New School.

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This chapter is dedicated to... archangel_trickster for being so damn supportive and being so nice and caring this week! Thanks so much!!

I walked into Lawrence High, the heads snapped towards the door and eyes were peeled on me. The whispers began and everyone started laughing.

I waked faster towards my locker and quickly got my stuff and ran to the nearest bathroom. I quickly made my way to the toilet and emptied my stomach.

It's not that I wanted to, it just happens all the time. I quickly gathered my stuff and walked out the door and made my way to my first class.

More whispers and heads turning and laughing were heard when I walked down the hall. How'd they figure it all out?

Castiel was confused, everyone seemed to know something already and he knew it wasn't good. But something felt different, these people looked familiar.

He walked into the room and the teacher automatically grabbed his arm and brought him to the front of the class.

He looked at all the smirking people and looked down to his feet. He gulped and took a deep breathe.

"Class, this is C-" Mrs. Masters began.

"CAS!?!?!" A voice came from the back of the class. Castiel's head snapped up, that voice seemed familiar, there's only one person that had a voice so dreamy.

"D-Dean?" Castiel yelled-whispered. The boy smiled and made his way to the front of the class and grabbed Castiel and wrapped his arms around his child hood best friend and hugged him tightly.

"God! I've missed you Cas!! Did I ever tell you how much you meant to me!?! I love you so much Cas!!" Dean screamed, his eyes widened and looked at his classmates.

Dean swallowed hard and looked back to Cas.

"I mean, I um." Dean started but looked back at his class mates, his football team to be more exact.

"Fuck it!" Dean finished and grabbed Castiel's face and smashed his lips onto Castiel's soft lips. The two shared a deep and passionate kiss in front of their classmates. In 5 years they would do it again, the day that Castiel Novak turned into Castiel Winchester.

Here's another update! I know it's short but I hope you like it! Thank you guys for your continuous support and love!! Also thanks for the 11.9k reads and 1.3k votes!!! You guys are amazing!!  

Vote! Comment!

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