Moving In.

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So I wrote a chapter a couple days ago on my other One shot book and I realized how much I actually miss writing these!

So I am back!! And this chapter is dedicated to..... Destiel_Cuties because they are supporting my other one shot book so much! So thank you and I hope you like this one shot!

Dean and Castiel had been best friends since the 3rd grade when Castiel moved into town. Castiel wasn't the most talkative boys in school so never interacted with many people. He rather go to the library on his spare time and read some books. 

While on the other hand, Dean was always centre of attention. He loved talking to people, getting to know them and making long lasting friendships. So when Mrs. Harvelle introduced Castiel to her class Dean smiled at the little boy with the blue eyes and waved for him to come sit next to him. 

Mrs.Harvelle smiled and told Castiel to take a seat and began teaching her class. She would turn around slightly to see the two boys whispering to each other and helping each other with the work. 

Since that day, the two boys decided they would do everything together. And that's exactly what happened, they never left each others side. 

Throughout the years, rumours began about them dating. Though they never actually confronted the rumours, they knew the rumours were there just decided to not entertain them.

The year was now 2016, and the pair were looking for an apartment together. They found a beautiful apartment close to Dean's parents house that had a swimming pool, a gym inside. They even had a working wood fireplace in the living room! The place was massive and they couldn't even imagine not taking it. So thats what they did, they took the apartment. 

When their parents came to see the apartment, they couldn't help but notice that they had only one bedroom. Although they also had their own suspicions they didn't bring it up and helped the two boy set everything up and unpack. 

That night, Dean and Castiel went into their bedroom and laid on their bed and started taking about their futures. They spent hours talking until they fell asleep cuddled up to each other, and that's how they would fall asleep every night.  

Here it is! I hope you liked this 3rd person point of view one shot! It's something i've never really did before so I hope you liked it!

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