New Years.

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New Years.

So this one is going to be a little short, it's gonna be just a fluffy little fur ball.. You know what I'm saying?


×Dean's P.O.V×

"What the hell is all this Sammy?" There stood infront of my was a moose looking guy with an asshole of a angel boyfriend.

"Its New Years Eve Dean! We have to celebrate properly."

"So then why the hell is he here then? I don't recall an angel being part of the celebration!" Why was Gabriel here? After all he's done, to me and Sam, he shacks up with him!

"I want my New Years kiss! It's the most important kiss all year. You're just jealous that Cas isn't here" A smirking Sam was evident without having to look.



Sam was right though, Castiel wasn't around. Not that Dean wanted to kiss Cas or maybe make him feel , ultimate pleasure. No of course not! Dean was totally straight... But those blue eyes, kissable lips, makes him want to attack him.

"Dean it's almost time! Get your ass out here!" Sammy screams can be heard filling up the bunker. (A/N : So i know that in the series Cas doesn't have his Grace but let's pretend he does this time.)









The sound of fluttering wings are no match to the blareing music playing.

"Hello, Dean."

Spinning around, he faces the beautiful angel. Realizing that Cas never understood the words Personal Space the two are inches apart.


"Happy New Years!"

A sudden pair of lips are attached to mine, as quick as it started it stopped. Looking up in those bright blue eyes, i smashed our lips back together.  Breaking apart after what felt like hours kissing, my lungs were burning for air but i didn't care. A smile creeping on my face, "I LOVE YOU CASTIEL NOVAK!"


The two quickly fell on the bed and Dean fell asleep automatically, wrapped in the arms of the angel he fell in love with.

OKAY! So here's the next one! I hope you're liking these little one shots, i enjoy making them so I hope you like them.


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