Welcome Home Soldier

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"But Sam what if he doesn't get off the bus, what if I never see if again?!"

"He'll be here don't worry, the bus should be arriving soon. If something happened to him then you wouldv'e been called." Sam said, twisting the cap on his water. Patiently waiting for his brother to get here, giving Cas his best bitch face.

Don't get him wrong, he liked Castiel and all, it just seemed liked Cas was hiding something.

"But what if they didn't call me since im his husband and they don't really accept homesexuality in the military and they ma-

"OH LOOK THE BUS IS HERE!" Sam shouted walking away from the scared man.

As the men and women made there way off the bus, walking towards their families. Castiel kept his eyes peeled for his husband.

As the bus emptied, there was no sign of his man. A sickining feeling made his way into his stomach as the last person walked out the bus. It wasn't Dean.

Tears began to swell up in his eyes as the bus doors closed behind the last soldier. He stood there as pale as a ghost and watched the families smiling and laughing.

The man dropped to the floor allowing his legs to curl up to his face and quietly sobbed. Two arms soon found there way around the broken man bringing him into a tight embrace.

"It's going to be okay Cas, I know we don't get along all the time but i'll be here whenever you need me."

"Thanks Sam. Im sorry that your brother is gone."

A long silenced around them as Cas sobbed into Sam's chest, letting the tears flow away as the memories came rushing back. All the good all the bad. All the stupid little fights that led to Dean getting drunk and him taking care of him in the morning. All those crazy things he said. Everything was rushing back.

The two men pulled apart and began walking towards the 1967 Chevy Impala. They didn't even notice the bus that arrived and the group of soldiers that were pileing out of it looking for their loved ones.

As Cas was getting into the car, he glanced back and noticed a small bit of golden brown hair. He began walking towards the crowded group, leaving a confused Sam.

"Cas? where you going?" He didn't answer, he kept walking towards the crowd. Getting closer and closer the crowd began to dispurse and leaving a few soldiers waiting patiently for their family.

Blue eyes met green and both men ran towards each other. Cas jumped into his husbands arms and pressed a hard and passionate kiss to the soldiers lips.

"Oh Dean I've missed you so much, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you!"

"I love you too Angel." A short pause came between them as they stood there in a tight and desperate hug. 

Dean pulled away and looked at the man in front of him. His eyes were red and puffy. " Baby, have you been crying?"

"I thought you weren't coming home, You didn't get off the bus. We didn't know there were two buses."

"Im safe baby, and I'm never leaving you again." A smile crept onto the mans face and kissed his husband one more time, not caring about the disapproving looks and dusgusted faces.

Setting his man down they made their way towards the Impala where Sam stood. Giving his brother a tight hug he made his way into the car and made there way towards their home.

There you go! I hope you like it! I happened to look at the States of this story and it confuses me how there's less reads on one chapter and more on the next? Do people actually only read certain ones or does Wattpad need to fix the whole read counter thingy?

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