled from the bottom of the Novak's stairway.

"Why are you screaming you overly attracted to my brother douche?" Gabriel asked, a grin was spread all over his smug face.

"What are you talking about Gabe? I don't like Michael!" Dean yelled.

"Sure whatever Dean." Gabe laughed.

"Come on let's go." Dean said pushing the two boys towards the door.

"Wait! We have to wait for Cas!" Game yelled.

"C-Cas? He's home?" Dean stuttered out.

"I'm sorry Dean." Gabe said.

"Sorry for what?"

"I said you like Michael it's obvious now that it's Cas that you're crushing on." Gabe screamed while laughing.

Dean went red and looked down to his feet. No one noticing a certain angel that had appeared at the bottom of the stairway.

"You like me?" Castiel asked, placing his hand on Dean's shoulder.

"What? No!" Dean answered and walked out the door leaving a heart broken angel behind.

The four boys walked to each house knocking on their doors and requesting candy. Castiel and Dean being to old to trick or treat watched as their brothers went to each door with a smile on their faces.

"Listen Cas, i'm sorry for what I said earlier. It's not that I don't like you it's that I've never thought of myself like that until we met." Dean whispered.

"There's nothing to be ashamed of Dean. If you like guys too that's no ones business other than yours. Don't let your sexuality be the only thing that defines you as a person. There's so many more qualities that you have that define who you are." Castiel whispered back.

Dean smiled and pulled Castiel into a tight hug. "Thanks Cas." Dean whispered.

"NOW KISS!" Gabe yelled from behind them.

The two jumped apart and went as red as could be. Gabe and Sam smiled as they pulled their brothers in separate directions.

"Come on Dean just ask him out!" Sam said, causing Dean to snap his head up.

"What!? No I'm not, I'm not gay Sammy." Dean whispered.

"Dean, let's be real. I saw you watching gay porn yesterday. And let me tell you! I have seen more of you then I have ever wanted to see in my life! Listen, I don't care if you like guys! You're my big brother nothing's going to change how I see you unless I walk in on you one more time!" Sam said, pulling his big brother into a hug.

"Go get'em Dean!" Sam yelled, pushing Dean into Castiel's direction.

"Seriously though! Lock your door from now on!" Sam yelled causing Dean to turn all red as Castiel looked up at Dean.

"You don't want to know, trust me!" Dean says.

"Hmm, I don't know it does seem pretty interesting. I mean I have no clue what he may be implying." Castiel smiled, causing Dean to chuckle a little.

"So i was wondering if maybe you would like to, you know... maybe um go out sometime?" Dean asked.

"Like on a date?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah. Like a date." Dean answered.

"Under one condition." Castiel replied, his face going completely serious.

"What?" Dean asked, slightly worried.

"I've had to keep things a secret a lot in my life and if this date goes well, I don't want to hide my feelings towards you in public. I don't want to pretend like I don't want to kiss you or hold your hand."

"I can promise that. I won't hide you from everyone." Dean answered.

"Then i'll go with you on this date." Castiel said, he smiled and grabbed Dean's hand and intertwined their fingers. They began to walk to their brothers, but stopped when they saw the two kissing.

"SABRIEL IS LIFE! SABRIEL IS LOVE!" Castiel screamed from the top of his lungs.

"MY OTP IS CANNON BITCHES!!!" A girl screamed from down the road. Castiel recognized her as Charlie Bradbury. The girl ran pass Sam and Gabriel and ran down the road.

"SABRIEL! SABRIEL! SABRIEL!" The girls screamed as she ran down the road.

The four boys erupted in laughter, and soon they found themselves at the Novak's with Castiel in Dean's arms and Sam in Gabriel's all watching some horror movies and eating junk.

It was their first Halloween together and it wouldn't be their last.

YAAAAAAAAASSSSS BITCHES!!! I hope you like this little one shot! I might write another halloween AU before halloween.

Tell me what was your favourite halloween moment was in your beautiful life?


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