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Title: Because
Rating: PG
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: Don't let go.

"There is nothing to fret over, Dean. Sam required your attention while my grace is fading I also have the ability to heal slowly. Your brother is injured, please attend to him."

"He broke a finger, Cas. You're gushing blood. Just let me help-"

"No, I would like to stay patient and allow my grace to heal it."

"It'll be faster if you just let me-"

"I said no Dean!"

"Are you okay, Cas?"

"Y-Yes. There's nothing the matter with me. Will you do me the pleasure of leaving me alone so that I may heal? Your causing irritation."

"Is there something the matter? Sam and I can help in anyway possible. You know we care about you."


"Why what?"

"Why do you even bother to care about me?"

"Cas, don't ask stupid questions. We care about you because you're family. There's not another soul I'd rather have at my side than the one and only baby in a trench coat. Perhaps there's more in you Cas than you seem to recognize."

"Though I have deceived you and your brother, tossed the angels out of heaven, and released the Leviathans. There's many more mistakes that I've made in the past as well."

"That's what makes you human."

"That's just it, Dean. I'm not human."

"Mistakes are there to guide you, Cas. Teach you lessons."

"If I loose my grace, will I mean anything to you?"

"Sam and I-"

"There was no 'Sam and I' in my question, Dean. I'd like to know what you think."

"Just know that I care, Cas."

"Why do you care? You should have left me to die when I fell along with the other angels I could have screwed everything up again. Even though you kicked me out you continued to seek me out. You cared. Except I cannot see why."


"Because what, Dean?"


"Forget it. I do not wish for your pity. Please leave."

"No, Cas-"


"Because I love you."

"Goodbye, Dean."

"Cas, come on-"

"You don't love me, Dean. You're mistaken for unrequited feelings for some other person. Leave. Now."

"Goodbye, Cas."

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