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Dean paced the floor; going back and forth with such speed that Sam was getting dizzy by just watching him. He was running his hand down his face randomly, slightly squeezing.

"Will you stop that?!" Sam yells, putting his hands up. "You're making me nervous."

Dean stops, turning towards Sam, hands out to him.

"Wouldn't he had called by now?"


"I mean," Dean begins to pace again. "He would've called by now. Do you think something has happened?"

"Oh, you're talking about Cas." Sam says, finally getting it.

"Well who else would I be talking about?" Dean says. His voice was beginning to sound irritated. "Cas is the only other person that lives here."

"He might have lost track of time." Sam says picking his book up.

Dean shakes his head. "No, something is up."


Sam and Dean turn to see Castiel standing near the table. Dean puts his hands on his lower hips and puts his left leg out.

"What took you so long?"

Castiel gives Dean a confused look. "It is," He looks at a nearby clock. "8:30 PM."

"Yeah, but you left at eleven this morning. That's a long time, Cas."

Castiel, getting defensive, crosses his arms on his chest. "When did you become my father, Dean?"

"The exact moment when you thought it was okay to just take off for hours," Dean's voice was getting louder.

By this sentence Sam had put his book down and was turning his head back and forth like he was watching an intense tennis math.

"Last time I checked, Dean, I was an adult. I can look after myself."

"You are an angel in an adult body. You don't understand most things because of that. You didn't know what Sesame Street was!"

"I am sorry that educating myself on popular children shows were not on the top of my list!"

Dean rolls his eyes and turns away, walking to the kitchen.

"Nom" Castiel walks after him. "You are not allowed to walk away mid-argument. You started it you will end it properly."

When both men were in the kitchen-room, Sam took this time to run to his room.

Dean opens the refrigerator with force, grabs a beer, and then shuts the door.

"Cas, let's drop it."

Castiel shakes his head. "No, I want to know why you are so concerned about my being "late"." He uses air-quotes.

"Because," Dean stops his sentence, thinks about it, shakes his head, and then takes a drink.

"What?" Castiel tries to maintain eye contact with the green-eyed mystery.

Dean doesn't say anything, just stares blankly into Castiel's confuse blue-eyes.

"What?" Castiel raises his voice in anger,

Why couldn't Dean just spit it out already?

"Because when you're late," Dean pauses, touching the kitchen table with one finger. "I always think something bad has happened."

Castiel's facial expression softens a bit. "Dean, I know how to fight. I can pro-"

"Yeah, I get that." Dean says setting his beer down. "But there's always that possibility."

Castiel walks pass Dean to the refrigerator. He gets a soda from it then sits at the tiny table.

"I think you worry too much, Dean."

Deans smiles a bit. "That's kind of my job."

"You always worry about everyone else." Castiel wasn't listening to Dean.

Dean looks at Castiel's face, who was staring at the table's top.

"Do you not think Sam and I get worried when you do that?"

"I never really-"

"Yeah, you never really thought about it." Castiel sips his drink. He looks at the can, really looks at it. "You know what's weird?"

"What?" Dean continues to stare at Castiel.

"I always forget what Dr. Pepper tastes like."

Dean smiles.

"So then I wonder what Dr. Pepper tastes like and I forget why they call it that." Castiel rambles. "But then I taste it and remember."

"Is that how things work in your mind?" Dean asks.

Castiel slightly shrugs. "Sometimes,"

"Listen," Dean begins. "I'm sorry about blowing up. I was just-"

"I promise to call next time."

Dean nods.

"So," He says sipping his beer. "What were you doing out so late?"

"I had I went to a park to look at some bees, so I could think. It became dark and I was about to come home, but then the fireflies started to come out. "Castiel explains. "It got distracted by them."

Dean laughs.

"Does this mean father and dad has made up?" Sam says, not really asking, walking in.

"Am I 'dad'?" Castiel asks.


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