Prayers of Hope

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Title: Prayers of Hope
Rating: PG
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: "I prayed to you, every night."

"Hey, Cas. Just checking in on angel radio. It's been a few hours here in purgatory after you left. Not what happened, though I'm sure you'll manage to find me. You always do. Killed a few vampires today along with finding some water. Thought about you too many times to count. Are you getting my prayers? There's just a piece of me that feels you're still loopy. Either way I'd be happy to have you. Keep safe, Cas."

"I will, Dean." Castiel replied into the open silent air, with the brush of leaves following the dark night sky.


"Had an interesting day today, Cas. It started wild with attacks upon attacks with vampires. Makes me miss Sammy, you know? There was this one job that we did where Sam literally shrieked like a bird as a warning sign them he tripped over a barrel that was in the barn. What a moose. Anyways, was wondering if you could find me? It's getting a bit boring without someone by my side. Except I still miss you. This might just be me talking to myself if you're angel radio isn't working. Let's just say it's more comforting talking to myself out here. Hope you're finding everything you need. Is your mojo on? Possibly that's why you haven't found me yet. Not sure what the rules are for angels in purgatory." there was a chuckle, then a rasp for words. "Be quick, Cas."

"Another time, Dean." Castiel responded to himself before he launched off a head of another vampire. The eldest Winchester was inches away, unaware of the angel's presence who was constantly saving his life without his knowledge. "Goodnight."


"Found a friend. His names Benny. Seems like a nice guy, though he's a vampire. Been keeping my makeshift knife in my back pocket just in case. He seems like he'll be a good addition as a friend. We're going to find you. I have hope, Cas. There's no stopping me. Not until my body is limp will I quit fighting for you. As much as this may make you uncomfortable, we're connected, Cas. Ever since you raised me from hell, there's been this piece of me that hasn't disappeared. This determination. It's because of you. Not sure what it is, but I care about you. Dearly. Perhaps you'll never even know, but I need you, Cas. Come back."

"I love you too, Dean." somehow Castiel knew that Dean wasn't admitting that he needed hi presence, but his love. Not another prayer came. Dean had eventually found him and they continued on their quest. With one thing in mind.

How much they needed each other.

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