Mary Winchester Knows All AU

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Title: Mary Winchester Knows All
Rating: PG-13
Ships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Ruby/Sam Winchester
Summary: Christmas has arrived and Mary Winchester has invited her boys over during the holidays. She allows Sam to bring his new found girlfriend Ruby, while Dean suggests that he bring a friend. Except when Dean arrives with a boy named Castiel, Mary knows that there's something Dean feels that isn't just friendship.

"Cas, stop fidgeting. They're going to love you. Besides, what's the big deal anyways, they're just my parents." Dean attempted to ease Castiel's tension except the boy refused to stop ruffling his blue scarf that matched his identical pair of blue eyes. Though Castiel was nervous, Dean found it undeniably adorable. Honest to God, Dean thought, if he keeps wearing that scarf I think I'm going to have to change my jeans frequently.

"Apologies, Dean. I'm afraid not many friends invite me over to their house. Also my people skills seem to be outdated, I often begin muttering in Italian when people greet me. It's one of the perks of being a Novak." Castiel replied, then pushed himself out the door of the Impala, who was followed promptly by Dean. "your parents decorate?" his question was abrupt to Dean when he noticed Castiel's question.

A  cardboard grinch was planted on top of their house with a red Christmas bag draped over his back. Lights dotted the rims of the house, while reindeer were spread throughout the lawn. What caught Dean's eye was a large Santa Claus that seemed to be clutching its crotch area. "Is that Santa-"

"I believe so..." Castiel finished his sentence admiring the abnormally odd Santa. The boys proceeded up the front porch stairs and Dean gently knocked on the door. The pad of footsteps was heard, then the unlocking of the door to meet Mary Winchester's bright green eyes. Almost as beautiful as Dean's, Castiel thought to himself.

"Dean! Castiel!" Mary chuckled giddily embracing her son. Dean beamed and nodded towards Castiel who outstretched his hand. "it's great to finally meet you. Dean never shuts up about you, is it true that you've won a full ride to Ripke University?" she shook his hand, the words tumbling from her mouth.

"Yes, and it's a pleasure to meet you Mrs. Winchester." Castiel formed a faint grin in which Mary returned.

"Please, call me Mary. You are probably starved! Come on in! Sam and Ruby arrived a few minutes before you." the two boys shuffled in, slipping off their shows when Sam waltzed in, a girl latched to his arm.

"Sammy!" Dean called embracing his brother and kissing Ruby on the hand. "been a while. How's law school?"

"It's been fantastic. Ruby has been helping me study for Economics because I seem to be struggling with it. Everything else is going great though. This must be Castiel?" Sam was a large fellow, at least six inches taller than Castiel. He'd thought that he was normal for a guy, until Sam greeted him. Ruby nodded towards him in acknowledgement. They all exchanged smiles and laughs when Mary hollered for dinner.

"Ruby seems nice," Castiel approached Dean as Sam and his girlfriend shifted into their seats. Dean nodded and linked his fingers with Castiel's leading him into the dining room. Both Dean and Castiel were now blushing as red as blood as they slipped into their designated seats. Dean turned to his mother who was noting something to herself when she placed a ham in the middle of the table which was surrounded by mashed potatoes and gravy, corn on the cob, cranberry jam, and biscuits.

"Your father will be joining us shortly. He had a call in at work he had to attend to." Mary snuck into one of the seats at the end of the table. Dean reached for a biscuit when Mary smacked his hand away. "Dean Winchester, would you like to say grace for us since you've been so kind as to ruin my biscuits?"

"Of course mother," Dean's tone was guilty when he continued, "Lord, we come to you today to thank you for your birth. In thanks that we can all meet together and eat together as a family. Amen." with the words said, not to everyone's surprise, they dove for the food.


Dean shuffled into the kitchen to help his mother begin washing the dishes when she noticed his gaze was on a certain blue eyed boy who was twiddling his thumbs on the couch responding to Sam but clearly far away in his head. "Castiel seems nice," she suggested before stacking another plate into the dishwasher. Dean's eyes dazzled with hope, a involuntary smile spreading across his lips.

"He's means everything to me." Dean added, more as a statement. "can't image life without him." Mary gave a weak smile, she loved her son. Whether he loved a girl or boy, and obviously Dean had chosen. He just didn't know it for himself yet.

"He feels the same way you know," Mary added as Dean's cheeks grew warm. He mumbled in disagreement when Mary offered, "Dean, you both can't look at each other at the same time, you can't touch without turning into a tomato, and you decided to drag him along over at other friends you've made. You're practically drooling over each other, just waiting to make the next move. Don't pretend the connection isn't there. Dean Winchester, you're my son. There's no difference to me whether you're in love with a man or a cow... Take that back. Except that's besides the point. Your father may take some convincing but that's nothing on my part. Now go get him." Math nudged her son into the direction of the Christmas tree that Castiel, Sam, and Ruby were surrounding.

Dean leaned over to press a kiss to his mother's cheek then he sauntered into the living room. He ruffled Castiel's already sex hair, who's cheeks began to burn with embarrassment. Dean whispered, "Can I talk to you real fast- outside?" Castiel agreed, slightly concerned. They roamed outside onto the back porch. Castiel and Dean slipped into their coats and snuggled in close to exchange breaths.

"What is it you needed to discuss with me Dean?" Castiel's voice became faint, perhaps fearful of the continuation of the conversation.

"Cas," Dean was practically about to barf over his own words. It was like rust scraping against metal. Castiel had girlfriends before, so he wasn't sure how far of a stretch this was. For a while he dated Meg Masters, a girl who shared Chemistry with Castiel. She seemed aware of Dean's feelings towards Castiel. She constantly made sure to squeeze herself in between them. At some point she even tried to get Castiel to switch dorms, that was the passing point for Castiel. He could no longer take it and ended it. He never told Dean of her concerns, because he was embarrassed.

"Since you've come into my life there's been another person occupying my body. Someone who is only present when you're around. You light me up every time we chat or touch. It's just something I can't deny anymore. At first it was just these signals that got me off edge. I often questioned them but shoved them away almost instantly. Then I realized how I felt about you, but by then Meg was clinging to your arms. What I'm trying to say is..." then the words just stopped. There was nothing coming from his mouth.

"Dean? Are you okay?" Castiel was suddenly brushing away a tear Dean didn't even know he was holding back.

"God!" Dean huffed, banging his fist against the porch. "I screwed this all up." he was scraping his hands against his face trying to find the answer he was searching for. Then a hand guided it's way towards Dean's face.

Castiel laced his lips with Dean's who suppressed a squeak of surprise. Their lips brushed together in sync when Dean draped his hands around Castiel's neck. Castiel murmured a moan and squeezed Dean's hips together with his, creating not a breath of space. Dean swept his tongue across Castiel's bottom lip before they separated, foreheads touching. Castiel's lips formed a smile then he whispered, "I'll take care of you later."

Later that night Castiel convinced Dean that his Christmas present was at a hotel close to his parents house. Before they managed to leave, Mrs. Winchester snuck a condom into Dean's pocket before he said goodbye.

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