Clubs, Kisses, & Heartbrakes

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Title: Clubs, Kisses, & Heartbrakes
Rating: PG-13
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel, Charlie Bradbury/Dorothy Baum, Castiel/Miles Morgan
Summary: What started as a party for Charlie's birthday at a gay/lesbian club, twisted for the worst when Castiel decides that a random man might be able to take Dean off of his mind.

Castiel wasn't the type of person who was defined as jealous, or desperate. Except now he might have been considering those possibilities. He'd come to terms with his new found affections towards Dean Winchester, hunter and lady's man. Therefore, he'd been shoving away his feelings and continued to be acquaintances with Dean. Angels didn't get everything they wanted. Though the past few weeks had been quite dreadful for Castiel. Rejection was quite an understatement.

Not the the angel told the hunter of his supposed feelings, but he might as well have said it. For the last few nights Dean had yanked one girl home after the other. Castiel would become quite uncomfortable in room because in the next room he'd here the moans of a girl along with Dean who grunted in response. Castiel would simply shed a tear then proceed to the bunker library and simply ponder before he quietly hummed to himself. It seemed to ease his pain. Night after night Castiel would find himself in the library. Sometimes Sam would sneak down to snatch a book and chat with Castiel. It didn't take much convincing for Castiel to inform the younger Winchester on why he was in the library.

"He'll come around, Cas." was Sam's response, except it was laced with guilt. He was guilty that his brother was screwing around with girls he didn't even know firsts names while there a perfect angel whimpering over him. Honestly it broke Sam.

The present day was Charlie's birthday. Dean, Castiel, Dorothy, and Sam had set aside a birthday party for Charlie at a gay/lesbian night club. The young ginger always had a thing for parties so the team figured they'd introduce her to a party with available chicks.

What could go wrong?


"Charlie, before we head in. I'd like to set some ground rules." Dean halted in front of the entrance, glancing towards the already hyped fangirl. "If you're going home with some chick just send me a message okay? No one needs to be searching for you the whole night to find out your screwing some girl the whole time in an alley.

"Oh, Dean. If I'm screwing some girl in an alley, you won't need a text message. You'll know." was Charlie's response before she patted Dean's shoulder then sauntered off, Dorothy huffing behind her with a disappointed expression.

Dean faced Castiel who delivered a sympathetic smile. "Same goes for you, Cas." the eldest Winchester winked at him before strutting into the club with Castiel lingering behind.

Sam had been very clear that he wasn't attending a gay night club, because he'd rather be reading. Although the angel liked having the idea of Dean to himself. Perhaps this was the night. The night that Dean would touch him, kiss him, moan his name-

"Cas?" Dean was snapping in the angel's face, "You okay?"

"Yes, of course Dean." the angel felt his face burning with embarrassment. Dean didn't even see him in such a way. There he was though, imagining Dean giving him pleasure. Ever since the incident with April, he'd refused to have any sexual intercourse. Before April he wasn't quite aware of his feelings towards Dean, but now that'd he'd been experienced he could possibly present Dean with the pleasure he wanted.

"How about the bar?" Dean suggested, which Castiel assumed would be the next words to escape his mouth. The two wandered through the crowd of flirting men and women while Castiel seemed to burn holes in the back of Dean's head. When the pair plopped into a seat Dean recited an intricate drink for both of them.

Castiel's eyes couldn't help but drift through the crowd coming to meet a man who was leaning against one of the walls. Brown hair was slicked back while grey eyes aligned with glasses traced the angel. He was exceptionally attractive, along with his attire that was similar to Deans. Never had Castiel pondered a relationship with any human being beyond Dean. Who was aware of his angel circumstance. To actually attend a date, kiss between breaths, or even gaze into the sky with another human was unimaginable. But those stormy eyes made Castiel forget all about the people around him, excluding Dean.

The man smirked and nodded in Castiel's direction indicating his presence. The blue eyed man returned the gesture when the angel noticed Dean's voice, "-then Sam came rushing in! It was by far the most hilarious case I've ever worked." the hunter was brimming tears as laughter erupted from his lungs. It only took Dean a few seconds to realize Castiel's lack of attention span. "Who you looking at?" something odd Castiel could almost trace as jealousy was hidden between the question.

"The man in the glasses is moderately attractive. Although my people skills are not assertive, would you mind giving me some pointers so that I may approach him?" the unknown man was also an option to get rid of the aching feeling Dean had been giving him. No more would he have to endure the moans of Dean and his night stands. Perhaps he could appreciate the enjoyment of having a relationship as well as falling in love.

"That guy?" Dean motioned for the man Castiel couldn't take his eyes off of. "He's nothing. just blink your innocent little eyes and he'll eat you up."

Castiel hinted the comment as literal and ignored Dean's pleas. One step after the other, he approached the man with the glasses and stormy eyes. They were nothing like the green grass Dean's orbs had. The slightly dirty blonde spiky hair Dean always wore. This man was a low rating compared to the eldest Winchester. Though Castiel didn't want to think of him.

