Monsters Under the Bed

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Title: Monsters Under the Bed

Rating: PG

Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel 

Summary: "We stopped checking for monsters under our bed when he realzied they were inside us." - The Joker

Another punch landed on the face of the angel, anger boiled beneath every launch. There wasn't a cell that hollered at him to pause for a second, not a breath that heaved a sigh of disappointment. Fists of rage and regret. Blood of destiny. It was bound to come, this day. The day that Dean Winchester could no longer be human, and it seemed at some times that he wasn't even a demon. Some monster was controlling his every breath and movement. Scars that may never heal, memories that he could never forget. He was trapped in this body, no one possessing these actions. There was no stopping the burning sensation that chilled beneath his spine when he felt the weight lifted from his back when another body crumbled to the ground. This was it. Now he was holding the life of the only person he'd every truly loved.

Castiel, Angel of the Lord. 

"Dean," the blue eyed angel rasped, red blood that spilled between his teeth. Another swing, another loss, another life, another regret. "T-This... it isn't you." he struggled to breath through the blood that fused with his saliva. The first blade was attached to his hand, like a tattoo. There was no placing the weapon down that started it all. The weapon started it, it might as well end it. When Dean first touched the blade it was like a realization. He seemed to come to terms with everything, how it was all settling. Along with settling things in his mind, he settled with absent emotions. Emotions that he had but never acted upon. All of those small conversations, touches, and laughs he shed with Castiel. All that love that was never cherished, never presented. 

"You're wrong, Cas. This has been me all of the time, you were just too burdened to see it. There was this shell under here all along I was just too afraid to present it. To show people what I was internally feeling and thinking. Now that I have this release, I can act. When I'm standing above a person, about to murder them, take their life... it feels like this was what I was meant to accomplish all along.  There's something blinding you, Cas. It's hope. Stupid, unworthy hope. Too bad it's wasted on something like me." it was all true, every word Dean uttered. He wasn't a human, not a demon, not a brother, a son, or even a lover.

"Nevertheless, you're also wrong Dean. A little thing like hope doesn't blind me." he seemed to have swallowed the blood, he could breath for just a moment so that he could capture the monster's eyes. His attention, it all was too far away. There was no both of them making it out of this. One was to die. The end was here, if not for one but for love. Perhaps they'd never remember the day where they were happy. The pair was no longer connected like the first touch from hell, or the day they ventured to the strip club to get Castiel laid. No, this was the end of a friendship. The end of a story that never had the happy ending that people dream of. Except they both knew, and they accepted it. 

"Then what is it?" for just the moment of silence there was no monster. It was just Dean Winchester and his angel. Same angel that dragged him from hell and saved his life multiple times. Time after time. "What blinds you?"

"Love. Love blinds me. Dean Winchester, I am eternally in love with you." just before Castiel could pore his heart out to his once best friend, Dean plunged the blade. It sunk deep, stripping away the skin. Blood seeped through the dark colored shirt, a pool of blood flowing from the abdomen. It was over. The end.

The end of Dean Winchester.

"No! No, Dean. Please, please, this can't happen! What did you do?" tears brimmed the angels eyes as he caught the hunter with the first blade embedded into his chest. Castiel wished he could replace his body with his own. He was destined to be the one to die. Dean was supposed to live the rest of his life, find a cure with Sam. Marry a beautiful girl, have kids, breath a breath of fresh freedom from hunting. Castiel was an angel. An immortal being that no longer wished to see life without Dean. In a way, he wanted death. A life without Dean Winchester wasn't a life he was prepared to live. 

"C-Cas..." Castiel was still replaying the events that occurred over and over in his head, attempting to comprehend what happened. His human would be gone, his love would be gone. "You're not... alone.... I-I.. love you, C-Cas..." then the last breath of a beloved human whispered into the air, breezing away. No more struggling, no more love, no more suffering. This was what they both wanted. They both wanted death. In their own way, there was no living without each other. 

The fallen angel bellowed a cry into the night air, as though a reminder that love was a sin as much as it was a blessing. 

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