In Between the Lines AU

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Title: In Between the Lines
Rating: PG
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel Novak
Summary: "Look between the lines. Read between the words. The most important things are left unsaid and unheard."

{Dedicated to my new amazing friend, Itsme_BrandonS because their amazing and no one should even question it}

The first picture was of the child that was layered in a large amount of clothing for warmth, his cheeks expanded from the cold air that caused his skin to create a rosy color. His eyes were bright blue, sprinkled with life and adventure which made him seem to be destined for greatness. Snow had scattered abroad the ground, a shovel buried deep in the white blanket. Although there was a second child with his arms draped around the first kids shoulder, eyes glistened from the color green with a unexplainable enormous grin stretched across his lips. Perhaps a laugh was conjured from a previous joke or action.

Anyone may have seen this picture as an adorable of two children simply reacting to a certain joke. Except to Dean Winchester it was a reminder of himself and his best friend at the age of ten, content and unaware of their future. As kids there was never a contemplation attitude, only to accomplish whatever processed through their mind. Being a child gave the ability to relax, not have the worthy that possibly another thing could tumble in the way. Someone in higher authority could sacrifice themselves so they didn't have to face the feat alone.

The second picture was of two boys, fingers untwined while their palms met in the middle as their second arm rested on both shoulder and hip. Foreheads attached, bodies swayed while the for fires were surrounded in disco lights with the accompaniment of other young adults. All focused, no one's eyes met anyone's besides their partners. Blue battled against green as the two main characters took their stance in the middle, that was when the snapshot was captured. Both of the boys had pretended not to realize the flash that shattered from their side view that night.

To Dean Winchester it was a moment that he cherished every second of every day. A small moment that explained the relationship between himself and his best friend, that perhaps love was found in the closest of places. Where you least expected it to be. That night he had danced and shuffled to the music with his body aligned to not only his boyfriend, but the man that he'd spend the rest of his life with until further notice. It was also the night where Dean admitted to his partner that he loved him, then he'd lost his virginity to the only person he would ever be destined to love.

Another picture was of a wedding, two men placed at the end of the isle with hands entangled together. Neither had bothered to notice the man across from them as he pronounced their marriage vows. Only the infinite sea of their future together swam throughout their thoughts, smiles alike. Clearly it was a wedding that would never be forgotten, people most likely shed tears from the side of the pews that framed the picture.

This was the only snapshot of Dean's wedding. He'd begged his mom to burn the access pictures after he incident with his husband. The way their eyes gazed into each other was no secret. It was unbelievably clear that the love between them was no accident, no small moment, because no matter what occurred they always had each other. There was just that feeling with blue battled against green as hands stayed grasped together.

The last procure they had before the incident was a photo in which Dean had been pleased by his husband to take what was referred to as a "selfie". With a sigh he had obliged and then his husband cheekily smiled while the car sped down the rode. Later that night, a car had pulled out in front of the couple which caused an accident. Dean had awoken paralyzed by the scene of his loved one practically dead. After a few hours someone had managed to locate them and inform the authorities of their location. By this time it was too late.

As Dean laid out the pictures in the dirt, his hands started convulse from remembrance, tears slipped down his cheeks. He missed the man that he could laugh at in the snow, the man he danced with at prom without people's judgement, the way both of their eyes met as a promise, and the final smile that never ceased to light up his day.

"They keep me sane," Dean chuckled to himself as he recalled the moments, his voice calloused from the tears. "Everyday I stare at them for hours, a faint hope that when I look up you'll be there to tell me it was all just a dream. That the last thing we had together wasn't an accident. You could have died from age, or sickness. Instead it was an accident that took the life you were destined to have. If only I could have treated you better before you left me. Sometimes you would just ramble on about work and I could nerves even listen to you because I was so focused on how beautiful those eyes were when they met mine. Now I would listen to your rant about crap all day, if only I could have you back."

More tears eased down his neck line, green eyes pierced the sky, then he shifted back to glare at the gravestone. "The pictures never mattered, it was the things in between that only you and I noticed." though he plastered a fake smile, "Goodbye, Cas."

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