How To Text (Part 2)

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Title: How to Text (Part 2)
Rating: PG-13
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: Castiel learns the theory of texting.


Message: Received 11:11 pm

Dean, it is 11:11. Make a wish

cas, you are a few feet away from me

You don't know that, it could be your imagination.

i just nailed you in the head with a wad of paper and you yelled at me. i think you're real

What did you wish for Dean?

for you and sammy to be happy

I am happy, Dean. Are you happy?

not just yet

Why is that, Dean? You have your brother, along with several friends. Perhaps some of them have passed but they have no regrets. Ellen, Jo, Ash, and Bobby all left with love and sacrifice.

you didn't mention the one thing i truly want though

I believe I've mentioned everyone...

what about you cas? where do you fit into my story?

I'm not important, Dean. Your brother and family are important.

that's not correct, cas. you mean so much to me. perhaps more than you know

You mean a lot to me too, Dean.

Message: Sent 11:34 pm


Cas, I've told you. They don't have emojis on your type of phone. If you want emojis you need a smart phone.

That is not what I'm asking about, Sam. Though I thank you for your suggestion.

Then what can I help you with, Cas?

Does Dean enjoy my company?

I believe so...

Does he often times gaze at me too long?


Does he find penises attractive in anyway? On any person?

Uh... Not sure...... How about you ask him these questions?

Online it says that I'm not to inform the person I'm in love with until I have true proof that he feels the same way back. Or I might embarrass myself.

You love Dean?

I believe so. I find him attractive in many ways.

Well, Dean does like penises on certain people.


Yes, especially Dr. Sexy.

Does he enjoys blue eyes?

Blue eyes are his number one turn on.

Oh really? Is dressing as a maid in a seductive way also a turn on for Dean?

Even better.

How about guy eyeliner?

Lay off on that. Dean finds natural looks more sexy.

Do you think Dean would like me to pleasure him? Or would he like to pleasure me?

How about you find out...

Okay. Thank you, Sam. Your suggestions have helped immensely.

Your welcome.

Message: Received 2:59 pm

How's it going with, Cas?

not sure, we talked a bit last night about what we wanted

Oh, yeah? Do you think he likes you?

maybe, he defiantly didn't reject me so that's a sign

True. Should I text him for you?


You got his number?

yep: IMA-CAS-1967

{a/n you welcome ;)}


Message: Received 3:05 pm

Castiel? This is Charlie.

Hello Charlie. It's nice to be in contact with you.

You as well.

What can I help you with? Or do you simply want to chat?

Actually I was contacting you because I was wondering how you felt about Dean?

He is very kind and loving.

That's what I said when I introduced him to a guy that he could possibly date.

Date? Dean likes guys?

Unbelievable isn't it?

Dean just always seemed adamant about his affections towards girls. Did he tell you himself?

Oh yeah. He thought this guy I knew was pretty hot.

Who was he?

His names Jason.


You jealous?

No... Why would I be?

I just know you two are rather close sometimes.

I guess... Can I tell you something?

Sure! Anything, Cas!

I think I'm in love with Dean.

Oh really?

Yes, but I was aware that he only like certain penises.

Oh, okay. Well you should make your move.

Well if your friend Jason and Dean are interested in each other it would probably be a loss.

Your cuter than Jason. Make your move and Dean will never regret it.

I will take your suggestion into account. Thank you, Charlie. Much appreciated.

Anytime, Cas.

Message: Received 9:38 pm

It worked.

Finally! It's about time!

Thanks, Charlie. Couldn't have done it without you.

It was honestly a great idea to get him a phone.


How do you know it worked?

Dean's room is next to mine and I keep hearing Cas hollering Dean's name who's response his grunting. I think he enjoyed the touch I added where Cas showed up in a maid costume.

Dean better thank me later.

We did good Sam. We did good.

Message: Sent 11:08 pm

That was very enjoyable Dean.

cas. again with the txting right near me? you are literally snuggled in my arms naked while tryin to txt me

You responded.

don't ever wear that costume again ok?

Did you not enjoy it Dean? Should I purchase a more seductive looking one on the internet?

that was the problem cas. i enjoyed it a little too much

Next time I'll purchase a whip instead.

oh dear lord help me

My father is currently not in the room.

forget it cas



Are you going to sleep?

maybe... why?

It is now 11:11.


Do you now have everything you want?

everything and more

Goodnight, Dean.

night cas

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