In Bondage AU

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Title: In Bondage
Rating: PG-13
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel Novak
Summary: Some stranger may be the one to save you from infinite bondage.

{Trigger Warning: Mentions of cutting, abuse, homophobia, and suicide}

The water swayed across the bridge barriers, droplets already descended from the sky from the thunder storm. Lightning flashed in various directions that was followed by the bellowing of thunder. None of the cars that dashed by noticed the small figure who had a stance on the edge of the bridge. His body flailed in the rain while it was cloaked in the darkness of the night. Every piece of him was exhausted from the stress and disappointment. Never did he have the ability to satisfy his father, the one family member that hadn't abandoned him. Although it wasn't his choice as a minor. He'd be released from his father's custody soon enough, yet there was nothing awaiting his presence in the future. No vision for his life. He was bound to his past, that was why he had to escape.

"Mom?"the faint voice sounded from the stairs, he shivered from the recent violent cried of his mother. It had awoken him in the midnight hour. Blood was spewed across the carpet while pieces of shattered glass were scattered across the floor, disfigured. The boy's father was had a stance over the mother, a beer clutched in one hand. It was often times that the son awoke from the sounds of crashes and screams. He'd never acted upon such noises, something just clicked in his mind this time. Perhaps curiosity or worry.

"Would you like a turn, faggot?" the father pressed on towards the small child who now shivered with disgust and fear. His fingers trembled, eyes stained with recent tears. Along with the formed tears that threatened to escape.

"Derek, please just let him be." the mother pleaded as she approached the child. Castiel sighed in relief as his mother wrapped her arms around his chest. "He is not apart of this."

"How about I just teach him a lesson?"

That was the night his mother passed, blood stained carpets along with the stain on a small child's heart. She had leaped in front of the hits his father prepared and was beaten till death. All the while Castiel hollered for him to stop, leave and never come back. He wanted nothing more to be able to one of the superheroes that he learned about in his stories. Save lives, change lives.

Then they took him to the foster home where kids bullied him, never obtained a parent. His father had ditched him after his mother's death, draped across the body. Several kids continued to verbally abuse him, claimed he was a faggot. It was all true. He enjoyed the excitement and thrill that came with the idea of loving a boy. He had crushes throughout his years but nothing came to comparison of his love for his books. Little Castiel would read endlessly about monsters and superheroes. Consistently winning the fight and saving lives. That's all he ever wanted to be.

A long breath lingered through the figures nose as he lifted his legs over the railing, nothing was now holding him back. The water's surface brushed back and forth as it created ruffles against the bridge's foundation. Rain continued to poor into the infinite blue eyes, mixing with former tears.

"Hey, Novak!" Crowley called from across the hall, a smirk layered across his lips. Castiel shivered in anticipation and zigzagged through the crowd as an attempt to flee. Before he could reach Chemistry a hand grasped onto his trench coat, yanking him back. A punch bruised both his sides, boys laughter filled the air.

It had been a week since Castiel came out which hadn't settled with many people yet. He figured that if he admitted his sexuality no one would care, everyone would know who he was before he died. It was already planned. His life would end on January 16th.

Breath by breath, Castiel eased a finger from the railing. There was no longer anyone to stop him. His mother was dead, his father may never love him, and not another would cared. One less human to suck away the air. Less human to fall infinitely. When they found his body would there be someone who would grieve or morn? Would anyone even shed a tear? Only his father would laugh at the thought of his dead son. Something like "finally" would escape those lips. The lips that he'd never have to hear utter another word.

Blood spewed from the increasing cut. The red hue sparked something in Castiel. A spark of freedom and release of exhaustion or worry. No burden. No bondage. He could gasp for air without sinking, he'd swim to the surface if only for a moment. Could he just have this moment to himself? Cuts after cuts were previously made. It caused a smile to slip across the boys lips.

Then he leapt.

Before he could make it from the bridge a hand harassed around his waist, jerking him back. It was gone. His opportunity was now washed away by the sea and poring rain. When he whipped around to scold the stranger or perhaps a figure from his life, dazzling green eyes locked onto his. Though he didn't know the character, he was smiling. A bold firm stretched on his lips, not a crease faltering.

"Whatever you're locked under, whatever is taking you bondage. There should always be a person to keep you here. To inform you that it's alright. Possibly it'll get better, though you know it won't. Except that's what the person is supposed to tell you. Till the end of time if necessary. If there isn't an individual in your life that is willing to sacrifice for you or say something like that... Then I'll be your volunteer." His breath shown in the freezing rain that continued to reverberate through the midnight sky.

"Who are you?" Castiel sighed, tears slipped through his eyes.

"The names Dean Winchester, and I'm your savior."

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