Addict with a Pen

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Title: Addict with a Pen
Rating: PG
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: "Haven't found a drop of life, I haven't found a drop of you." - Twenty One Pilots

There is constantly this feeling that contains you when you're connected to a person. Whether it's hope, or love. It seems that something just boils inside of you in an abnormal way when their gaze locks with yours. Neither of you can shatter that connection because there wouldn't be a connection to begin with if you didn't linger with gazes. No longer do you have to abide to the rules of humanity alone. A certain someone, perhaps a family member or friend, has the opportunity to kindle you to life. The journey doesn't have to be alone.

Castiel was aware of this feeling. He pondered this concept often, wondered why humans could feel such an emotion. It was pleasurable yet uncertain. Along with human emotions came pain. Something Castiel had yet to perceive. Although there was a sensation inside him that believed he was ready. He'd lost glimpses of his grave before, and emotions were just hard to contain. Especially when he wasn't aware of what they have represented.

There was always this energetic tingling that swiveled though his veins when green orbs battled his sky laced ones. An outrage would begin his heart, pleading to escape just so then their bodies could possibly lean closer to share warmth. To touch him in many ways, to hold him. Even try to attach those lips together to admit to himself that it was a mistake. He couldn't be in love with Dean Winchester. He just could not.

Then it happened. Those simple words that portrayed an act of trust and determination, but to Castiel it meant love and loyalty. An attribute you could only find in humans. Maybe that was why he had fallen in love with humanity. Correction, Dean Winchester. "Yeah, but you know what? Bottom of the ninth, and you're the only guy left on the bench... Sorry, but I'd rather have you, cursed or not. And anyway, nut up, all right? We're all cursed. I seem like good luck to you?"

All the angel could do what state. Drift into oblivion the with those forest green eyes. Never forget what they looked like before he corrupted. Before another thing crossed between them. Dean already believed he was insane at the moment. He possibly was. His insanity was the thing that kept him sane. Lately, there was nothing else he could rely on. Now he could rely on Dean. Someone who may as well be cloaking their feelings jut so then the spark continues. Just so then someone can't blow it out for their own amusement. Just so then, it could burn one last moment.

"What?" Only now had Castiel realized how long he must have been staring, his mind roaming with thoughts. Dean'a brows furrowed, bewilderment etched across his face. It was adorable in way, Castiel imagined. One day the human would be his. One day there would be no water to put it out. One day.

Today was not that day.

Their friendship continued and the two soared off into the night together, smiling Dick as well as abandoning themselves in purgatory. They returned and Castiel turned human, Dean earned the mark, and finally it was over. They'd won. Love kept them all together, Team Free Will has made it to see the end. No longer did they have to cover he flame. It absorbed all of the stored energetic feelings and sparked.

Castiel did find that day.

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