He wanted to be happy.

"Hi," the man in glasses winked, Castiel replied by batting his eyes like Dean's suggestion. After a few moments the man asked, "Would you like to dance?"

"Of course... Uh-"

"Miles. Miles Morgan." a cheeky smile formed across those plump lips.

"Castiel. Castiel Winchester." the last name came so easily he'd forgotten it was his two best friends last names. Without hesitation Miles grasped Castiel's hand and tugged him towards the dance floor.

They pair danced and danced. The angel forgot about the hunter who was growling internally on the side of the dance floor, mentally cursing the new man in his way. Nothing but those stormy eyes took up the blue eyed man's mind.

He'd be happy. He'd make up his own life. Without the Winchester brothers.

Without Dean.


"Did you guys have fun then?" Charlie cheered internally as she linked fingers with Dorothy.

"Cas sure seemed to have fun. The man got digits and a goodbye kiss." the hunter grumbled, his heart pounding with boiling blood. He'd never admitted his feelings towards anyone but himself. The worst of it was the fact that Castiel was grinning ear to ear with a blushing gathering like acne on his face.

"Oh really?" Dorothy added a wink when Castiel nodded in assurance. His eyes dazed with a dreamy smile Miles was displaying when he exited the club.

"He invited me to dinner this Saturday evening." there was something written in Castiel's eyes. Dean had a fetish for reading Castiel and he knew something happy and unpleasant had gone down tonight. With both regret and happiness Castiel managed a smile.

"What'd you say?" it was Dean's voice this time, partially enraged.

"Yes of course."

"You just met this guy, Cas! You're already dating him?!" rage was beginning to display across his redeeming face. Castiel's expression was quite astonished. Dean was the one who encouraged him to go blink his eyes at Miles, who so willingly obliged to attend dinner with Castiel.

"Your assistance has been nothing more than grateful for the fact that you have guided me in the path of both flirting and dating Dean. He's now attending dinner with me. Was that not our goal the whole time?" Castiel wondered, concerned. Why'd he have to be concerned? Dean asked himself, why can't he just pretend to be mad at me once?

"Sure, Cas."


[3 Weeks Later]

"Cas?" the angel had his mind whirling with thoughts of his boyfriend who was currently texting him. A blush rose to his cheeks when he glanced at the text claiming his adorableness. Miles had been contacting Castiel for the last few weeks while also asking to be in a relationship with him. Castiel obliged with the uncertainty of Dean behind in his brain. Part of his was still possessive over the hunter. If he had to still choose, he'd take the eldest Winchester. That piece of him made himself angry. Why couldn't he just stay content with the man who had chosen him?

"Yes Dean?" Castiel had been chatting with Dean less and less. Something was still hidden behind those green eyes of his and Castiel didn't like the look of it. Perhaps he was jealous, but Castiel knew Dean never looked for a relationship. He just wanted a pleasurable time. Something Castil had been more than welcome to provide from previous weeks. Anything that made Castiel feel at home.

Dean made Castiel feel at home.

"Would you like to grab drinks with Sam and I? Or are you planning to go make out with your boyfriend?" there was no mistaking the aggravation and jealousy in his voice. The angel glimpsed towards Dean, slightly irritated.

"Unfortunately, Dean, I cannot attend because Miles and I are making tacos here at the bunker because I'd like him to get to know the both of you. He's more than willing to take time out of his day to meet the Winchester brothers that I brag about each and every day." if Castiel was honest, he still hasn't kissed his new boyfriend. That small crush was still yearning for Dean. Something he hasn't gotten rid of yet.

"What? You couldn't ask us?" Dean barked, spit producing from his lips. Sam was now in the room, fully aware of the situation. Never did Dean admit his feelings to his brother, but it wasn't hard to see what was truly there. He missed the fact that the two would talk for hours upon hours about things. Dean would even teach Castiel the ways of movies and tv shows. Recently the angel had gotten into something called Doctor Who. Now those moments were gone, they were too busy pining over each other. Whimpering in their rooms for hours. If only he could have done something to help them realize what was honestly behind the shattered hearts.

"I think it's a great idea." Sam continued, "Personally, I'd like to meet him. Cas talks about him all of the time." red popped onto the angel's cheeks, heat spreading through his skin. This was a way of easing the tension. Dean didn't seem to see it that way though. Instead his face was white with ash, truly lost at sea. Almost as though he was about to be sick.

"You know what? Screw you! Screw the both of you! This Winchester is going to go get drunk and bang fifteen girls and none of you can stop me!" the next sound was the slam of a door before Castiel could offer another suggestion. Baby revved through the streets into the night carrying an infuriated hunter who was out for blood.



