Dare AU.

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This prompt was asked by DESTIEL_obsessed_ and they asked to write a one shot where Dean is dared to ask out Castiel and keep the relationship going until prom where he has to break up with him. 

Castiel sighed, his peers voices were echoing in his ears as he made his way towards his locker. When he finally got to his locker, there was no surprise when FAGGOT was painted onto his locker in white. 

Castiel looked down and opened his locker hurrying to get his things and get to class before Crowley found him. 

"Novak!" A guy yelled from down the hallway, Castiel closed his locker and began walking towards class in hope the boy would leave him alone. 

Unfortunately, his wish was not granted when a hand was grabbing his arm and turning him around.

"Hey Cas." The boy said. Castiel looked at the boy in front of him, it wasn't just a regular boy. It was Dean Winchester, the captain of the football team and biggest flirt. 

"What?" Castiel asked. 

"I wanted to ask if you." Dean began. 

"I'm not doing your homework Dean!" Castiel snapped and turned around, that is before Dean ran in front of him stopping him in his tracks. 

"No that's not what I was going to ask you, I was going to ask if you wanted to go on a date with me?" Dean said, rubbing the back of his neck. 

"Why? Is this some joke?" Castiel snapped. 

"No! I really like you and wanted to take you out but if you don't want to then okay." Dean said, turning on his heel and began walking away.

"Wait!" Castiel yelled. Dean turned around with a small smile. 

"I'll go out with you on a date." Castiel whispered. Dean smiled and pressed a kiss on his cheek.

"Great, i'll pick you up tonight." Dean said and turned around. 

Castiel smiled at himself and turned around and began walking to class once more. What he didn't see what Crowley high fiving Dean. 

The date went as planned, they went to see a movie then to dinner. Dean picked a horror movie which Castiel tried his hardest not to be scared but Dean noticed and he brought Castiel into his arms the best he could. 

They ate at the RoadHouse and talked until closing hours. Both boys had the best time and didn't want it to end anytime soon. 

Fast forwards 5 months and the two were dating and prom was in only 1 day. Dean had asked Castiel to the prom in front of the whole school and another. They were playing against their rival team that night a won. Dean had ran towards the announcers table and declared his love to Castiel Novak. 

Castiel was getting ready, waiting for his boyfriend to come pick him up when he gotten a text message from a blocked number. 

I hope you like your surprise tonight. 

Castiel looked at his phone until he heard his mother knocking at his bedroom door. 

"Sweetie, Dean's outside." She said, looking at her son in awe. 

"Thanks mom." Castiel said, picking up his jacket and pressed a small kiss on her cheek. 

When the two finally pulled up to their school in Dean's Chevy Impala, something seemed off. 

"Dean?" Castiel asked.

"Yeah Babe?" Dean said, looking at Castiel's direction as they made their way into the school. 

"Something seems weird tonight, I got a text message saying that they hope i like my surprise tonight. I think it was Crowley." Castiel said, shifting in his spot.

"Cas. I have to tell you something." Dean said, intertwining their fingers together. 

"What?" Castiel asked, tilting his head sideways in confusion.

"I love you. I really do." Dean said, pressing his lips onto Castiel's.

"I love you too  Dean" Castiel said smiling. 

The two boys were so busy staring at each other that they almost missed Crowley speaking on the microphone. 

"We have a very special surprise for dear Castiel." Crowley said, letting a small laugh escape his lips. His little minions walked up to Castiel and Dean and handed Dean the microphone. Dean smiled and looked at his audience. 

"Cas, 5 months ago when I asked you out, I lied to you. It was a dare." Dean said, Castiel's eyes began to water. 

"They dared me to pretend to like you until prom and then break up with you. I never knew that I would fall in love with you on the way. I know this is probably the worst things to say and the worst proposal ever but. Castiel Novak, I am so in love with you and I am so sorry for taking that dare but if I didn't I don't think I would've fallen in love with you deeply." Dean said, getting down on one knee and taking out a ring. 

Castiel looked down at the boy in front of him, letting some tears escape his eyes. 

"Why would I marry you!" Castiel yelled. "You pretended to like me this entire time! How do you expect me to believe that you want to marry me?!?" Castiel screamed, and walked past his now ex-boyfriend and began walking home. 

His phone kept going off showing him that Dean was calling him but he didn't have anything to say to him. His phone went off once more but this time it wasn't Dean. It was Mary Winchester. 

"Hello?" Castiel said.

"Castiel, I know what Dean has down, but I can promise you that he meant the proposal. I know he did a horrible thing and I understand that your mad at him, lord knows I would be too but he really does love you." Mary said into the phone, as she watched her son crying on the front balcony of their home. 

"He lied to me for 5 months. I don't know if I can forgive him." Castiel said, tears sliding down his face.

"Think of all the happy moments you two shared since you began dating." Mary whispered. It took a couple moments before Castiel replied. 

"Is he home?" Castiel asked. 

"He's outside of the balcony." Mary answered. 

"I'm on my way." Castiel said before hanging up the phone and began walking down the road to the Winchester's.

"Dean?" Castiel asked, as he walked up their driveway. 

"Cas?!?" Dean said surprised, fresh tears were plastered on his face. 

"Do you really love me?" Castiel asked. 

"I really do." Dean answered. 

"I won't marry you, but i'll give you another chance to prove to me that you love me." Castiel whispered, and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"I won't let you down I swear!" Dean promised, giving Castiel the biggest smile. 

The two boys stared into each others eyes, not noticing the smiling parents in the windows watching their son and future son in law sharing a moment. 

I hope you liked this one shot! 1143 words! I enjoy writing your guys's prompts so please do not be shy ask me!!

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