I'm just some nerd Dean.

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"I'm just some nerdy little kid that you're stuck with Dean." Cas said, a small frown appearing on his face.

"I'm just holding you back. You should be hanging out with the other popular people not me. I take all your chances of dating someone else away and I can't do that anymore.

You deserve to be happy with someone that makes you happy. Someone who you can grow old with and have children with.

I'm sorry it has to be this way Dean, but I think it's best if we broke up. You deserve someone better then myself. I don't deserve you Dean Winchester. I love you. I always will but I have to let you go." Tears were streaming from his eyes.

"Cas, baby, what are you talking about? You're such a nerd, a nerd who gets good grades, likes reading and watching old movies. You hate my music but still listen to it just to make me happy and there's no other person on this planet that would get me feeling this way. This way that I feel every time I'm around you.

I love you Cas, you're all I want, you're all I need Castiel.

Don't listen to everyone else babe. The only people that matter in this relationship is us. no one else." Dean shouted, causing  people to stare at him and his angel.

Cas simply watched Dean and could tell the man was trying to hold his own tears.

"Cas, I don't want what we have to end, and I know you don't either so please can we just ignore this and go back to being happy?" He asked Cas, reaching out to grab his hand.

"Are you sure?" Cas questioned and took his hand.

"As sure as I am that you're my Nerd.

Well I hope you liked this little fluffy as EF moment!

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