Life Update!

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Okay so not a normal chapter that I post and I usually don't get into my personal life with all of you but I felt like you should know what's going on right now. 

So most of you know that I am 18. I have decided that it's time that I move out from my childhood home and into my own place. Now if that wasn't terrifying enough, where I work the hours are going down and I was given the day off today and tomorrow forced which means I'm not getting any money only being paid for Monday and Tuesday so far this week and it's actually terrifying me! 

I have rent that needs to be paid, Appliances that I had to buy need to be paid off every month, I have my cell phone bill to pay, BILLS to pay and with my hours right now I'm beginning to get anxiety. 

Not only is my work hours going down but the excitement I had to move is now diminishing and the emotion is starting to get real. 

For anyone that has moved out from their childhood home knows how hard it is too actually leave. It's not that I don't want to leave my home it's that I don't want to leave this room behind. I grew as a person so much here and there's been so many moments that I don't want to leave behind. It's terrifying knowing that in only 10 days ill be on my own without anyone there for help and it's scaring me. 

Though, on a total non related note, I will be working on a Halloween AU soon and it should be up by the end of the week. 

Stay golden! Stay Strong! Stay Beautiful you little Bitches! 

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