Dean groaned as he rubbed against the girl's body. His thoughts distracted by a certain angel. The girl captured his lips again except this time he recognized nothing but alcohol. For the past few days Dean has been fragging girls home. Only because he didn't want to think about Castiel. Before Miles and him had gotten close Dean had discovered hidden feelings. He'd been trying to outrun them by sleeping with girls, but once he managed to get close to any of them, something was off. All he could think about was stripping off a trench coat from a certain angel. Or brushing his fingers through those delegate hairs that were already spiraling in various directions.

The girl beneath him paused, studying him. He shoved her from his bunker room intending to upset Castiel, who was evidently asleep. Snoring was erupting from the room beside his. A sudden dream that perhaps one day he could have the opportunity to fall asleep next to a snoring angel. He wanted Castiel, not a random girl.

He wanted his angel.

Flashback Ended

"I love him." Dean muttered to himself, as though to find the answer in his cup of beer. The bartender was listening to his son story, just continuing to listen. Not an objection came from his newfound friend. Just a nod and comprehension. Those three words just soared from his tongue. He didn't know what he was saying, what he was thinking. It just came out. Like it was a habit or no choice at all. There was nothing holding him back from repeating it again or taking back his words.

Few hours earlier when he stormed from the bunker he had murdered a few demons. Killing creatures always helped get things off of his chest. What he would have really liked to have done would have been to kill a certain human who had a certain name Miles, except there was nothing to prove his case that he was any type of creature luring itself towards Castiel. He was a real human being who was interested in a real angel. Why couldn't Dean have moved faster that night? He enjoyed the idea of being able to spend separate time with a special angel at the bar. Then again, because of his thoughts and actions he allowed that beautiful man to go introduce himself to someone he was now competing with. Inside he was begging to yank Castiel back that night and slam his lips to the angel. Just so then he could have spoken to him how much he truly meant.

For weeks Dean had been attempting to hide his feelings, now he was getting drunk over them. He could kissing, holding, or even making love to the angel if only he would have spoken sooner. It was evident that Castiel had some hidden feelings towards Dean, because he was upset that Dean didn't fight for him or even save him. Now it was too late. He'd screwed it up. Over and over. It was his chance to have something right in a life of wrong.

"If you love him, why are you here?" the bartender questioned, puzzlement in her voice.


"If you're in love. There's no reason to be moping around, whether or not he's married or dating or freaking single! He needs to know." the bartender just finished the sentence to herself because Dean was already flying from the door.


"Is this okay?" Miles and Castiel were now sitting on Castiel's personal bed, and the angel decided it was time to get over the hunter who lived next door. He wanted what Miles wanted. Miles hand was stroking the blue eyed man's cheek. Castiel nodded in agreement.

Without another word, lips were connecting together. Castiel found Miles' lips bitter and nothing sparked between the connection. Castiel pressed forward, hoping to find dorm thing else when a hand started moving along his thigh. Then a memory can swimming back to when Dean had once patted Castiel's thigh. Suddenly, Castiel was eager and hungry. He pushed Miles against the bed as the human combed his fingers through Castiel's hair not protesting. Lips clashed and burned as they fought for dominance.

The pounding of the door sounded through the room, except neither of the pair recognized the sound. Castiel was bucking against Miles hips, his pants scrunching together.

A crash startled the lovers as the realized Dean Winchester was in the doorway. His eyes blazing with determination but then his face fell when he reorganized the scene. The lovers lips couldn't separate fast enough, Castiel's hair was more angled than usual, and buttons were undone on Miles' shirt. Unlikely tears were gathering in the hunter's eyes when blue and green battled against each other. There was no longer that connection. Miles was nothing to Castiel while Dean was everything. He just wanted to be happy without Dean. He didn't want to be biting back tears while Dean had sex with other girls. He wanted to pleasure Dean himself, hold him, or even kiss him.

"Is there something going between you too?" Miles voice was the one to speak. He wasn't that taken back, or confused as the hunter and his fellow angel. Honestly he wasn't upset either, just comprehension.

"No." the pair recited.

"Look, I get it Cas." Dean winced at the common nickname Miles used that he bestowed upon his angel. "If you like him- love him- then you should be with him." there were no objections as he rustled out of the room. A heartbroken Dean scraping his fingers through his own hair.


"Shut up, Cas."


Before he could say another word a pair of lips crashed upon his. Castiel immediately responded with recognition as well as eagerness. They batted with tongues and lips. Castiel never wanted the infinite feeling of contentment to end. He could never get enough. Dean shoved the angel against the wall, gripping his hips.

"Just so you know, I'm still mad at you." the hunter gasped as he drifted onto Castiel's neck peppering kisses. Their bodies bucked at each other with energy. Suddenly Castiel couldn't even remember Miles name. It was as though he was never actually there.

"Totally. Let's continue mad sex first." Never did Dean expect such words to come from the angel's lips.

Dean liked it.

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