Why Does Love Hurt?

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Title: Why Does Love Hurt?
Rating: PG
Ships: Dean Winchester/Castiel
Summary: "I need you to promise me something. If I go dark side, you gotta take me out."

"Oh come on, this is child's play!" a deep voice echoed from the vessel of Dean Winchester, black orbs surrounding his pupils. Not a speck of the once forest green Castiel would drown in, just an infinite sea of black. The demon was currently twirling a angel sword in his grasp, while Castiel was grasping the demon blade Sam had presented to him. They both knew what had to be done to Dean. The angel believed that for Sam's sake, it should be his duty along with a promise Dean had made him vow to. It was his mistake. He allowed Dean to twist into this animal. "The famous Castiel, angel of the Lord can't even defeat a single demon. What is it, Cas? Am I distracting you with this seductive body?"

A horrifying chuckle escaped the monster's lungs when Castiel lunged at Dean with his knife. Dean swiped it away without a single breath of energy when Castiel locked an arm around Dean then proceeded to flip him in his place. The demon's dark eyes furrowed when Castiel latched onto the demon when he dropped to the ground. Dean landed a punch in the angel's face that caused a splatter of blood to flow from Castiel's lips. Dean rolled so his position was above the angel. A deep growl of contentment grumbled its way trough Dean'a throat.

"It's truly a shame that you care so deeply for this human. No wonder those angels tossed you from heaven. Who'd love a mistake like you? How many times did you fail the Winchesters? Too many to even count on my hands." Castiel protested when launched spit onto the demon's face, saliva infused with blood. Dean pressed the angel blade against Castiel's throat. "Tsk, tsk, tsk. That's no way to treat your Dean Winchester. Now is it? Perhaps it's amusing that you believed he'd care about you. He used you Castiel. Used every ounce of energy and grace you had left. There wasn't a cell that ran through his body that actually cared about an angel."

"Shut up," Castiel barked beginning to struggle from the demon's grip despite the impossibility. Everything he was hearing was crushing him more than the demon's grasp. Dean meant everything to him, everything. Was it all true?

"God," the demon started, "when will you learn, Castiel... Love blinds you." the phrase triggered the angel. Without knowledge of his actions, Castiel absorbed his grace then his body launched up and yanked Dean by his collar. Dazzling blue eyes now possessed his pupils, Castiel's face inches from Dean's.

"That is where you're wrong. Love allows me to see what you honestly are Dean Winchester. You are a frightened, broken human. A human a who is absorbed in his own mistakes, who constantly believes that he can fix things when the whole time he continuously shatters them once again. You cannot save every human, Dean. What about you father? He's weeping in Hell this very moment and it's all of your fault. While you are here creating another mistake by becoming this demon. Samuel is also breaking down. I can hear every scream, feel every tear. It's all because of you." it was almost as though not a single word was Castiel's.

A roar shriveled through the demon, "Haha! Oh, I agree. All of those things are true about Dean Winchester. Every single word described him. Infact, you seem convinced about something. You are still defending him. You are defending love. Is that it? Castiel, are you in love with this human?"

Castiel didn't respond, he latched onto Dean's collar tighter, and eased the daggers into the air. "You know nothing," was Castiel's reply, because he had no words. There was a deep feeling towards the human that he couldn't contain. Now the demon would use it against him.

"Oh my, Castiel. Falling in love with a human? I thought you were better than this. This is astounding! What did you think was going to happen? Both you and the human would skip through the meadows together with linked arms? Are you truly that conceded? This human doesn't love you, Castiel! He despises you. It's actually amusing to think that for one second you pondered staying with this human for the rest of your life! I mean, come on! He would have died anyways, I'm doing you a favor. No longer do you have to live with the torture of witnessing a mortal die of age. This was bound to be the greatest story yet. You would live happily ever after... then what? Adopt a kid, have sex here and there- then what? Nothing. Remember to thank me one day. Love should be considered a sin Castiel, because nothing good comes out of it. Nothing." the demon's scowl was memorizing. Castiel could almost visualize Dean speaking to him, not the demon.

Castiel raised the dagger and plunged it into Dean's chest. His body crackled, light apparent when his body started becoming feeble. His skin cold, pale. Then with a flash, the once black eyes shifted into those green eyes Castiel felt he'd never witness again. The eyes were Dean's.

"Cas," Dean managed to rasp as dark blood began to stain against his shirt materiel. "D-did you mean... All of t-that?" coughs gathered from the blood that was infesting his throat.

"No," Castiel lied, he meant all of it. He'd just never admit it to Dean, or anyone else. His true self was constantly honest and brutal. The new Castiel didn't mean it.

"C-Cas... I-" the three infinite words were interrupted. The three words that would costed Dean's life in the first place. Castiel couldn't have that burden on him, knowing that Dean reciprocated his feelings all along.

"Don't. Don't, Dean." Castiel shushed him by planting two fingers on his lips, much like how he would transport himself and Dean places. "There's no use." more blood made it's way from Dean's mouth. A puddle was increasing in size from the impaction of the dagger in his chest.

"W-why does... love h-hurt...?" the question was intriguing for the angel.

"I don't know..." with that, the last breath of Dean Winchester, hunter, brother, son, friend, best friend, and lover was extinguished from his lungs.

Castiel leant down, placing a gentle kiss against Dean's forehead despite his lips trembling in attempt to withhold the sobs. Tears were already streaming from the angel's face. When he moved from Dean's face he lifted the dead body from the ground. With just the thought, his wings soared him onto a cliff that overstretched deep water.

"May you rest in peace Dean Winchester, my hunter." within hours Castiel buried Dean's body into the ground. Much like Samandriel had once cried when Dean and Castiel had saved him, Castiel screeched out into the heavens all night long. Uncontrollable weeping and yanking at his hair was the only thing he did the whole night.

Many years later he reached into Hell and regenerated a body. His name was Jeremy Fischer, one night he approached the angel and wondered, "Who were they, Castiel? The person you fell for?"

"His name was Dean Winchester." Castiel nearly choked on his own vomit. Never had Jeremy brushed on the subject on his past. Castiel had made it rather clear that he was sore on that subject.

"Why does it hurt?" the words drifted past the human's lips.

"Why does what hurt, Jeremy?"

"Why does love hurt?"

"Maybe it is because the overpowering knowledge to know that something will always hold you back is present. Even though the feeling is abnormally pleasant, it is a constant face that is gazing back back at you. You will always have the idea that there is something yo are fighting for. Then when it is gone... The burden is no longer there. Except you have become numb to it, and you want it back. The pleasant feeling is worth the infinite pain." was the response that Castiel whimpered towards his companion.

I found the answer, Dean Winchester. Now come and find me.

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