Sunday Funday

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This chapter is dedicated to the lovely and talented little shit nerdy3220 for writing god damn great one shots!

"Oh come on Cas! You know you wanna!" Dean said, smiling at his angel boyfriend.

They'd just got back from a little witch hunt and Dean wanted to have some fun...

"Dean I told you I never did this sort of thing before." Cas replied, a faint blush appearing on his cheeks, he looked to his feet.

"I know but I wanna do it! I'll even teach you how, do you trust me babe?" Dean asked, carefully pushing Cas's head up.

"Of course I trust you Dean, I just don't want it to hurt..."

"It won't hurt I swear, I promise it won't hurt babe." Dean replied, giving his boyfriend a sweet little smile.

"Okay." Cas replied.

Dean smiled and softly pressed his lips on Cas's and grabbed his hand.

"C'mon put this on." Dean said tossing the object towards him.


"Here like this." Dean replied, slowly sliding it on carefully.

"Oh okay." Cas said and mimicked his boyfriend's every move.

"Can you guys keep it down over there! I'm trying to do some research!" Sam yelled from the other side of the motel room.

"Oh shut up bitch! We're going to build a snowman so shut your mouth and come with us!" Dean said, tugging on his jacket and grabbing the fully clothed angel and running towards the door.

"You're such a child Dean." Sam laughed and picked up his jacket and met them outside, where a small snowball fight had erupted.

This was the perfect way to end the week. Dean had his angel and his brother.

Okay so you guys totally thought they were going to have sex! And if you did think that than I must be a good writer cause that's what I wanted you to think!

Hope you guys are having a great weekend or Monday if you live some where's other than Canada and the States!

Vote! Comment! Fly like a Penguin! (Yes I know they don't fly!)

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